Pinball Arcade now on Steam Greenlight!

BJ Wanlund

Dec 29, 2012
So is activision the new TPA publisher on Xbox 360? :rolleyes:

I don't rightly know, but if they are, that'd be very cool, as they need a few games to replace Blur, among others that were removed from Steam.

I happen to know Dan, and he is a pinball FANATIC. He really loves pinball, The Pinball Arcade, Pro Pinball, etc. you name the pinball game, he probably likes it.

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New member
Apr 4, 2012
I don't rightly know, but if they are, that'd be very cool, as they need a few games to replace Blur, among others that were removed from Steam.

I happen to know Dan, and he is a pinball FANATIC. He really loves pinball, The Pinball Arcade, Pro Pinball, etc. you name the pinball game, he probably likes it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Surly that's Exactly the kind of person that we need promoting TPA.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
No portrait yet. It's on my todo list.

I have obviously been in the VP world too long where Fullscreen tables refer to tables that fill the screen in portrait mode! Well done freezy for diving into the semantics :).

I hope Mike's todo list isn't like mine at work where items that have been on it for a long time end up moving so far down the list I never get to them, or I end up removing them.

Come on Farsight free up some time for Mike to do this, make a video of it on Steam running it a cab and you will be greenlit before you can say Jolly Green Giant.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Thanks for the clarification, Mike. I know that those who cry loudest aren't typically representing the majority, but portrait mode alone (and a way to launch a table directly via command line!) would be already a huge deal for the cabinet community. Getting Led-Wiz and all the toys to run is a different story, and if you look at thread like these, I'm sure the community itself will figure something out.


New member
May 10, 2012
I really hope portrait view moves up from the "to do" list to a reality before the official pc ver goes public. I was one of those that thought full screen referred to portrait :) Portrait is of course a must for cabinet owners but I believe many others who do not own a cabinet would also prefer portrait mode. I really enjoy rotating my monitor. The play field just feels so much more like the real thing in portrait than in desktop view. Keep up the good work Mike, You can do it ;-)


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Obviously, when I need a fix and I'm not near my cab, I'll also rotate the monitor on my PC, takes about as long as loading the table into VP. :)

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
It needs to be on the to-DONE list. Seriously. I've been waiting all these ages to try TPA on my virtual pin, and if it finally comes out and it CAN'T run in portrait that will be a serious kick in the beans.
It was stated a long time ago that while FarSight wants to do cabinet support for the PC version, it would not be a feature available at release.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
We added some new features to our PC build. Customized controls, resolutions, and full screen option. So we were going to have our QA here make sure there are no major issues before we release a build, hopefully soon.

Well when you implement portrait mode i would be more than happy to try a build out on my 3 screen Pincab. Speaking of 3 screens will this be an option in the PC version, to have the backglass on 1 display, dmd on another and the table on the main display?

The PC version has been in development for ages now and a main feature like portrait mode hasnt even been implemented yet, what gives
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New member
May 10, 2012
Sean: Even the IOS has portrait mode. When talking about cabinet features down the line I assumed that they meant 2 or 3 monitor setup with backglass and dmd on a separate monitor. I will not start spitting venom if portrait is not ready by release, but I sincerely hope they will prioritize it, because it is not a niche feature. It is something a lot of people who do not care about a cabinet would still want badly.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
For so many years video pinball was constrained by the now prehistoric bulky CRT televisions with their 4:3 ratio displays that weighed a ton. For years we had to put up with a scrolling displays or 3D views where the top half of the table was hardly visible. LCDs have changed the face of video pinball forever, we can now play as close to a feel cab as ever and VP users have been building cabs to make to most of LCD technology since 2009. It is now 2013 and we want the best commercial pinball product in the world to play in portrait! Pinball is made for portrait mode, like Lennon was made for McCartney, so please Farsight make it happen.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Essentially there are 2 tasks. Implement portrait, so you can rotate you monitor 90 degrees and play (like you would with an phone or tablet). And implement cabinet support. Both are on my list, cabinet is a little further down since getting it released for PC is a bigger priority.


New member
May 10, 2012
Thanks Mike. You but it much more eloquently than me :) Keep up the good work!
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New member
Mar 30, 2012
It was stated a long time ago that while FarSight wants to do cabinet support for the PC version, it would not be a feature available at release.

I wasn't talking about "Cabinet Support" I was talking about portrait mode -- that's all you NEED to play it on a cabinet. The other bells and whistles, if they come later, would be nice. But you can't play it on a cabinet at all without portrait. I'd be just fine with plain old portrait to start.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I wasn't talking about "Cabinet Support" I was talking about portrait mode -- that's all you NEED to play it on a cabinet. The other bells and whistles, if they come later, would be nice. But you can't play it on a cabinet at all without portrait. I'd be just fine with plain old portrait to start.

Plain old portrait alone would be brilliant. And it's not just cab owners who can enjoy - almost anyone can buy a cheap rotatable monitor mount.

Many thanks Mike for coming into these threads so frequently. It's great to hear from the game programmers directly.

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