The 12 Days of Christmas:


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
So wait, with a 2nd app, doesn't that mean FS will be working on more than 1 table a month again?


New member
Nov 23, 2013
Day 11 was just posted on Facebook:

“Time to get excited pinball fans! There are a number of tables we haven't been able to bring to Pinball Arcade because of some explicit themes. We are working on a 'Pinball After Dark' app with more mature themed tables. The new app will also include the online head to head feature to keep things exciting in 2014!”

What do they mean by "mature" does that mean tables like South Park and Family Guy, or do they mean something lame like the Stern Playboy table?


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Finally a topic that will last more than 3 posts! I a
Pretty excited that this opens them up to more variety although unless it's nude pictures, I never saw much that should get them a harsh rating. Of course the ratings people are way too concerned that the children will hear something not as bad as they hear at home.

I am not sure how many tables are out there worth doing unless they can get a licensing discount since they'll now be appealing to an even smaller audience. Plus as mentioned, not exactly a huge amount of tables that fit this one unless they move a few of the current offerings over with Roma that have no censorship (medieval madness)


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I want to know if consoles are included and if you can play all the normal tables in"after dark" would hate having to hop between programs to play what I want.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Ok, well this is interesting. Let's name some titles that could possibly go in there.

South Park

what else?


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons?

I must say that I really like the way you think, my friend! I second both this & Family Guy and would also like to introduce both Big Bang Bar & Flipper Football to the After Dark requests list (FF, in particular, is a spectacularly foul-mouthed game when the family settings are turned off).


New member
Oct 26, 2013
This "after dark" thingie is a really good news I think ^^
Well done farsight...
Well done...

Now, I want family guy ^^


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
I wonder what tomorrows announcement will be.
Any guesses
Not holding out too much hope for a kickstarter.


New member
Jan 29, 2013
For Pinball After Dark, the table that comes immediately to mind is the legendary Zingy Bingy.

As the story goes, Capcom Pinball's parent company, Capcom Japan was ready to close down the pinball company's operations in early 1997. Employees were listless, and the production design effort had stalled on Big Bang Bar and Kingpin in 1996. Management gave employees a wide berth and maintained even more lax controls. Strange employee, Python Anghelo took it upon himself to design an outrageous pinball that would turn the industry on its head. He created an X-rated game, complete with artwork of foul genitalia and a concept of "having sexual intercourse" as part of the rule set. He constructed a single prototype to a reported 80%. When the president of Capcom Japan arrived in January 1997 to assess the viability of its pinball division, he was given a brief demonstration of Zingy Bingy for the first and only time. His reaction was to leave the company premises without a word, and he returned to Japan immediately. Capcom Pinball was closed 2 days later.

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