timeframe on dx11

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New member
Jul 11, 2013
Monkey grass - thank you for being Frank's keeper. He doesn't need it though. I was pretty clear in my choice of words.

Frank, I enjoy your posts and was not attacking you, as you realised. I was only reacting to the syntax as it annoyed me like '110%'. I probably should have just kept my mouth shut!

Ah, I get it, you just like playing "grammar police" and giving disabled folks a hard time.

You must be hella fun at parties.


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Dec 19, 2012
Anyway, my signature has changed and I understand Dan that bad grammar drives you nuts. I endeared my fourth grade teacher for life when I wrote her a note saying that I didn't need any grammar to live life. She just said "Okay Frank, you'll be sorry one day". I am sorry, I really wish I could write better. :D

Now back on subject, I really hope that we get DX11 this year, but not holding my breath. I am just happy to have TPA that allows me to play video recreations of pinball machines I've played in the past and machines that I want to play, but have never had the energy to go seek and play IRL.

Edit: Thanks MonkeyGrass. I appreciate you trying to help.


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Jan 26, 2014


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Jan 26, 2014
^ in 7 days this promise is 1 year old.

Dear FS please tell us some good news now that the xbone is out.
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New member
Oct 20, 2012
So now that xbone is almost done and ps4 season 2 is around the corner, it means that all tables should be ready for the advanced lighting now. I really hope FS can make it for Christmas and bring the great lighting to the pc.
Anything else would just fuel the theory of a PC has to stay ugly ban by the consoles.

First off, the PS4 version "is just around the corner"? Which one?

I would hardly call the PC version ugly. Graphically, it pales in comparison to the PS4 version. I'll not compare it to the XB One version-it still has not been released. On the PC version, bugs can be more easily fixed and you don't have to wait eons for tables. Plus, it's possible to earn achievements on all tables, which is something no console version (Sony or M$) can claim.

A slightly downgraded look and that occasional, random "slow-to-a-crawl" gameplay are fair trade-offs IMO.
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