Bug PC Version 1.19.6 Bugs

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Mar 25, 2013
It looks like it's high-resolution-specific. I set my resolution to 1920x1080, 16xAA, post-processing on and there are no artifacts. It looks like Farsight needs to get some higher-resolution monitors to test on. ;)

http://i.imgur.com/UTX1fyE.jpg (1920x1080)
http://i.imgur.com/llS50Xm.jpg (2560x1440)

There definitely is an issue with AA on NVidia cards.

I just replaced my AMD 7870 with a GeForce 780 and the crispness you get with 16AA isn't there on the GeForce card.

Was scratching my head a bit when the initial complaints about the tables looking bad were being posted here and on Steam since they all looked fantastic to me. But once I put the 780 in and started launching tables I noticed right away all tables lost that sharpness they had with the AMD card.

I know there's the workaround with the 3rd party program but gonna wait on a in-game fix.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Title Bug: Crash after backing out from purchasing a table pack
OS Version: Windows 7 Ultimate (64 Bit)
Graphics Card: ATI HD5870
Ram: 8GB
Version #: 1.19.4
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080
Frequency of Occurrence: 100% of the time

Expected Result: Game doesn't crash
Actual Result: Game crashes after backing out of purchasing a table pack and then backing out of the season folder. Black "Out of Memory" screen displays, even though I have plenty of free RAM. Happens every time.



Stuart Webster

New member
Apr 24, 2013
It fails when loading the main menu music. Pressing A to continue should be fine, you'll just be without music on the menu. The root cause was from splitting the memory pools to fix the XP crash. Slightly increasing them seems to have fixed it.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
It fails when loading the main menu music. Pressing A to continue should be fine, you'll just be without music on the menu. The root cause was from splitting the memory pools to fix the XP crash. Slightly increasing them seems to have fixed it.

Sounds good, thanks for the instant reply. :D


New member
Jan 17, 2013
Title Bug: General – Scared Stiff: Crate doesn't open when reaching "Stiff-O-Meter" for the 2nd time
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 560
Ram: 8GB
Version #: 1.94
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurrence: Once (wasn't able to reach required game progress more than once)

Expected Result: When reaching “Stiff-O-Meter" for the 2nd time in one game, the crate should let the ball in.
Actual Result: When I managed to start "Stiff-O-Meter" for a second time during a single game (on ball 3, one EB in reserve), the crate did not let the ball in when hit. I hit the crate 10 or more times, and each time just the sound of hitting the closed crate was played. Therefore the "Stiff-O-Meter" mode could not be started. This did not change after the ball drained and my last EB was in play.

Comment: While the bug occured, I shot other lanes also. When I shot the web lane (the right one which increases spiderweb value) the point increase did not stop. It was running infinitely (up to a point of over 11 million, when I shot the lane again and it stopped). Not sure if this is connected to the bug described above.
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New member
Aug 10, 2013
I don't know if you can really call this a bug, but editing the high scores file with a text editor to correct an input error causes the table to start with mirrored video (left is right/right is left) and no visible GUI. GUI doesn't come back if you exit the table, you have to exit the game to fix it. Nothing relevant in the log. (A hex editor works as it should)
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New member
Nov 6, 2013
Bug: Framerate drops from 60 fps to 30fps on Scared Stiff table when selecting the lab on the spider web.
Restarting brings back 60fps.

This happens every time on the spider web.

OS: Windows 7

Graphics Card: GTX 580 SLI

Memory: 12GB

Version: 1.19.4

Display Mode: Fullscreen

Display Resolution: 1920 X 1080

I made adjustments in nvidea control panel. Seems to of solved the issue.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Title Bug: General – Scared Stiff: Crate doesn't open when reaching "Stiff-O-Meter" for the 2nd time
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon
Ram: 4GB
Version #: 1.94
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1600x900

I can confirm the SS bugs.
1.Camera locks to plunger (with flippers inactivated) during crate multiball and does not return to playfield until the next ball.
2.Ball goes through crate or doesn't enter.
Bug is similar to the Android version.

Circus Voltaire has been nice so far.

GENIE has very pink colors and the flippers look a bit strange. Victory looks much better than on my tablet.


New member
Jun 14, 2013
Think I've fixed this after installing Win 8.1 Nvidia GTX 570 driver 331.65

Title Bug: Crash after alt tab out
OS Version: Windows 8.1
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX570 Driver 327.23
Ram: 12GB
Version 1.19.4
Display Mode: Full Screen”
Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080

Frequency of Occurrence: 100% of the time every time I alt + Tab during start screen of any table crash happens trying to get back into Pinball Arcade.
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New member
Sep 22, 2013
Title Bug: Slingshots not animating on Twilight Zone table
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: Mobility Radeon 5400
Ram: 8GB
Version #: 1.19.4
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution:: 1280x800

Frequency of Occurrence: Every time

Expected Result: Slingshots should animate when hit by ball
Actual Result: Slingshot don't animate when triggered.

Comment: I do not currently have pro version
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Hef Hughner

New member
Sep 10, 2013
Title Bug: Ball Upper Playfield Black Knight
OS Version: Windows 8 (fully updated)
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce 660 ti
Ram: 8GB
Version #(Bottom right of game screen): 1.19.4
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurrence: 8 out of 10 times.

Expected Result: Flippers on the upper playfield should hit the ball correct.
Actual Result: Ball seems to go through the flippers.

Hef Hughner

New member
Sep 10, 2013
Title Bug: Ball leaves playfield on Black Knight
OS Version: Windows 8 (fully updated)
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce 660 ti
Ram: 8GB
Version #(Bottom right of game screen): 1.19.4
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurrence: 1 out of 10 times.

Expected Result: Ball should stay in play when shot with full speed on the right ramp to the upper playfield.
Actual Result: Ball shoots beyond the frame of the machine.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Title Bug: Twilight Zone - Fast shots to Camera go into gumball area
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: Mobility Radeon 5400
Ram: 8GB
Version #: 1.19.4
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution:: 1280x800

Frequency of Occurrence: 75%

Expected Result: Shots into camera area should trigger either camera award or bumper upgrade, then return ball via slot machine
Actual Result: Ball goes through camera, skips triggers/rewards - there is a pause and the ball is returned via slot machine as if nothing happened.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Title Bug: Twilight Zone - Ball in plunger lane starts in wrong position
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: Mobility Radeon 5400
Ram: 8GB
Version #: 1.19.4
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution:: 1280x800

Frequency of Occurrence: Every f'n time

Expected Result: Ball should be available to be plunged right away
Actual Result: Ball shifts around, making it impossible to do skill shots until fully rested.


Brian Reynolds

New member
Nov 6, 2013
Hah, I saw this happen last night as well. Very funny thing to see the ball shoot to the "lock" receptacle and then keep rolling right outside of the machine. This was during the multiball segment so the game continued just fine until the other balls drained and then the action continued indefinitely until I used the attendant reset option.

Title Bug: Ball leaves playfield on Black Knight
OS Version: Windows 8 (fully updated)
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce 660 ti
Ram: 8GB
Version #(Bottom right of game screen): 1.19.4
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurrence: 1 out of 10 times.

Expected Result: Ball should stay in play when shot with full speed on the right ramp to the upper playfield.
Actual Result: Ball shoots beyond the frame of the machine.


New member
Apr 28, 2013
Has anyone noticed on Circus Voltaire that a few lines at the top of the DMD built into the table get cut off?


New member
Jun 10, 2013
Bug: Twilight Zone completing standard goals doesn't unlock achievement and doesn't save my goal progress.
OS: Windows 7 64
CPU: I7 950 @ 3.1GHz
GPU: GTX 480
Version: 1.19.4
Display: 1920x1080 fullscreen

Frequency of occurrence: 100%

Expected Result: Finishing all standard goals in Twilight Zone should unlock standard goal achievement and unlock wizard goals.
Actual Result: I only have the yellow skill shot goal to achieve and when I achieve it I do get the "Goal 1 complete" yet I don't get the achievement and when I exit the game and relaunch my standard goals are reverted back to when I only needed the skill shot goal 1.

I've unlocked that goal six times and I still get the same bug. I'm not sure if it's due to the order of which I unlocked the other standard goals or what.

I'm having the exact same issue with no good gophers. I have all standard goals unlocked except for skill shot goal. Getting the skill shot does not unlock standard goal achievement and when relaunching the game reverts my goals back to what it was.

Something is up with completing standard goals with a skill shot.
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