Pro Pinball


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
It's why you should read the Kickstarter page carefully, why every page has a "Who are we" and "The risks" section to give you as much information as possible. If at the end, you're still not confident, put your money elsewhere. Oh yeah, you can also ask questions before pledging, too. It's called due diligence, and even the big guys who write million dollar cheques do it. If you've ever been through a company getting a round of financing (same thing), those guys will literally sniff up everyone's butts, do cavity searches, etc, to ensure everything is on the up and up.

Check out the CBC (canadian) show Dragon's Den if you want a peek at what it's like to get venture capital.

I'm pretty sure that Silverball isn't going to risk their company name by taking off with the money once it's pledged, they've been a pretty good company since their inception.


New member
May 18, 2012
Kickstarter is a risk, so never pay more than you can loose. Anyway, what's taking so long, when do we hear a peep from Silverball? The demo looks spectacular, it's 2013 and I am impatient. :)


Jan 28, 2013
Any news??? :(

Anyways, ohmygosh that looks SOOOO REAL....(drools)


This is exactly the kind of creative treatment I hope FarSight can eventually apply to the PC version of TPA!!

Well cool :cool:


New member
May 18, 2012
Why's that? You think it is not possible?

Of course it is possible, everything is possible. But not with this company. They can't even make a decent looking menu, let alone a slick looking table, it's all rush work, mediocre quality. No way TPA is going to show you any creative graphic surprises. They don't have anyone on board who can make such thing happen. If I am wrong I promise to eat my shoe, make a vid of it and post it on youtube.

Nik Barbour

Why's that? You think it is not possible?

I always think of TPA like an American Car.

I live in the UK but have owned/traded quite a few Yank Tanks over the years.
I've had a.... 73 Camaro, an 84 Knight Rider black Trans Am, 89 Pontiac Fiero, an 80 Oldsmobile Cutlass, and a Californian import left hook Alfa Spider Convertible.
Compared to European equivalents, they were massively more exciting, drove great, got you noticed, but quality No...... They were made out of wheely bin plastic, drank more fuel per bhp, and leaked oil like a sieve.

In summary - great concept, but quality? Nope. Just look at the polish you get in Zen.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
Yeah, look at the menu on Zen. It is really crisp, clean and smooth. Everything seems in order on that videogame. TPA could use something like that


Jul 11, 2012
the time it takes for 1 propinball table would make TPA fans heads explode but you see the difference in polish and realism. Nik all those cars you named are horrible cars that were made after the gas crunch and GM has never been known for great electronics or mpg's.


New member
Dec 21, 2012
Does anyone still have the installiation file for the free Kickstarter Copy of Big Race USA? I had constant computer crashes with my old PC that had it, which forced me to buy a new computer. I tried to see if the file was still up on the previous Pro Pinball Kickstarter, but it looks like it's not there. I thought I still had the installiation file saved on a flash drive or external hard drive, but it looks like it's gone.

EDIT: Never Mind was able to recover the file.
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
To tell you the truth, instead of running a Kickstarter, I wish Silverball Studios would sign at least a one year development deal with FarSight Studios and help them polish up The Pinball Arcade and possibly help out with the next installment upcoming for the next gen consoles and devices. After which, they can use the money they made to revive the Pro Pinball Kickstarter needed. Both FarSight and Silverball would benefit greatly from a short term development deal like this and of course, the pinball community would win as well. FarSight...think about it!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Im unsure how that idea would work, but it would be an interesting collabration.

As far as a kickstarter is concerned they needa put alittle money where the prerenders are.

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