Whereabouts in the UP? Brother went to Michigan Tech, best friend lived in Rapid River...
Near Escanaba, which is very close to Rapid River. My brother just graduated from Tech. I went to NMU up in Marquette in my younger days.
Just be glad you didn't follow that girl back to her home country We've had lower than -10 C for more than two weeks in Oslo now, but some other places(inland) it can be a lot worse (-20 to -30 C) at this time of the year
Maybe this has been discussed before. But is the ProPinball really possible in the mobiles? All this lighting graphics would seem to be demanding on the processor
I wonder when it's going to start? They said that the Kickstarter would start sometime in this frame (along with the video), but when, exactly?
They should release TimeShock for iOS and Android, and THEN start a kickstarter project.
They can't do that; they need the money for the new engine.
They can't do that; they need the money for the new engine.