Table Pack #30 Speculation

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New member
Apr 10, 2012
I agree with you guys also - with Xenon being on top of that early 80's SS games. I've only gotten to play it a few times - but the layout & artwork make it stand out. I'd say Xenon is your best shot for a early SS table for Season 4.

Yea. I'd bet FarSight would do Xenon before Fathom just because of the whole "first female voice in a pinball" thing. While Xenon's a great looker (I actually picked up a used playfield at Pinfest this year for five bucks to use as wall art) its gameplay is inferior to Fathom.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I really hope Sharkeys never makes it in. It's just ebd with a ramp added. The design is a complete rip off and stern was lucky they are still in business with some of the designs they stole from older WMS tables.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Don't let some of these people see this, they might lose their minds like they do when I say stuff like that. lol

I will go one further and say I hope Jurassic park never makes it in because it is a blatant ripoff of whirlwind with one cool feature of the trex eating balls. Actually I just made it sound awesome but again, I can't stand the lack of originality that should have been met with legal action. Maybe if they credited lawlor I wouldn't mind JP so much.


Apr 7, 2014
I will go one further and say I hope Jurassic park never makes it in because it is a blatant ripoff of whirlwind with one cool feature of the trex eating balls. Actually I just made it sound awesome but again, I can't stand the lack of originality that should have been met with legal action. Maybe if they credited lawlor I wouldn't mind JP so much.

Something downer related happens every time I post on Facebook. Not done it in a while but after my Fathom request, Mike Morse came on, asking Farsight to please do not make that table. It's ok to disagree but to ask them to not do it is so classless that I want to fart in his general direction and tell him a few other things while I'm at it ;)

Stop being "classless", Bowflex, and watch out for farts. :p

All joking aside, I'd love to see "Jurassic Park", it looks pretty good.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I agree about Jurassic Park being a total copy. Plus it's Data East, blech.

I actually played it a few months back after having not played it in years. Forgot how noisy the audio package is. Playing on a properly tuned table was nice, but my overall impression still has me being a snob towards it.


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
I really hope table 30 is something special like BSD
That would really end the current season well


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I agree about Jurassic Park being a total copy. Plus it's Data East, blech.

Just been having a close look at the playfield. It's similar but has quite a few significant changes. The upper flipper doesn't have a corresponding ramp, only one set of bumpers, no left launcher, spot targets instead of spinning discs, a lock hole in the upper right.

They may well have taken inspiration from it, but they've done enough to prevent any lawsuits. By this logic Pat Lawlor could make a fortune by suing himself :p


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Jurassic Park might have a very familiar layout, but I still enjoy playing it. The license probably puts it in that "probably isn't going to happen" column.

I'd prefer 8 ball deluxe to Sharkey. I just threw Sharkey out there because it has a DMD and that seems to make it more likely to be viewed as a money maker for FS.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
I really hope Sharkeys never makes it in. It's just ebd with a ramp added. The design is a complete rip off and stern was lucky they are still in business with some of the designs they stole from older WMS tables.

I agree with you up to a point. If we get EBD then I really don't care all that much if we get Sharkeys. But I certainly don't want it over EBD - mainly because you're right about SS ripping off of it. While I really wanted EBD over CBW - that is mainly because of personal history. At least CBW is fun & interesting in its own right.

I will go one further and say I hope Jurassic park never makes it in because it is a blatant ripoff of whirlwind with one cool feature of the trex eating balls. Actually I just made it sound awesome but again, I can't stand the lack of originality that should have been met with legal action. Maybe if they credited lawlor I wouldn't mind JP so much.

Now I'll disagree. Not because you aren't wrong (you're not) - but if we have to get a DE pin or two into TPA - this is just about the best we would get. And it can be fun to play.

I agree about Jurassic Park being a total copy. Plus it's Data East, blech.

I actually played it a few months back after having not played it in years. Forgot how noisy the audio package is. Playing on a properly tuned table was nice, but my overall impression still has me being a snob towards it.

Put JP into an area without other noisy distractions and you really can get an idea of just how loud JP is. That table could wake up the dead.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Put JP into an area without other noisy distractions and you really can get an idea of just how loud JP is. That table could wake up the dead.

I'd forgotten just how damned loud JP was until the recent mentions. Yeah my favorite DE. Yadda yadda.

Actually my pinball-playing buddy, at the time, before I played it, first mentioned JP as being not that good and a complete ripoff.

Then apparently, he must've heard something else from someone else, because he said it was "really good".

Then we got to play it... lots....

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
I'd forgotten just how damned loud JP was until the recent mentions. Yeah my favorite DE. Yadda yadda.

Actually my pinball-playing buddy, at the time, before I played it, first mentioned JP as being not that good and a complete ripoff.

Then apparently, he must've heard something else from someone else, because he said it was "really good".

Then we got to play it... lots....

Basically every Data East machine is loud and noisy. However starting with Guns 'n Roses they started to balance out the sounds a lot better.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Jurassic Park might have a very familiar layout, but I still enjoy playing it. The license probably puts it in that "probably isn't going to happen" column. .

The ruleset of JP isnt like the simple Whirlwind, either.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I think you could make a case for a lot of tables being similar to an earlier table.

I'd live to see a few DE tables for variety.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I really hope Sharkeys never makes it in. It's just ebd with a ramp added. The design is a complete rip off and stern was lucky they are still in business with some of the designs they stole from older WMS tables.

Wait, that wasn't licensed or anything? It's such a copy, I assumed it was done with permission.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Wait, that wasn't licensed or anything? It's such a copy, I assumed it was done with permission.

Yeah, it wasn't even a direct copy of EBD. It's a copy of Golden Cue which is a copy of EBD. I've read interviews with Jon Norris who designed Golden Cue and it always struck me comical that Norris seemed so butthurt about Golden Cue not getting a big production run and not getting designer credit on Sharkey (He also was upset that he did not get a "promised" prototype machine). Sorry but you are upset you didn't get credit for designing a machine by swiping someone else's original ideas and work? As far as I've ever seen, there has never been any notice on either of those machines that credited the true designer or Bally for the playfield design.


Hmm, this is now beginning to remind me of an old thread for some reason. Can't imagine why ... :confused:


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Hmm, this is now beginning to remind me of an old thread for some reason. Can't imagine why ... :confused:

Not sure about that. The thread you reference is about repetitive playfields and the tolerance for them in the game. The recent discussion has been about designers who swipe other peoples work without permission from the original designer or at the very least the company. I have no problem with lawlor, Ritchie or Trudeau copying themselves as they often do. You get similar playfields but with a different theme and slight design changes.
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