The 12 Days of Christmas:


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Am I the only one that doesn't see the point or need for FS to release ANOTHER pinball app when they already have one. Why not just have a 'After Dark' section in their current app.....just simply to make it more stream line, be a pain having to close 1 pinball app to load another pinball app from the same company just because the game you want to play isn't available in one of the apps.

Zen Pinball did this with their Marvel tables to start off with, but they later decided that it was a bad idea and combined the 2 apps together so all the table were in the 1 app/list. This just seems a poor idea to me and completely unnecessary to me!

No,of course it will be slightly annoying to open up a different app,IMO. My guess is that is the way they would have to go because of the ESRB ratings. Hopefully they'll have a way to at least access a path to the "after dark" app from within TPA. Zen doesn't have this issue because they have no "adult" themed tables.


New member
Aug 18, 2013
i realy dont know why FS care about this "mature" content - this dont affect buy in negative manner at all, and games like gta, hot line maimi and so on are example of that.


New member
Dec 23, 2013
A rerun of Scared Stiff would tick some people off that dropped cash on the pro mode to turn off family mode.

I'm thinking Scared Stiff could be the free table in AD, assuming they kick it off with a core pack.

Checked my copy of PM#2 and Whoa Nellie seems like a done deal to me.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I sure as heck don't mind having to open a second app if it means I can have Playboy (Bally 1978), Big Bang Bar, Juicy Melons, or anything else. More pins = good


New member
Aug 18, 2013
btw, i remember as some persons told me "FS can not do extra EM TPA spinoff because they so thin/tight/tyny company"..and now what we see - by magic reasons this little company plan to start extra spinoff app, not EM, but anyway looks like some extra tables in addition to TPA..this row of events looks strange..specially after some explanations about "we are not big company to release more than one table" from FS here on PAF not so long ago, and in last newsletter too...can we hope for some ray of light will dropped on this dark mystery?


New member
Nov 6, 2013
I'll check some of those tables on youtube.
I had no idea there were "adult" pinball or even "not suitable for children" pinball.

Stern Playboy is the *immediate* thing that comes to mind, as since it was half geared towards the collector's market it had some racy options. I doubt the Playboy license is overbearing.

The only other things I can think of are a few pins with rare or customized "profanity" ROMs floating around (ones exist for South Park and T2 I think among others), a few with profanity options (the Capcoms mentioned along with Medieval Madness's ability to turn off the bleeps), the rare topless (non-production) backglass of Bally's Twin Win, the rare "X-rated" backglass (also not production) on Captain Fantastic, and general adult themed pins like Bally's older Playboy pin. I think there's a few other "racy" artwork rarities and conversion kits, but these are the ones I remember. Except for the actual adult themed pins, this is all basically non-production / rare mods.

If it's less swearing and more nudity, a lot of these would be EM or early SS. So perhaps this is their way of selling some of the older stuff (eg hey, Twin Win doesn't have all the modern bells and whistles, but oh look boobies! :p )

Then again, if it's more along the lines of the "adult" Elvira option, it won't be anything like that at all... is something like Family Guy's "adult" option *really* that "adult" enough to require a separate app? South Park's "PG-13" option was pretty tame TBH...
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
TPA's rating is E 10+. Any pinball machine that would be rated by the ESRB over E 10+ would be fair game for the After Dark version. They don't have to be hard core mature or even contain foul language. Suggestive themes could be enough to get a Teen rating.

ESRB said:
Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
TPA's rating is E 10+. Any pinball machine that would be rated by the ESRB over E 10+ would be fair game for the After Dark version. They don't have to be hard core mature or even contain foul language. Suggestive themes could be enough to get a Teen rating.

Now that you have that in mind, Jurassic Park could fit that bill.


New member
Nov 6, 2013
True, but TBH, there are very few production pinballs IMHO that actually are Teen ESRB or up to me. Not obvious ones at least. Especially unlicensed ones! (Ones like South Park, Family Guy, Sopranos, etc. would require licenses of course.)

The Capcoms and Playboy are the most obvious, and then other than rare mods I draw a blank.

(I mean, I'm comparing it to what we've got. Scared Stiff has innuendo a-plenty but it's apparently E10 enought...)


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
btw, i remember as some persons told me "FS can not do extra EM TPA spinoff because they so thin/tight/tyny company"..and now what we see - by magic reasons this little company plan to start extra spinoff app, not EM, but anyway looks like some extra tables in addition to TPA..this row of events looks strange..specially after some explanations about "we are not big company to release more than one table" from FS here on PAF not so long ago, and in last newsletter too...can we hope for some ray of light will dropped on this dark mystery?

They could be meaning to do this after the team working on orbals is finished. Which they will be eventually.


Jul 11, 2012
so NOTHING on christmas!? we know when tournaments end they've told you since they started and feeding the FB trolls will probably do you more harm then good. Why am I supprised FS is a small company they can only generate so much news about THIER GAME!
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