Pro Pinball


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Just noticed that the Pro Pinball guys backed both of Farsight's Kickstarters, which is really cool of them. Sad though, over halfway through the kickstarter and still less than a 1/4 of what they need. I don't expect this project to get funded, but clearly they're already working on it so I assume they will continue to look for publishers.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
I backed it too, but it just doesn't look very good right now. If they fail to reach it they said they'd have to make the money through other methods, and probably also cancel the new table plans too. Some Kickstarters have gotten a large amount of money at the last couple of days or so like the one Space Adventure Kickstarter from the Space Quest guys, so that could potentially happen if the word spreads enough. It will be sad if they end up having to put all of this on hold for a long time and then find work elsewhere, because I would love to at least see Timeshock redone.


New member
May 18, 2012
Why do they need $400.000, let's start with Timeshock, this will certainly start people's enthusiasm, and then start with this kickstarter project. Don't tell me they need $400.000 for Timeshock.
I understand their plans are great and need funding, but with a demo alone it's a little early to ask the big cash. Look at TPA, they where on their way before they started the kickstarter projects to get the bigger table's done.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I would be sad if this doesn't reach the goal but I hope they have an ace up their sleeves. I think they should re-sell the remakes as standalones again and use that to further fund the projects...they can wait some time so as to saturate the market as much as possible. These are high quality pinball tables in digital form and look like a million dollars. I'll pay 20-30 for a table if need be. Unlike other projects this is a labour of love by both the developers and the community. A way must be found.

I just hope that not reaching the goal doesn't indicate to silverball a "lack of interest"


New member
Aug 19, 2012
Yeah, I'm not expecting them to make their goal. Forget the old tables they should push forward with the new table. Seeing what Mr. Lawlor would come up with on his "dream table" is why I contributed.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
If it doesn't meet the target you will STILL be getting a lot of the rewards:
Yep, looks like mostly the ones that don't involve the cost of physically producing a reward item. A very nice way of saying thanks for the support even though the goal wasn't reached, and it's nice to know that the kickstarter failure (barring last-minute divine intervention) isn't going to completely doom the entire project.

A heroic effort on Silverball's part, but $400,000 seems to have been just too big a bite to chew.


Jul 11, 2012
A bit steep these days indeed. 1 Table at a time like they originally did would be there best bet with a physical table as the main objectieve. Maybe Jersey Jack would buy the rights for his second table since STERN is snatching up the original creators.

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