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New member
May 10, 2012
I think the best way to ensure we get future EM additions is to have them in two packs with a popular dmd table. If sold as a stand alone table and Farsight loses money on them it is goodbye to EMs. I for one want more EMs! They are easy to learn but hard to play, drop down targets are fun and after playing a long round on a dmd table, you can play a short round on a classic EM table and get a completely different experience but just as satisfying. When it comes to pinball I am a socialist. If the people do not want EMs, make them buy EMs :)


New member
Nov 19, 2012
People just need to learn that they want them. ;)

Admitted, the only digital version of an EM I've played so far, Jive Time, wasn't a big success, but I do really like several of the older tables, once I get to know them.

If only DMD games were being made for TPA, we wouldn't be getting a lot of diversity. In fact, I'd love to see games from all the way back to the 40's and 50's, as they are an important part of the history of pinball.

Nik Barbour

I'm even starting to like the bells now.
Thank you VP for helping me learn about this era of pinball. :)


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Do we need the Star Trek Kickstarter anymore on the page? Pretty much useless now since Farsight already digitized this game.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
People just need to learn that they want them. ;)

Admitted, the only digital version of an EM I've played so far, Jive Time, wasn't a big success, but I do really like several of the older tables, once I get to know them.

If only DMD games were being made for TPA, we wouldn't be getting a lot of diversity. In fact, I'd love to see games from all the way back to the 40's and 50's, as they are an important part of the history of pinball.
Screw diversity and historical significance - no tables before 1985!

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I know it may be shocking to you, but a lot of us actually enjoy and even prefer older and simpler tables. It's not all about historical significance.
And even those of us who prefer DMD machines sometimes find it nice to play something simpler every once in a while. I find Taxi to be the perfect complement/antidote after a long session with RBION or TZ.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I just like pinball. Old or new doesn't matter. As long as it has at least two flippers and at least two of them are at the bottom of an inclined table with some kind of targets of some sort, its good with me. The targets can be old school drop targets or ramps or castles or freaky doll's heads. As long as I can drop a real or virtual quarter into and flip the little chrome ball around, I'm happy!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I just like pinball. Old or new doesn't matter. As long as it has at least two flippers and at least two of them are at the bottom of an inclined table with some kind of targets of some sort, its good with me. The targets can be old school drop targets or ramps or castles or freaky doll's heads. As long as I can drop a real or virtual quarter into and flip the little chrome ball around, I'm happy!

That's pretty much where I'm finding myself as well.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
What I want to know is when Farsight will be announcing the Pachinko Arcade - complete with online gambling!

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
UPDATE SCEE has contacted FarSight regarding The Twilight Zone redemption codes for European Kickstarter backers and FarSight anticipates that redemption codes will be sent out to backers early next week.

As it wasn't too difficult to see this one coming I bought TZ last night. When (IF?) I get my kickstarter code I'll post it on the forum for one of you guys to use.

the ajp

New member
Jun 17, 2012
As it wasn't too difficult to see this one coming I bought TZ last night. When (IF?) I get my kickstarter code I'll post it on the forum for one of you guys to use.
Yeah like i said earlier i've just bought it too ... Next week .. Hmmm .. bet that goes down well .... Looking forward to just buying STTNG too :)
On reflection i did contribute to the kickstarter to help make this table happen and another £6 hasn't broken the bank .. but doesn't change the fact this table should have been released to the kickstarter backers first IMO .


New member
May 10, 2012
Wishful thinking. It is just not possible when they are at the mercy of the big guys. (ref: Sony) They refuse to give the codes to Farsight before the game is available, and Sony Europe is notorious for taking their time. Farsight should be better to communicate these kind of messages up front but they are learning as they go and getting better all the time thank god.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
I just like pinball. Old or new doesn't matter. As long as it has at least two flippers and at least two of them are at the bottom of an inclined table with some kind of targets of some sort, its good with me. The targets can be old school drop targets or ramps or castles or freaky doll's heads. As long as I can drop a real or virtual quarter into and flip the little chrome ball around, I'm happy!

Nice to see people with the same taste as me! I got my buddy hooked good on this and I was asking what his fav tables is (he is on Ipad) and he was like "No one escapes a Black hole! It is the best! Um.. well they kinda all are great!" :)
I find that at first I hated the old tables, my summary would be "useless boring tables". But after you really sit down and play them, they are really fun and I also realized that my initial thoughts was because they are HARD to master. I really don't care what tables they release as long as they keep releasing them :D
Now back to TZ on PS3! :D


New member
Mar 29, 2012
Wishful thinking. It is just not possible when they are at the mercy of the big guys. (ref: Sony) They refuse to give the codes to Farsight before the game is available, and Sony Europe is notorious for taking their time. Farsight should be better to communicate these kind of messages up front but they are learning as they go and getting better all the time thank god.
They do? Oh, I don't know. The core game has been out for almost a year now... and things haven't really changed since then. Communication between Farsight and Sony/Microsoft has always been lacking, and so did the communication between Farsight and customers. Even terms like "They're learning as they go." and "It's just growing pains!" stay the same. (Heck, even the bugs!)

It's all just status quo, really... and it's rather disheartening. Especially with seing a year coming full circle.

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