Pro Pinball


New member
Dec 21, 2012
I picked up PS1 copies of Big Race USA ($5.99) and Fantastic Journey ($4.50) on eBay this week and they should be on the way soon.

Hope nothing's gone wrong over at Silverball, since the website is still down, and there's still no updates on the current status on when the new Kickstarter is going to happen.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
My wild guess is that the company broke apart. Or something. However, if you look at their kickstarter profile you can see that they still log in regularly, and the last time it happened was just two days ago. So something must still be going on there.


New member
Dec 21, 2012
My wild guess is that the company broke apart. Or something. However, if you look at their kickstarter profile you can see that they still log in regularly, and the last time it happened was just two days ago. So something must still be going on there.

It would be weird to say on your FB that you're taking the steps towards making the Kickstarter with producing a video and then all of a sudden just stop and decide "oh we aren't going to do it" with no explanation to anybody.

That would be a huge slap in the face to the 1,200+ backers (me included) who donated to the first KS for the purpose of wanting the series revived.


New member
May 10, 2012
skykid3k: How is that a slap in the face for you??? You contributed to the last kickstarter (along with many others but you got your money back) They do not owe you anything just because you did not have to spend your money the last time. It is a bit strange we have heard nothing, but if they have changed their mind and decided to go another route it is none of our business even though we contributed to the last kickstarter. Some news would be nice but to say they owe us is just way out there. Silverball has been very forthcoming so far and if they have any news you can bet you will hear it. PS! I really want a new version of Pro pinball faster than the speed of light and so should anyone with any pinball sense in their body ;-)


New member
Dec 21, 2012
skykid3k: How is that a slap in the face for you??? You contributed to the last kickstarter (along with many others but you got your money back) They do not owe you anything just because you did not have to spend your money the last time. It is a bit strange we have heard nothing, but if they have changed their mind and decided to go another route it is none of our business even though we contributed to the last kickstarter. Some news would be nice but to say they owe us is just way out there. Silverball has been very forthcoming so far and if they have any news you can bet you will hear it. PS! I really want a new version of Pro pinball faster than the speed of light and so should anyone with any pinball sense in their body ;-)

I wasn't being serious on the "slap in the face" part and didn't say Silverball "owes" us anything. I was just responding to the suggestion the one poster made about them deciding not to go through with it out of the blue.

I expect that they're probably still working on the update of Timeshock that they said they were doing, it's just the timing of hinting at an announcement, followed by no updates coupled with the website getting error messages just adds to the frusturation. I want to have the new version out just as much as you do, like the 360 version of TPA we have to endure alot of patience in due time. :-D

But in the end I'm sure it will be all worth it.


New member
May 10, 2012
Very True. Sorry if I sounded a bit paranoid and angry. Too many kickstarter executive producers out there ;)


New member
Dec 21, 2012
Very True. Sorry if I sounded a bit paranoid and angry. Too many kickstarter executive producers out there ;)

Oh believe me I shake my head at the impatient people who get ticked off because they didn't get their rewards from TZ and TNG fast enough.


New member
May 18, 2012
Still, my feeling says they will come up with Timeshock for the iOS/Android. And then start the new KS for the rest of the games and/or contribution of Pat Lawlor. That would be the most succesfull approach imo, as there are many new users who never played the original games. This will create a large group of people who could invest in the KS. But what do I know? Exactly: nothing.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Do they have enough faith n their product for the intial release. I try not to be negative and will buy tables.

Considering pinball is almost ceratinly making a hard come back, they shpuld fund an inital release.

If its not possible as a company let the new guys like colourmonkey take pride of place in the prerendered stakes.

Again ill buy what they deliver but as harsh as it sounds i womt even consider kickstarting a dev that doesnt have faith enligh to bankroll and inital table


New member
Dec 21, 2012
Going back from earlier on the PP Facebook Page someone asked the following question

"If I were to say iOS?"

Got this response from the PP Account.

"Then we would say "Hopefully April 2013!"."

So if we are to see anything it wouldn't be for at least two more months.

Nik Barbour

If I were to say Android?

Got tired of waiting for news, announcements, Kickstarters so created my own bin files yesterday direct from the iso files.
Result - all 4 Pro Pinball tables playing on Android.



New member
May 18, 2012
Nik, I have no clue what you did but I looks amazing!

Going back from earlier on the PP Facebook Page someone asked the following question

"If I were to say iOS?"

Got this response from the PP Account.

"Then we would say "Hopefully April 2013!"."

So if we are to see anything it wouldn't be for at least two more months.

Now this is great news. I bet it will be very good, a quality we haven't seen before on the mobiles. We need someone who pushes the boundries of our devices. I wonder if PP could release real tables as well, or has FarSight too much control over the licenses of good tables?

Nik Barbour

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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I thought that was the PSX version.

Lol leave it up to Night to say that a 320x240 (NTSC I'm assuming you, Nik have the PAL version) screencap looks higher quality than the high res versions we have out for our phone.

Night, I swear if FS did go the prerendered route you'd probably say that they should go all 3D like zen

That being said, those versions are ultimately playable and they did do a good job optimizing the visuals for a normal TV screen.


New member
May 18, 2012
Night, I swear if FS did go the prerendered route you'd probably say that they should go all 3D like zen

I don't think so. Zen looks good but not that good like Pro Pinball. But prerendering aside, I believe the quality of the mobile graphics could be alot better, even with it's limitations. It's not that I stress a prerendered approach, I have a problem with the rush artwork for the mobile platforms. If all tables had the quality of FunHouse on my iPad I couldn't care less for prerendered. When I compare FH with TZ on my iPad the graphic quality is such a contradiction between both tables. FH was made with love and dedication, TZ... when are they going to finish the artwork?

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