Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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New member
Mar 29, 2012
For all those asking for another table as a stretch goal, there was a HUGE hullabaloo when they tried to add ST:TNG as a stretch goal for TZ. It seemed like a reasonable thing to do to me, but a bunch of people got upset and said that they either didn't care about ST:TNG so they didn't want their money going to it or said that they wanted to pledge for ST:TNG but had no interest in TZ. There was actually a pledge drop-off towards the end of the campaign because those that pledged primarily for ST:TNG got out when it was clear that the stretch goal wasn't being met.
That's not exactly as I remember that. The problem was (or... at least it was for me) that they said: "Okay, here's the stretch goal. And if we're not going to meet it, we're going to do another kickstarter to complete it!" Which made me wonder about the point of it all. There was no reason at all to add even more money to the pot from a logical point of view.

And don't forget how much they were struggling with the TZ kickstarter in the first place. Not necessarily with collecting the money, but with the handling of the campaign itself. Pretty quickly it became apparent that they didn't really think it all the way through, especially when we started to ask them questions about things like potential problems that never even occurred to them. There were just too many accidents happening over the course of the kickstarter, and that was why many people got frustrated near the end of it.

As for THIS very kickstarter... Well, I was reluctant to pledge some money during the first week or so, because by then my enthusiasm for this game has dwindled dramatically. The way they handled Black Knight, Genie and others on the PS3 already made me question things, the stupid stupid stupid bugs annoyed the heck out of me... and the "polished" ball physics they introduced some table packs ago sucked the fun out of everything for me. (I find Star Trek and Cactus Canyon to be nearly unplayable.) But then I had some good time with Whitewater... and a bit of a change of heart and plugged out 10$. It's highly unlikely that I'm going to up my pledge, though. Considering the game (and the way it's being handled by the devs) I think I have been generous enough as I could be.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
Just out of principle I wont pledge. For as long as I can remember a table like CV has had numerous reported issues and no one at FS seems to take the time to fix them. Its great that they release new tables every month but seriously, fix the stuff that's already been released more than a year ago.
The only kickstarter I might consider participating in is Addams Family since that's the table I got my first wrist inflammation on.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Where did you read that? Very interesting. If you know anything else about FS current cash flow or profits per table, please share, as it would shut me right up. I just read their announcement of this kick starter on Facebook and about 5 other people shared my opinion that they can easily afford to buy their own licenses.

Seriously, we're both speculating, right? But if you know facts, please share them.

5 People. Well that's worth a couple grand isn't it.
People moan all the time about paying 5$ for a table pack even when it involves getting a table that they are excited about and a table they are meh about. How many of them are going to pay extra?

A few people agreeing doesn't make it financially wise to release it for that much.

"I kickstarted Twilight Zone pinball for PC
and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!"

;) I keeeed.

I would actually love this T-Shirt

thats a fairly large bit of fud dude.

this is the first ive ever heard of it.

itd would be insane

I love every post you make. Somehow even more when it takes me 10 minutes to decipher it.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Damn!!, from a cracking day on Saturday the last 2 days have been awful!! Which completely negates Saturdays progress!!

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Today was hampered by the fact that someone apparently pulled or reduced a big pledge. When I first checked this morning it was at -$250 for the day. Still not a great day overall so far, but at least it recovered from the negatives!

So far it seems like Farsight is sticking to their Friday update policy when it comes to this Kickstarter too. Plus the Farsight commentary has slowed down as well. They really would have a much easier time in my opinion if there were more frequent comments/updates. They really need to have an update describing exactly what the beta testing tier gets you (what platforms especially) and that add that to the FAQ.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
That's all private information; while it would be interesting to know, that information will never be made public.

Its also something that FarSight probably doesn't know. They would negotiate one price with whoever holds the terminator license. I'm sure even Arnold wouldn't know. Although his licensing contracts probably allow him to ask for an itemized breakdown, I'm sure he doesn't. His accountant gets a royalty check, probably quarterly, from the studio/license holder and as long as its a reasonable amount it just goes to the bank account.


New member
May 7, 2013
Just received a reply from FS to an email requesting beta testing clarification:-

We'll be beta testing on iOS, Android, PC - basically everything but
consoles. We'd like to start the beta testing two weeks before mobile and
more time for the PC.

Thank you,



New member
Jan 3, 2013
I upped my pledge today to $200 (from $50). Might bump up to $400 depending on how it looks later on this week (and availability) :)


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Looks like the sites been updated extensively. Leader board and info on all the tables packs and a news section.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Does anyone know how changed pledge levels get represented on this Kicktraq graph?

Does the difference get posted to the day that the change was made or does the amount from the original date the pledge was made get updated?
The difference is posted to the day the change is made.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Cool, thanks. I'm a little surprised Kickstarter hasn't imbedded tracking mechanisms like this right into the main page.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Cool, thanks. I'm a little surprised Kickstarter hasn't imbedded tracking mechanisms like this right into the main page.

I think they don't because they can be so misleading. What they fail to understand is how people get invested in watching the trackers.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
Using a tracker to determine whether a given kickstarter project will succeed or fail, is a lot like trying to determine the outcome of a presidential race using gallop polls. Nobody really knows who won until the polls close. The Kickstarter website lists all the necessary information, including the current pledged amount, the goal, and the amount of time left. Everything else is statistically irrelevant. Also bear in mind that most campaigns will look like an inverse bell curve with regards to daily pledges. There will be a high amount in the beginning and the end, with a trough in the middle. In the case of T2, there are also a couple of spikes right near the middle of the trough due to the recent updates.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I think it's healthy and as long as it stays steady it'll be ok. But, were gunna need one more big push to put her over the top for sure.

I believe we can do it but I'm not taking things for granted.

In less words: I can see the end of the tunnel, but were not out of the woods yet...


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Using a tracker to determine whether a given kickstarter project will succeed or fail, is a lot like trying to determine the outcome of a presidential race using gallop polls. Nobody really knows who won until the polls close. The Kickstarter website lists all the necessary information, including the current pledged amount, the goal, and the amount of time left. Everything else is statistically irrelevant. Also bear in mind that most campaigns will look like an inverse bell curve with regards to daily pledges. There will be a high amount in the beginning and the end, with a trough in the middle. In the case of T2, there are also a couple of spikes right near the middle of the trough due to the recent updates.

I'm not really interested in the trendline prediction at all. Its only a convenience to save people from doing the math between the primary stats you mentioned.

What is far more interesting is the daily pledge amounts and backer counts data. The spikes due to recent updates are exactly what are worth paying attention to, that cause and effect info is far from irrelevant. I think its good to know how well certain actions are working to boost pledges.
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