Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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New member
Jan 9, 2013
I think a huge thanks is in order to all you high rollers. i'm not especially bothered about T2, however I would hate to see this KS fail and for (I) FS to conclude that any future KS was simply not worth the effort an (ii) for any remote possibility of TAF being made being definitively ruled out..... I,m only in for a paltry 10bucks right now so feel completely ashamed by the commitment of our high rollers. we truly owe you a huge debt of thanks, and I,ll remember that when I am actually playing T2. my own personal reason for supporting this KS is actually out of respect for all of you guys at TPA fans. this is the first KS for me. I've been hurting for some considerable time since a long-time relationship abruptly fell apart (**** happens to all of us, sure) but if I had not found you guys I don't know where I,d be now.

if neccesary I'll up my pledge to 18bucks for the pro version...though I don't ever use pro on scared stiff, it,s just not such great added value to me after all... I'm very sorry but I couldn't, justify going beyond that financially. well done to those of you that can afford to and again, astonishment and admiration to those that actually cannot afford such high pledges but have done so anyway. if pinball's in your blood, it's not coming out.

thanks to you all!


Its going to fail!

Oh wait...

Have you been reading the comments by VP/LOL/Greedy bastards the last couple days? any time anyone calls them on their **** they simply change their name and start their FUD JAQing routine all over again.

Presently it's the "But where will all the money over $59k go?" routine


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I,m only in for a paltry 10bucks right now so feel completely ashamed by the commitment of our high rollers.

7M Downloads, 17K Facebook followers and only 1.8K KS Backers.
You are one of the 1.8K!
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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Oh great. Now FarSight will never fix those bugs, or release tables for Xbox, or finally get the PC going, or fix the DLC on PS3, or put the toilet seat back down, or pick up the snot rags left all over the couch.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Well, it is still 50+ hours remaining. I wont celebrate just yet, but I am glad to see that we are over the limit. I have had the kickstarter page as my homepage in Firefox since it started hehe. Looking forward to Beta-testing on PC hopefully, but most of all starting TPA and hearing "Judgement day! Bleep bleep bleep" :D

I salute you fellow pinball fans who has pledged, no matter what ammount! I did a "high roller" pledge after carefull consideration and now I feel really good about it :)

Father Time

New member
Apr 21, 2013
I think a huge thanks is in order to all you high rollers. i'm not especially bothered about T2, however I would hate to see this KS fail and for (I) FS to conclude that any future KS was simply not worth the effort an (ii) for any remote possibility of TAF being made being definitively ruled out..... I,m only in for a paltry 10bucks right now so feel completely ashamed by the commitment of our high rollers. we truly owe you a huge debt of thanks, and I,ll remember that when I am actually playing T2. my own personal reason for supporting this KS is actually out of respect for all of you guys at TPA fans. this is the first KS for me. I've been hurting for some considerable time since a long-time relationship abruptly fell apart (**** happens to all of us, sure) but if I had not found you guys I don't know where I,d be now.

if neccesary I'll up my pledge to 18bucks for the pro version...though I don't ever use pro on scared stiff, it,s just not such great added value to me after all... I'm very sorry but I couldn't, justify going beyond that financially. well done to those of you that can afford to and again, astonishment and admiration to those that actually cannot afford such high pledges but have done so anyway. if pinball's in your blood, it's not coming out.

thanks to you all!
Even if this failed, their two previous kickstarters succeeded so I don't see why they'd suddenly never do it again.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I've never heard that before, where are you getting that from?
It's in the Kickstarter Terms and Conditions. Once a project is in its final 24 hours, if it meets or exceeds the goal, then backers can no longer reduce/cancel their pledges if that reduction or cancellation would cause the project to fall below its goal. (The money above the goal can still be lost, but the success of the project itself cannot be threatened at this point.)

It's to prevent people from sabotaging a project at the last minute.
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New member
Sep 18, 2012
They must have started work on the table already them surely??...which begs the question what would have happened to all that work if the table didnt/doesnt get funded?

I think, I spotted this question 3 or 4 times in this thread. :)


New member
Jan 9, 2013
It's in the Kickstarter Terms and Conditions. Once a project is in its final 24 hours, if it meets or exceeds the goal, then backers can no longer reduce/cancel their pledges if that reduction or cancellation would cause the project to fall below its goal. (The money above the goal can still be lost, but the success of the project itself cannot be threatened at this point.)

It's to prevent people from sabotaging a project at the last minute.

seeing all of the neighsayer comments on ks and fb and seeing the total pledge value decrease... esp that idiot who pledged/revoked on 9k, I'd say 24hrs is totally too lenient. would be preferable for any pledge to be legally binding and non-retractable. I mean, life's like that. say what you mean and mean what you say.... then we would shake off all those energy-sucking, destructive looser-trolls for once and all.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I'm not a huge T2 fan, but I pledged $100.00. I know I will play the game quite a bit, pretty much any game Steve Richie does is out of this world and fast. I do have to say I love Arnold's voice and that amazing Skeleton on the playfield, again I'm very happy that we got this pin, my IPad 3 is going nuts and wants to play it know.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I meant Pinball T2 fan, I loved the movie a lot and I think that's the reason I want this game on TPA badly. Know I'm looking forward to Addam's Family, Family Guy, Tales from the crypt, Spiderman, Indiana Jones: Pinball Adventure, Rescue 911, Tron Legacy, and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head. So let's make them happen as long as Farsight can even get the licenses for them.
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