The choice of "horror" themed tables is getting a bit meager. After so many years of releasing two horror-themed tables every Halloween. I think it's time to put that policy to sleep.
TFTC and Frankenstein. I kind of like the "horror table on Halloween" thing, even though we don't really celebrate Halloween in SwedenI say let them keep at it if there are fitting tables that are good enough to include in the collection.
I tell you what if we get 2 of these tables especially Tale's and Freddy you will not here no more begging from me about horror table's and do not get me wrong i want every single one of them on T.P.A. ..But please let them give us Tale's and Freddy ..Beside's i love the Halloween thing and i think it is cool that f.s. does this and i hope they never stop i hope they bring us all of them
I tell you what if we get 2 of these tables especially Tale's and Freddy you will not here no more begging from me about horror table's and do not get me wrong i want every single one of them on T.P.A. ..But please let them give us Tale's and Freddy ..Beside's i love the Halloween thing and i think it is cool that f.s. does this and i hope they never stop i hope they bring us all of them
------Don't worry about it.
I'm pretty sure FS will continue to stick to that custom.
----Well i am thinking the second or third table for s5 should be around October so hopefully we will get Tale's or Freddy i want both of these table's about the same do you guy's think it could happen?
I voted for TFTC-never played it, but TPA fans have been begging for this one for at last two years.
It was a total toss-up for me as to MSF or Freddy. I went for Freddy because we do need more Gottlieb lately, and it's one Gottlieb table most on here say doesn't suck.
If we do get MSF, hopefully it has Edgar Winter's "Frankenstein" as a selectable music track.
Personally, I think we should've gotten "Waterworld" for our Earth Day table.