PS4 NA v1.00 Master Bug List


New member
Aug 28, 2013
If you can try to document all of the game situations it will help FS recreate the circumstances of the issue.

I would like to document the likely causes, but unfortunately, due to the perceived randomness of it, I have absolutely no clue as to what is at fault. My only observation is that it appears to occur more frequently at the dark light setting on effects-intensive tables like Cirqus Voltaire. I suggest starting with that table, and see if you notice anything. Also, if your TV supports 120hz+ refresh rate, make sure that it's disabled and set to 60hz so that the frames aren't interlaced.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I would like to document the likely causes, but unfortunately, due to the perceived randomness of it, I have absolutely no clue as to what is at fault. My only observation is that it appears to occur more frequently at the dark light setting on effects-intensive tables like Cirqus Voltaire. I suggest starting with that table, and see if you notice anything. Also, if your TV supports 120hz+ refresh rate, make sure that it's disabled and set to 60hz so that the frames aren't interlaced.

Refresh rate and the frames per second of a game are two different things.

The parameters of CV in dark mode is a good start. Just saying that if you discover anything else it can help.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Had a three million point game going with three balls left on black hole, only to get a ball stuck in the re entry tube. Had to quit. GUTTED.
Funhouse, skill shot is impossible.
There's too many bugs still from the old code remain. The only upgrade the ps4 has is lighting. That's it.
Yes it's still fun, but the leaderboards are so broken it isn't funny.
I've noticed quite a few adult innuendo references on monster bash and medieval madness that I'd not heard on the xbox360.
The plunger strength is still ridiculously random.
So personally speaking although I'm enjoying the game, there's quite a few issues that simply should not be present this far in the life of the ps4.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Twilight zone is terrible. The skill shot is also broken, so random with the plunge, orange is almost impossible, the ceramic ball isn't there, and guess what? Yes, ball save still doesn't work.


Feb 26, 2013
Somebody on Facebook also reported frame rate stuttering. Are four separate instances enough to warrant adding this to the bug list?
That isn't how it works. For something like this, it should be reproducible because stutter is very easy to notice by anyone looking for it. Anyone can go to a half dozen sites and post what they think they see when the vast majority do NOT see any evidence whatsoever. I mean, one poster at another site says yhe PS4 version could have input lag - should we just post that up based on a few scattered comments like that?

Posting up a video of the problem or detailing exactly what circumstances triggered stuttering so it can be verified the issue is not an onerous expectation. I've gone back to play the tables mentioned a ove, and even with four-ball multi ball with the lights low and a dynamic camera whipping about in something like AfM, I have continued to see zero stutter.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
That isn't how it works.

That's a joke, right? Three people, including myself, have reported the same stuttering phenomenon, and I have personally witnessed it on two different machines. If four distinct instances aren't enough justification for addition to the bug list, then what is the requisite number of reports? 5? 10? 20? 100?

For that matter, what makes your word any more reliable than mine? A number of posters swore that there wasn't a problem with the audio, too, and even Farsight initially denied the issue. But after enough reports of the same problem were received, Farsight acknowledged that it was, in fact, a bug. Just because you don't notice something doesn't mean that it isn't there or that some people aren't experiencing this problem.

I've repeatedly detailed the circumstances in which the stutter occurred, but if you can't reproduce it or don't notice it, then there isn't much more that I can say. The problem still persists, regardless.


New member
Dec 23, 2013
Just to point out that what I have experienced in random frame rate drops on table mentioned are on the digital version. I bought a few disc copies as stocking stuffers for some family members and a friend. On a cousin's disc, I played probably 3 or 4 times each on CV, ST:TNG and AFM and a few other tables a once each... no dip in frame rate. But I havent put the time in on my cousin's disc, maybe an hour tops, as opposed to the hours and hours and hours and hours on the digital version on my ps4.

To me, it happens at least once a game and it could be a minute in, or 20 minutes in, or non-existant in the first game, but happens in the 2nd or 3rd game, or 6th game. Its completely random and sporadic. I've had multiple runs on tables with multiball action and at least once it will frame rate dip. Also happens without multiball going on. I personally never had frame rate dip twice in a game. It seems to dip, get back into 60fps and is fine. It might happen again next game or several games down the line.

Just last night I had Borg multiball twice in a game. It wasnt until the the second multiball run and maybe 5 minutes in that it dipped in frame rates costing me a ball, was a pretty sweet run here. Played a good 10min afterwards and with a few minute run on Cardassian multiball... no frame rate hit. About 6 games of CV, twice it happened. Once on neutral and once in dark. As simple as hitting the ring master's chin once, frame rate dip, and coming down the left side and hitting the menagerie ball.frame rate dip. Other times its been a multiball run, or ramp spam, or ricocheting between that balloon bumper and the regular bumper.

Once in MB, second game, and while hitting Frankenstein three times in a row to get that mode going. Happened third hit, ball coming down towards flippers, dip in frame rate, left the flippers up so ball wouldnt drain. But that is the first that it happened doing that particularly. The other few times in the past was, hitting Drac, the mummy spin, the wolfie bumpers and doing some ramp spam.

No rhyme or reason and no telling when in a game it will happen... It just does.

Dinosaur Toy

New member
Sep 10, 2012
Isn't the disc version supposed to be a patch behind the digital version?

Perhaps there is an issue with the most recent patch for the digital version rather than the base game engine.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Hey yeah PS4 automatically records gameplay so one of you who gets the stuttering thing should just be able to press the Share button and upload the video to Facebook or whatever the other option is, then we could all see it.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
Two more people reported this issue on Facebook, so that's a total of six different instances of ball stutter. I think this has reached enough unique occurrences to qualify as a legitimate problem for many users.

I should also add that I have the digital version and that I play with the camera locked at angle three, although neither of these may have anything to do with the bug in question.


Feb 26, 2013
Hey yeah PS4 automatically records gameplay so one of you who gets the stuttering thing should just be able to press the Share button and upload the video to Facebook or whatever the other option is, then we could all see it.

One great thing about this site's dedication to the enjoyment of TPA is its dedication to its improvement as well. The bug/glitch tracking sub-forum is an awesome feature towards that end. Documenting problems that helps FarSight prioritize and tackle them is a wonderful thing, and as someone who has contributed my observation of a bug or two last gen, I love that this exercise is continuing for next-gen releases.

However, things shouldn't just be listed to be listed. There has to be some level of validation involved or FS ends up wasting precious time and effort chasing after random internet ramblings that can't be verified.

In many cases, the glitches written up at this site are documented so that they are easily reproduced by anyone interested in doing so. That's legit. You also get solid video proof at times, which is easier than ever on the PS4. In some other cases, a glitch report might be brought up by enough people with virtually no one challenging the findings. That is also some level of validation, so on a case by case basis, it becomes accepted as a problem.

In this case, there are people who have been playing FarSight's pinball games (let alone a ton of other video pinball games) who directly conflict with a report of PS4 stuttering. Again, I would expect something so offensively obvious as stuttering to be easy to reproduce, easily seen for instance by regulars here who've played this version.

I tried low-light settings on various tables in 1080P on my 60Hz HDTV for hours and hours now - not one stutter. I haven't tried all tables, and some I've only briefly played, so I am only speaking from my experience. I'm not even saying the claims are false. But if it existed, I certainly WOULD want Farsight to know ASAP so a fix could come in short order.

That can only happen if there is a consensus with no significant conflicting observations IMHO, just like a lot of the other bugs that have been documented here. We do not have that at this time, so it is incumbent on the those making the allegation to simply prove what they are claiming.
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New member
Aug 28, 2013
However, things shouldn't just be listed to be listed. There has to be some level of validation involved or FS ends up wasting precious time and effort chasing after random internet ramblings that can't be verified.

I never said that ball stutter should be added to the bug tracker just because I happened to mention it. Had you bothered to read my first post, you would have seen that even I was initially skeptical that it was an actual bug. I only made it an issue once I had time to verify it with a friend's PS4 and after somebody else had reported the exact same ball stutter, verbatim.

You might have a point had I been the only person to encounter this, but after four, five, and six isolated complaints, it should be fairly apparent that this is a widespread issue. Nobody should have to bend over backwards to prove the existence of a bug that is unanimously attested amongst affected users to some anonymous internet forum poster. My concern is to make Farsight aware of the bug so that it can eventually be addressed — not to argue with somebody who has zero affiliation with Farsight, has been in no way conducive to the reporting of said bug, and, by all accounts, disputes that said bug even exists.

That can only happen if there is a consensus with no significant conflicting observations IMHO, just like a lot of the other bugs that have been documented here. We do not have that at this time, so it is incumbent on the those making the allegation to simply prove what they are claiming.

What a ridiculous double standard. I didn't see you provide any footage to prove your claim that the retail pre-release demo suffered frame rate issues. If users were obligated to provide satisfactory "proof" that the bugs which they report even exist, the majority of bugs that have been addressed by Farsight wouldn't have even been reported in the first place. You act as if bug reporting should be subject to the degree of scrutiny used in a police interrogation. That isn't helpful to anyone, either to Farsight or to those who happen to encounter bugs.


New member
Nov 5, 2013
I'm not sure why anybody would discourage the proactive reporting of bugs. The audio issue was abhorrent and obvious, but some posters acted as if it didn't exist. Later the issue was undeniably confirmed. If if it wasn't for discerning users, who are unpaid, that reported such bugs, it's possible that such bugs would go ignored for long periods of time, possibly forever. As far as the stuttering; it's definitely there. I'm not sure what sequence of events is causing it, but it's there for sure and occurs on multiple tables. I for one like the fact that somebody is taking their time to attempt to improve the game, at no additional cost to me. I think every bug reported should be taken seriously, an innocent until proven guilty philosophy should be applied with regards to error reporting. If a particular person does turn out to be fabricating bugs, they can be dealt with on an individual basis.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Two more people reported this issue on Facebook, so that's a total of six different instances of ball stutter. I think this has reached enough unique occurrences to qualify as a legitimate problem for many users.

I should also add that I have the digital version and that I play with the camera locked at angle three, although neither of these may have anything to do with the bug in question.

Yah I'm digital, locked camera three, dark mode as well. Obviously some people are experiencing *something*, but some other people don't seem to be--or, we aren't recognizing it. I wanna see it in action so I know what it looks like! And I don't think we've eliminated the possibility that it's an illusion of stutter cause by the ball flickering rapidly between light sources, which I *have* seen, and which *does* initially look like framerate stutter, but is really just a trick of the eye; I'm particularly suspicious about this because you said it seems to happen particularly in dark lighting mode--I can't see why dark lighting mode would be any more processor-intensive and thus prone to framerate problems than the brighter modes, since they all seem to use the same number of table lights. So yeah anyway, it would be helpful if someone could upload a video of it, which *should* be a simple matter with the PS4's video sharing capability.

Oh and you could also try switching to say the green ball skin, which at least for me is more visible in shadow than the default silver ball; my eyes have had less trouble tracking the ball through rapid successions of light and shadow since I switched to that skin.


New member
Aug 14, 2012
Ball stutter is very obvious on my PS4 digital version. It's random, but surely everyone who has played this enough has noticed it?


New member
Apr 27, 2012
1) Arguing about whose bug report is valid and whose isn't seems pointless so please stop. Report the bugs that you find and let FarSight decide what to pursue.

2) There are some bugs that FarSight couldn't figure out until video of the bug was submitted. For example the ball through the flipper glitches. It wasn't until the guys at FarSight saw the timing of the ball going through the flipper that they figured it out.

3) I'm curious if frame rate drops might be a problem with some PS4 hardware. Has anyone seen similar reports for other games? I'm convinced that this is a real problem for some people. Since my daughter has come home from college we've played the snot out of TPA on the PS4 but haven't seen the issue. That's hard to understand. But if it's a sample defect in the PS4 hardware then that would be an explanation.

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