Would be amazing if Johnny Mnemonic was in the pipeline.Would love to see it in TPA.Next to The Shadow and Tales from the Crypt definitely at the very top of my most wanted.
Absolutely 3 great tables to add, also Congo would be nice...
Would be amazing if Johnny Mnemonic was in the pipeline.Would love to see it in TPA.Next to The Shadow and Tales from the Crypt definitely at the very top of my most wanted.
Interested to see Rescue 911. I will try to predict the next 12, quite unsuccessfully I am sure
49 TX Sector
50 AG Soccer
51 Paragon
52 Dr Who!!!
53 Bad Cats (sorry guys they ate the mice)
54 Swords of Fury
55 Tales from the Crypt
56 8 Ball Deluxe
57 Centigrade 37 & Ace High
58 Johnny Mnemonic
59 A.G. Garage Band
60 Vector
Interested to see Rescue 911. I will try to predict the next 12, quite unsuccessfully I am sure
49 TX Sector
50 AG Soccer
51 Paragon
52 Dr Who!!!
53 Bad Cats (sorry guys they ate the mice)
54 Swords of Fury
55 Tales from the Crypt
56 8 Ball Deluxe
57 Centigrade 37 & Ace High
58 Johnny Mnemonic
59 A.G. Garage Band
60 Vector
I mostly agree, but this lineup looks a little too lame to me compared with seasons 4 & 5. I'd replace Vector with another licensed WMS table. Kudos for the A.G. table. I might put a more famous unlicensed EM instead of Centigrade 37. And I don't believe the Bad Cats (or Mousin' Around) hype. I'd replace that with Rollergames or maybe an unlicensed Gottlieb DMD, or Comet, Riverboat Gambler, another licensed WMS, etc etc down the rabbit hole I go...
Mousin Around - Not enough requests. (Although, it certainly has MY vote!)
Fathom & Seawitch (double pack) - Possible / Nowhere near enough requests.
Barracora - Has anyone ever asked for this before? lol
Independence Day - High end licensing costs / Not enough requests.
Paragon - Possible for next season.
Swords of fury - I'm predicting this for next season.
Stargate - I would LOVE for this to happen, but I think it would require a KS, which I doubt would pass.
Grand lizard - Not enough requests.
Devils dare - Not enough requests.
Godzilla - High end licensing costs / Not enough requests.
I don't know EM's very well offhand so I'll have to look at some popularity lists before picking one. I think Fireball really dominates famous unlicensed EM's. Maybe Royal Flush? Whichever one is most-mentioned on PAF, maybe. And I want to look at the # of leaderboard entries on Fireball & EDEM before I feel good about another EM 2-pack.Riverboat Gambler, and Rollergamed sound great. I think we get Party Animal before Comet if they are going completist. Whats your EM pick? Which Williams licenced table? And which DMD Gottlieb?
Predicting is hard unless you're [MENTION=2241]Extork[/MENTION].
Never tried my hand at predicting, but here goes....
After AG Soccer and TX-Sector...
51. Paragon
52. The Shadow
53. Fire!
54. Dr. Who
55. Centigrade 37 / Ace High
56. Tales from the Crypt
57. Banzai Run
58. Swords Of Fury
59. Eight Ball Deluxe
60. Baywatch
I love your list, if you replaced NBAFb with Shadow, anywayEightball Deluxe (I may have convinced Norman at Arcade Expo)
Pinball Magic (if they do a Capcom, it'll be this one first)
Vector (seriously people, jump on the bandwagon!)
Embryon (or any Bally wide body)
Dr Who
Rollergames (because this is the table I NEED in TPA)
Johnny Mnemonic (or The Shadow as a big but non kickstart license)
A.G. Garage Band (instead of a Gottlieb)
NBA Fastbreak (a man can dream, right?)
As for EBD, I just can't see it happening. We already have two pool themed tables, and the staff have previously said that they weren't big fans of EBD to begin with. (Which is why CBW got made over EBD. However, things could always change!)
I'd be rather bummed to get Bad Cats over Mousin' Around. Mousin' is so much more fun to play, it's not even close.