PS4 NA v1.00 Master Bug List


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
Hello TimRex,

In response to the bugs you have posted;

1. I'm unable to access the table instructions while I'm playing a game, the option simply isn't there (0m28s)
2. While I'm viewing the 'wizard goals' I can use the up/down control and trigger the item selection noise, even though there are no UI elements to be selected (0m50s)
Accessing instructions has never been available during game play on any platform. However it does raise an issue that the sound should not be played as if you are scrolling through menu items. The goals are simply there to remind you of what you have left to complete. Instructions and goals are accessible when accessed when the game is not in play.

3. Upon resuming the game, the camera angle changed to that used for a new ball... (1m13s) Attempting to change the camera angle simply cycled through those available during a new ball launch - somewhat impeding my ability to play.. The problem rectified itself once I was back down to one ball (2m25s)
This bug is in our database and we are looking into a way to fix it. It generally happens when a ball is launched too quickly from the plunger lane and the plunger camera does not release because it is waiting for the "1st ball" to be launched.

4. The game had not waiting for me to enter my initials. When I returned to TPA I was greeted with the high score table, with my #2 score showing an empty name against it.
This is something new to me and I will bring it forward to our programers. If it is supposed to act this way because of Sony's TCR then I will come back and let everyone in the forums know.


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
Hello Niel,

I have entered the three bugs you listed into our data base. Thank you for your input!

And hello stone,

I have been testing PS4 all morning trying to determine what the cause of the stutter is but I have yet to experience it. Have you noticed if it still occurs if your lower your video settings?


Feb 26, 2013
And that's exactly the problem I was afraid of with these vague stutter reports. Valuable Farsight time spent "all morning" looking for the supposed issue and finding nothing so far while all the other bug reports are recorded or described in detail to be easily reproduced.

No , claiming that X number of people experienced it is not proof. I can link you to a dozen reports of people who say they were probed at night by aliens as they slept, but that doesn't make it so. What constitutes evidence? Like all the other bug reports, actual evidence is evidence.

If we ignore the random clowns that make up stuff just for fun or console warz or whatever, this is not to say that some are not experiencing something. I'm not dismissing that possibility. But until we get actual evidence that easily bears out a fundamental problem with TPA on the PS4, it may be more helpful to address those players' unique circumstances to see if it is their gear or console or whatever.

Because is there no instance of stuttering being seen on long-time video pinball players' PS4s, but as of this posting, even FarSight isn't seeing an issue. I'm sure Flippy and the team will keep an eye out as they play the PS4 version in general, but I hope they don't feel it necessary to go on any more wild goose chases like this morning when even the complainers refuse to prove it exists.

BTW, add Big Shot to the list of PS4 tables I've now poured hours into, unlocking all goals but one (15K shy of the 250K Wizard unlock) and the game was perfectly silky smooth throughout - no stutter.
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New member
Aug 28, 2013
I'm sure Flippy and the team will keep an eye out as they play the PS4 version in general, but I hope they don't feel it necessary to go on any more wild goose chases like this morning when even the complainers refuse to prove it exists.

Would you please knock it off with the passive-aggressive remarks? You've done nothing but troll those of us who are unfortunate enough to experience frame rate stutter, and your baseless accusation that we're running some sort of organized conspiracy to file false bug reports is getting quite old. Smbhax has actually been accommodating and helpful, but you've done practically nothing other than antagonize us.

Two people have already attempted to capture the stutter, but because it isn't visible on the PS4 recording, how are they supposed to use it as proof? I think it's great that you're one of the lucky ones who aren't afflicted with this issue, but it's rather callous of you to habitually mock us, when the only thing that we're trying to do is get the problem addressed so that we can enjoy the game, too.

I'm politely asking you to please cut out the obnoxious finger-pointing. If you have something positive to contribute, please do, but if you're only going to belittle us, we could all do without your caustic commentary. Thanks.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Would it be possible to rework how Call Attendant works? I'm now stuck on a good game because the ball is stuck but the game seems to think it isn't, even though I'm not using the flippers and it has been sitting for 5 minutes. Perhaps whatever is being done now to check for a stuck ball, just accept that when someone uses Call Attendant, that if they haven't used the flippers and the table has been cycling through, looking for the ball, that the ball is actually stuck and just reset it. I know this has been an on-going issue and not specific to the PS4, but it's still frustrating having to quit a good game because of it.


New member
Dec 23, 2013
Hello Niel,

I have entered the three bugs you listed into our data base. Thank you for your input!

And hello stone,

I have been testing PS4 all morning trying to determine what the cause of the stutter is but I have yet to experience it. Have you noticed if it still occurs if your lower your video settings?

Hello Niel,

I have entered the three bugs you listed into our data base. Thank you for your input!

And hello stone,

I have been testing PS4 all morning trying to determine what the cause of the stutter is but I have yet to experience it. Have you noticed if it still occurs if your lower your video settings?

Seeing your suggestion to switch to lower video settings. I first switch from automatic directly to 1080p. I played four games each of MB and CV both at two neutral and two dark lit. First game on MB on neutral light a dip. second game neutral, fine. First game on dark, fine. Second game on dark, once. On CV in both lit settings, once per to a couple of times. Then switched down to 720p. Havent seen a dip yet after a few games each on CV, MB and one game of MM so far at 720p. Will edit if it happens @ 720p.

and Im excited to report that after, I dont know, 5 - 6 hours or so, I have spent total on Big Shot... no frame rate dip. (Twice on Gorgar though, yes Gorgar, in about 7, 8 games)


New member
Aug 28, 2013
and Im excited to report that after, I dont know, 5 - 6 hours or so, I have spent total on Big Shot... no frame rate dip. (Twice on Gorgar though, yes Gorgar, in about 7, 8 games)

If I'm reading you correctly, Stone, you're saying that you get significantly less stutter with 720p, but that it still stuttered a few times at 720p while playing Gorgar? That's sort of good news, but it's really not a permanent solution because we would constantly have to be switching back and forth between resolutions just to play TPA — not to mention that 720p looks significantly worse than 1080p.

Do you have any idea what your aspect ratio settings are on your display? I have mine set to "just scan," and I'm wondering if that may have something to do with it. Just another guess, though...


New member
Dec 23, 2013
If I'm reading you correctly, Stone, you're saying that you get significantly less stutter with 720p, but that it still stuttered a few times at 720p while playing Gorgar? That's sort of good news, but it's really not a permanent solution because we would constantly have to be switching back and forth between resolutions just to play TPA — not to mention that 720p looks significantly worse than 1080p.

Do you have any idea what your aspect ratio settings are on your display? I have mine set to "just scan," and I'm wondering if that may have something to do with it. Just another guess, though...

I switched down to 720p and have yet to experience any stutter so far. I havent played since that last post. But honestly 720p, to me anyways, is almost unacceptable, almost. Might be harsh, but compared to the ps3. I personally never experienced stutter on ps3 (1080p) on any TPA game (own TPA games to date on it)

and that was a playful jab at joeblow about him not getting stutter on Bigshot, I havent either. Its not a graphic intensive table, fairly simple in terms of graphics and I havent had any stutter on that table as well. But Gorgar, relatively graphically simple, nothing too graphic intensive, I have had frame rate dips twice on Gorgar. (at 1080p mind you)

16:9 aspect ratio.
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New member
Aug 28, 2013
I switched down to 720p and have yet to experience any stutter so far. I havent played since that last post.

I plan to try 720p the next time I play, so I'll make sure to post my experience after I'm done. If this does rectify the issue, though, I hope that it leads to a solution that eliminates the stutter at 1080p, because I do not want to be stuck playing TPA at 720p.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Would it be possible to rework how Call Attendant works? I'm now stuck on a good game because the ball is stuck but the game seems to think it isn't, even though I'm not using the flippers and it has been sitting for 5 minutes. Perhaps whatever is being done now to check for a stuck ball, just accept that when someone uses Call Attendant, that if they haven't used the flippers and the table has been cycling through, looking for the ball, that the ball is actually stuck and just reset it. I know this has been an on-going issue and not specific to the PS4, but it's still frustrating having to quit a good game because of it.

I won't be able to do this explanation justice but I'll try. They don't want to do this because it can introduce unknown and unpredictable instability into the ROM emulation. This can happen because it would artificially put a ball where the ROM does not expect it. There is no easy way to tell the ROM that a ball is being artificially added to the trough. Mike Reitmeyer can explain this better.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
I just got done playing TPA at 720p, and sad to say, I encountered stuttering on Cirqus Voltaire within ten minutes. It wasn't as easy to notice because the picture was very blurry, but I experienced stutter at least three times within twenty minutes of total gameplay.

Just for kicks, I also downloaded Zen Pinball 2 and the free table Sorcerer's Lair to see if I would experience stutter with another pinball game, since it would follow that the stutter would manifest itself with other games and applications were it an isolated hardware defect; and lo and behold, throughout the entire forty minutes that I played, I encountered zero stutter. Like I've said since the beginning, this is an issue that I experience exclusively with TPA.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
It might be useful to show the videos of the stuttering even if the effect isn't visible; just give the time points and maybe the ball positions where you experienced the problem. Then at least we'd be able to see the situations in which you were getting it, that might yield some clues.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
Smbhax has a good point here. I'm new to the twitch thing but have subscribed, if that's the right word, to his channel.

If the PS4 guys are experiencing issues surely having the ability to see these in the flesh would be very helpful.

On another point, it's great to be able to pick up some tips... I don't have a PS4 yet but maybe someone could start a thread with their channel details. Just a thought.


New member
Dec 8, 2013
Hello TimRex,

In response to the bugs you have posted;

3. Upon resuming the game, the camera angle changed to that used for a new ball... (1m13s) Attempting to change the camera angle simply cycled through those available during a new ball launch - somewhat impeding my ability to play.. The problem rectified itself once I was back down to one ball (2m25s)
This bug is in our database and we are looking into a way to fix it. It generally happens when a ball is launched too quickly from the plunger lane and the plunger camera does not release because it is waiting for the "1st ball" to be launched.

4. The game had not waiting for me to enter my initials. When I returned to TPA I was greeted with the high score table, with my #2 score showing an empty name against it.
This is something new to me and I will bring it forward to our programers. If it is supposed to act this way because of Sony's TCR then I will come back and let everyone in the forums know.

Thanks Flippy. Much appreciated.
Got another one for you. This time regarding local multiplayer (I suspect this has been reported previously, as it's pretty easy to reproduce.

I first encountered this with Bride of Pinbot (but the 'share' functionality for some reason hadn't recorded like it usually does).

I was then able to replicate on Creature From The Black Lagoon as follows.

1. Start a local multiplayer game (in this case, two players)
2. Get a high score
3. When the game ends, enter your initials

At this point, you will now be starting a 4 player game - while the UI still has the 'enter initials' elements in front of the screen. (See video 0m27s)

While continuing to play the game, once it gets to player 2 - the UI element shows the title texture across the full width of the screen - somewhat stretched and in entirely the wrong location (See video 1m5s).

The only way to proceed without the UI element in the way is to close the application and start again.


Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Okay, guys, time to step away from the keyboard and chill a bit. Deleted a bunch of stuff in this thread because it was getting heated, and personal.


Feb 26, 2013
^^^ Sorry GL.

For my part, anything else I say in this thread will relate to other bugs or issues I may come across. Hopefully any problems that Queue or stone are having with the game are eventually ironed out, and I have no hard feelings towards ER777. I'll focus now on taking down one or two of his great leader board scores.


New member
Dec 23, 2013
About frame rate stuttering that myself, Queue, and the others that have posted on Facebook have experienced. After switching from 1080p to 720p... I experienced no frame rate stutter/dips. However 720p + ps4 = does not compute. So ended up re-downloading. No more frame rate dips.

Played on tables yesterday on both neutral and dark setting and a few this morning that were most problematic with getting dips... CV, MB etc... oh so good now. No more hits in the frame rate department. Maybe something hiccuped in downloading the first time, who knows. Re-downloading was the fix for me. I did have a friend suggest that it could have been the hdmi cable itself. If the problem persisted after the re-download, I would have swapped out the hdmi cable.

So Queue, lurkers with frame rate issues... give a re-download a shot, and / or replace the hdmi cable if need be.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
About frame rate stuttering that myself, Queue, and the others that have posted on Facebook have experienced. After switching from 1080p to 720p... I experienced no frame rate stutter/dips. However 720p + ps4 = does not compute. So ended up re-downloading. No more frame rate dips.

The switch to 720p didn't work for me, unfortunately. I noticed stuttering pretty quickly. I also tried swapping the HDMI cable with the same result. I redownloaded TPA once or twice the day it was released, because I was having problems with pro mode on some of the tables (which was resolved, by the way), but since you haven't had any stutter since, I'll try redownloading it one more time to see if it makes any difference. Be sure to give us an update if the stutter returns.


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
Hi TimRex,

In regards to the bug;

"While continuing to play the game, once it gets to player 2 - the UI element shows the title texture across the full width of the screen - somewhat stretched and in entirely the wrong location (See video 1m5s)."

We have implemented a Skip feature for the PS4. This is happening when the player is spamming the X button after entering initials. It will cause the enter initials screen to remain for the next game and depending on how many times you pressed X, it will add a 1 to 4 players. So we are currently working on a fix for this bug. I believe this is the bug your describing. I will look into why the title is being displayed like that. Thanks again for your input!


New member
Aug 28, 2013
I must solemnly report that redownloading the game didn't alleviate the stutter for me. It still stutters just as much as ever, and as randomly as ever. The first couple of games of Funhouse had no stutter, but by the fifth or sixth game, it stuttered bad enough to notice. It even stuttered once while I was holding the ball with a flipper. I tried Cirqus Voltaire with bright lighting, too, and it did the same.

Ah well. I've done just about everything I can think of to eliminate this frame rater stuttering, or whatever is causing the stutter, and I'm out of ideas. I guess that it's just something that I'll have to live with for the time being. The best that I can hope for is that Farsight eventually discovers how to reproduce the effect so that it can be patched.

Thanks, FlippyFloppy, for being gracious enough to look into this. Most game devs would never address us personally like that, so it says a lot. I'll keep an eye out to see if it ever goes away, and in the unlikely event that it does, I'll be sure to report back and explain what I did. Cheers.

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