Table Pack #17 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Confirmed!

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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Did you read the newest hint? T2 is coming in August.

It's all good. I'm sure that whatever is released it will be great!

No, he's right about the "I told you so"s. Just not in the direction he's expecting.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
EXACTLY! Most of the time I am watching the damn silver ball!

Not to say DMD are bad, I am just finding them overrated. :p

Edit: Yeah, a little late on this discussion. :|
I'm just glad someone agrees with me. When you really get to know the table, you'll know when it's safe to look up, but honestly the DMDs are there as much for the spectator as the actual gamer.

Sometimes pinball tables try to incorporate other video game type elements into the DMD, using them as a makeshift display for minigames. Getaway comes to mind with the racing minigame that while being well done, is basically a clone of simplistic Atari games such as Night Driver or Enduro. For some reason, using a DMD display for minigames comes off as gimmicky.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
C'mon, peeps, it's absolutely not T2. There was a lot of doubt that T2 would even get funded. Most people thought it was bad timing and shouldn't have been prioritized before TAF or IJ (FarSight did it because the license would soon be unavailable), and there's no way FarSight could have sunk massive resources into working on it ahead of time with no guarantee of its success. And if they're just starting to work on it, it wouldn't be possible to complete a premium table and beta test it in only five weeks.

The hint clearly points to a September release for T2, almost as if it's just confirmation of what we already assumed.

Evel Knievel = motorcycle, similar clothing though more colorful, "pretty famous", non-DMD

Tee'd Off = already "leaked" on PSN, PHoF table, DMD

Is this the Evel Knievel table being discussed?


New member
Sep 13, 2012
That's the table, but that's not happening because it was in the Bally poll recently. They may well have an Evil Knivel table right there and ready to be made (maybe even made) but it doesn't make much sense to release it until after the polls are over. Up until now I was sure it'd be Fireball/Tee'd Off, because they were two tables not in any polls so far, but T2 changes that up a lot because only a few days later we'll find out the results of the polls and might even see one of those winners (or in the top whatever) coming out at the end of September with Tee'd Off or Victory.

As far as I can see it, Farsight are putting all their chips in a huge release in late august: Terminator 2, PC version, Possibly Xbox 360 version (depends on how how long the testing windows are on the new 360 policy)

And no, I'm not saying that T2 was deliberately set up never to fail, I'm just saying that with Terminator 2 coming there's a huge incentive to push for a spectacular multi-release now. If you've never played pinball in your life before you'd be a lot more interested in a Terminator 2 table than Tee'd Off/Victory or Fireball/Eight Ball Deluxe.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
The recent polls were made by fans on this forum. FarSight has since endorsed the premium poll, but they probably had Knievel in the works before that poll was ever posted. They have to take the licensing opportunities that they get (like Elvira), even if that means releasing something out-of-order from fan requests or "throwing us a curve ball".

It's Knievel, not T2. And considering what we put into T2's Kickstarter, everyone should be happy that FS is taking that extra month to get it right.


New member
Mar 7, 2013
I'm just glad someone agrees with me. When you really get to know the table, you'll know when it's safe to look up, but honestly the DMDs are there as much for the spectator as the actual gamer.

Sometimes pinball tables try to incorporate other video game type elements into the DMD, using them as a makeshift display for minigames. Getaway comes to mind with the racing minigame that while being well done, is basically a clone of simplistic Atari games such as Night Driver or Enduro. For some reason, using a DMD display for minigames comes off as gimmicky.

for me DMD tables arent better *because* they happen to have DMD, just that those tables that do tend to have much deeper and interesting rulesets and so on. theres more goals to achieve and more things to strive for. its not really anything much to do with the actual display itself (though i do love some of the animations, a couple of the extra ball visuals still make me smile even after seeing them so many times)

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Has Evel Knievel ever come up in rumors before? I don't remember hearing any hints that it might be coming to TPA.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
Okay, my two pennies...

Terminator 2, the clues says otherwise. The cyborg and motorcycle from Centaur got it going as others proclaim, and I agreed.

The clue said pairing, but it does not mention any clues for a second table (usually the rerelease), but I believe they (FS) are referring to the Centaur table and maybe the T2 table.

Next month, 'We'll be baaack', quip may still refer to August since the clue was made in July.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
It's Terminator 2!

Read the "Risks and Challenges" section on their Kickstarter page.

T2 Kickstarter said:
We're targeting a release date of August 2013, but it's possible this date might slip if we encounter unforeseen problems in development.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
You can also read the estimated delivery on beta access rewards to mean we won't be getting our hands on it until September. Until FS confirms otherwise, I'm sticking to Evel Knievel and Tee'd Off. Knievel fits the clues better, and it's historically significant.

I'd rather not get my hopes up for T2. If it happens and thus proves my theories wrong, then I can be happily surprised.
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New member
Apr 4, 2012
Apparently, no one heard me the first time:

"Do you honestly believe that the FarSight guys can afford to work on a personal side-project during a major Kickstarter while also trying to meet our constant demands for two glitch-free tables per month?" I don't care how much they liked it.

Talented guys spend many personal hours building VP tables for free. And IF FARSIGHT had a T2 table in office for a few months then why not put a few hours in building one of your favorite tables. It may or may not be T2 next month but if you have all the tools needed why not spend some time on a personal project that could also become a business project.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Talented guys spend many personal hours building VP tables for free. And IF FARSIGHT had a T2 table in office for a few months then why not put a few hours in building one of your favorite tables. It may or may not be T2 next month but if you have all the tools needed why not spend some time on a personal project that could also become a business project.

Bobby pretty much confirmed that they've been working on T2 since before it got funded.
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