[REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues


New member
Aug 12, 2015
Hello everyone!

I've installed the latest version of the freecameramod on my cab with use of the offline file. But when I start the mod and after that the DX11 version of the game the overlay does not show, not in fullscreen and not in windowed mode.
When I start the mod it says: waiting for game and it's current version 1.2.
Should't this be 1.3? on my dekstop pc everything works fine, same game version and same mod version only with internet connection.
I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance!



New member
Mar 12, 2015
[MENTION=4762]Powerus[/MENTION], to create the OfflineData.m0d file, double click the traybar mod icon but, read below:
[MENTION=5643]Jafjas[/MENTION], in the current build the offline mode isn't working properly, it should be fixed in the new version.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
NoEx (and Robert): Thank you for all of your efforts on the V1.4 release. It shows a LOT of promise and except for some performance issues that I have on some of the more active DMD tables that I've tested, it appears to work really well. I'm running a Core I5 with a Nvidia 970 video card so I think my system is about as good as I expect to make it. However, in my testing, when playing on tables that have a lot of action going on in both the playfield and DMD area, I see the frame rates go down to ~45FPS which makes the system sluggish / stuttering. If I disable the moveable DMD then the FPS appear to stay at 60.

Not sure you can do much about it as I'm sure there's a lot of additional overhead of duplicating the DMD area. Just wanted to let you know.

I do have two requests if at all possible:

1) Can you provide a hotkey to enable / disable the moveable DMD? The way my system is currently set up, most of the tables will probably be fine without the moveable DMD, but I would like to have it enabled when I play certain tables as then I can move the scoring to another location and enable the moveable DMD as I play those tables (Black Knight as an example).


2) Can you provide the ability to configure the on/off feature on a per-table basis? So, the .dmd file would include whether to enable / disable the DMD or Backglass setting.

Great work!


New member
Aug 12, 2015
Hello everyone!

First of all I have to give two big thumbs up for this great mod!
But my question is, how can I resize the dmd window? I see no such thing as window borders that I can drag or something like that.
If I'm missing something I'm sortie.


Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
just move your cursor to the bottom right hand corner and click and hold and drag
sometimes the cursor disappears but just swipe your mouse movement so the cursor shows up on another screen then drag it back to the dmd screen and you can see it again.


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Hopefully in the right thread this time :)

Everything now up and running on 3 monitor setup...looks really good and very impressed. Couple of things if thats ok...

1. I love the way you can right click on the dmd and save/lock etc. Is there a way to make the dmd 'free transformable' to get that 'perfect fit'? If that is something possible/easy to do, perhaps a check box to lock/unlock aspect ratio etc too. Sometimes a pixel or 2 either way can make all the difference...

2. In Cirque Volitaire, there is a moveable screen but its not a working dmd, just an image. Is that right, or have I managed to do something wrong?

Once again, impressive stuff...cant believe how different the game feels now.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
In CV, the default configuration is to have the DMD disabled. So if you toggle the DMD inside of TPA I believe you'll see it appear.


New member
Dec 7, 2015
Hi guys,

sorry my english is not the best, but i try:p
My problem is: the game doesn´t start with the pbafreecam.exe, it happend nothing. My ini is correct, tba11.exe starts with dx11 not with dx9, this i have managed.
I dont know what i have do wrong, i´m going crazy.
I hope anyone can help me.



New member
Apr 18, 2015
hi guys and really... really great job!!!! it's beautiful.
i have 3 monitors config and everything's perfect. i have dmd in 3rd screen but i'm not able to resize it.
some hints?



New member
Mar 12, 2015
You must place your mouse cursor on the bottom right corner of the dmd window, there the cursor will change and you should be able to resize the dmd.


New member
Dec 27, 2015
DMD is shifted to the right on the second monitor


at first: Thanks for this fantastic mod. TPA is a new game with it.
At second: Pardon my bad english. It's not my native language.

My problem: Everything is working fine with the mod except the DMD on the second monitor.
With every pinball-table it is shifted to the right and I can't get the right dimension or solve the problem.

I'm running Win 10 64 bit. My first monitor with the table has the dimension 1440 x 2560, the second monitor 1600 x 1200.

I know, I can pick the DMD and change the size, but that is not the solution. So I hope, someone can give me a hint for my problem.

Thanks for your help. :D


Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
looks like your using the original media pack with the transparency holes in it.. and using the T Formation for your setup, you don't' need to use that pack anymore..just use the 1600x1200 with grill one. and position the floating DMD where you want it.

Play field display resolution of 1080x1920 is the only one supported atm tho your back buffer can be higher in the Dx11 config utility

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Hi guys,

sorry my english is not the best, but i try:p
My problem is: the game doesn´t start with the pbafreecam.exe, it happend nothing. My ini is correct, tba11.exe starts with dx11 not with dx9, this i have managed.
I dont know what i have do wrong, i´m going crazy.
I hope anyone can help me.


old but both steam and the cameramod.exe need to be run as administrator


New member
Dec 27, 2015
looks like your using the original media pack with the transparency holes in it.. and using the T Formation for your setup, you don't' need to use that pack anymore..just use the 1600x1200 with grill one. and position the floating DMD where you want it.

Play field display resolution of 1080x1920 is the only one supported atm tho your back buffer can be higher in the Dx11 config utility
Thanks, that was the problem. With the resolution of 1080x1920 everything is working fine. Great. I love TPA and the freecameramod. :eek:


New member
Mar 19, 2015
Game has been updated with Fireball and El Dorado, so (obviously) the mod no longer works. Is there any way to future-proof the mod so that it can dynamically adjust itself with each patch, or does it require so much manual work that it just isn't plausible?

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
you can right click the mod icon in the taskbar and generate offline data and then make sure your cab stays offline mode before the monthly table is released until the mod is updated..thats about it.


New member
Mar 19, 2015
you can right click the mod icon in the taskbar and generate offline data and then make sure your cab stays offline mode before the monthly table is released until the mod is updated..thats about it.

It's just unfortunate that Steam forces updates (or at least won't allow launching of a game if it is flagged as needing one) and periodic logins, so even perpetual offline mode won't help. A shame since that means eventually we'll be out of luck and have to go back to begging Farsight to add the feature officially... which I have very little hope of these days (despite how painfully obvious it is to have and easy it would be to implement). Oh well, guess I'll just go back to doing the Steam backup/restore method of rolling back the game.

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