Table Pack #22 speculation

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New member
Feb 21, 2012
Bet on black...wild speculation could point to black hole as table of the month or black rose as new build.


New member
Apr 20, 2013
I'm going to called it now: Who Dunnit? will be the new table and Black Knight will be the free table of the month. Although I do agree that there is a chance it is just a huge reference to black and it is actually Black Rose. I highly doubt that though...


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Gotta be WHO dunnit. People don't seem to realize that's a casino themed game.

Yep, murder takes place in a casino. Has a slot machine and there is a roulette wheel in the top right corner. Who Dunnit would make sense.

Riverboat Gambler would be a shocker. :p


I was just joking about having another Premier table was all. I don't really like gambling either, but both of those two aren't bad for how they implement the theme.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
At first glance, I thought it would be bk2000. But I didn't know that whodunit had anything casino in it. So, this is a pretty brilliant clue by Farsight, revealing three tables and then trying to trick us with a picture with the Black Knight. But the question is, who in their right mind would make the original Black Knight the table of the month (nothing from season 1 has been table of the month for quite some time, let alone the most poorly done table os the season) unless it has been updated with Rom emulation.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
WhoDunnit with BK emulation would be pretty ace. BK emulation has been asked for for quite some time now and would fix a lot of the gripes with it, and possibly make it a TPA favorite.

WhoDunnit is a very unique game and is extremely fun. I only wish I had had more time with it IRL because I was at first disappointed to see it, as I had taken a liking to the Big Buck Hunter (pin) that it had replaced, but it only took a play for me to see that there was nothing to be disappointed about, and another play to realize that I was completely in love with this table.

High Roller Casino is a wonderful and non-licensed modern stern, I'd like to be able to spend more time with that table too.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Riverboat Gambler. Book it. :)

RBG is one of the best System 11s that we will never see.

Being realistic, the only Sys11s I see on the horizon are BK2K (obviously), Earthshaker, Diner, F-14, and Cyclone. AKA the poll winners.

HS may come eventually, but I think HS2 will likely come way before then. Banzai Run is a maybe if only because it's a Lawlor.

Everything else just seems to be too under-the-radar for FS, even though they're mostly great games without big licenses.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
The new table will be Cavaleiro Negro and the table of the month will be Black Knight.....:p (With no ROM emulation for either)

This will allow for the entire team to take the month off, which will reduce costs. A new table does not need to be bought and tore down. The only person that will have to come in to work is 1 person from the graphics department to update the image text.

The roulette wheel is there to represent that it will be gamble if anyone will buy the

This mystery was solved with quick witted investigative skills worthy of WHO DUNNIT....which is what the actual table will be. CASE CLOSED!
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