timeframe on dx11

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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Look, I haven't been a major complainer in these threads. I'm generally happy with the product. However, in this case, I seem to recall Far Sight making a specific point about DX11 in their sales pitch to get people to buy the Steam version. I think it is legitimate to ask 6 months after release, when some of these features promised at release will be coming. I don't think it is fair to attack people as being "impossible to please" or hate-mail senders for asking a legitimate question. Tell me why it is not reasonable to ask when something that was promised at release (to help convince me to buy it) will be coming?
To be fair, you've been more level-headed about it than most. I don't mind people asking the question because they genuinely want to know. I mind when the question gets loaded with undeserved aspersions directed at the FarSight development team.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
By the way. I LOVE the PS3 3D tables. Highly recommend it to anybody. The best way to play right now, including PS4 and cab.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Look, I haven't been a major complainer in these threads. I'm generally happy with the product. However, in this case, I seem to recall Far Sight making a specific point about DX11 in their sales pitch to get people to buy the Steam version. I think it is legitimate to ask 6 months after release, when some of these features promised at release will be coming. I don't think it is fair to attack people as being "impossible to please" or hate-mail senders for asking a legitimate question. Tell me why it is not reasonable to ask when something that was promised at release (to help convince me to buy it) will be coming?

You are relatively new here, and haven't been a part of a lot of the community shenanigans I've pointed out, but shenanigans have been shenanigized and we as a community have reaped what we have sown.

I say the community because we are one and we all have to deal with the consequences of the community's actions, even if those actions were perpetuated by a noisy few. By community, I don't just mean pinballarcadefans, but facebook, and pretty well any other social group that revolves around TPA.

I wasn't trying to attack you or lump you in with said group, I know that since you were lumped in with my last reply it may have seemed that way. Hard to change perceived tone in the middle of a forum post i suppose.


Jun 27, 2012
The complaints you see here bother me because people act as if they are entitled to more. FarSight doesn't sell you the game based on possible, long in development features. At the time of purchase there's no promise other than 'Pinball, REAL TABLES, pick your platform, $2-$5 per table!'. That's what I paid for, that's what I got, and anything more is gravy. Even on the 360, I bought 10 tables before it all went nuts. But did FarSight owe me more tables? No, I only PAID for ten tables on the 360 and I did get all of them. Sure it SUCKS that I couldn't buy any more 360 tables but I was never entitled to them.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
The complaints you see here bother me because people act as if they are entitled to more. FarSight doesn't sell you the game based on possible, long in development features. At the time of purchase there's no promise other than 'Pinball, REAL TABLES, pick your platform, $2-$5 per table!'. That's what I paid for, that's what I got, and anything more is gravy. Even on the 360, I bought 10 tables before it all went nuts. But did FarSight owe me more tables? No, I only PAID for ten tables on the 360 and I did get all of them. Sure it SUCKS that I couldn't buy any more 360 tables but I was never entitled to them.

Logged on just to say that I endorse this post 110%.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
...but at the same time I think recently there are more people inquiring about and concerned about the progress rather than flat out complaining.

The complaining about complainers seems a bit out of balance, IMO.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
When I said earlier VP is moving at a faster pace that TPA in the past 12 months this has been particularly true. There were many years where it moved at a snail like pace.

Also when myself and others compare VP with TPA it is not done to just complain about TPA for the sake of it, but it is with genuine desire to try move TPA forward to support these features too. I am sure there are many ideas TPA has taken from VP and vice-versa. Some people don't follow VP development so by posting here things a like 'Hey VP can do ball spin now, 'VP allows you to adjust slope, flipped strength, flippee friction, table friction, etc., for a tougher game' at least members here and Farsight will know and might prick up their ears and say why don't we try and get that into TPA.

TPA is really awesome and I love the Farsight devs and their attitude to pinball and I know they have many monthly commitments to fullfil on multiple platforms which must take priority to pay the bills. For the team size what they have achieved it incredibly impressive.

I just feel TPA PC needs that 'George Martin' producers touch, and it will be (to use an English expression) 'The Dogs B*ll*cks'.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
I have to say I the complaining here sometimes is a little out of place. But I also understand people who are disappointed. FS has stated they are bringing DX11 tech very officially in steam announcements http://steamcommunity.com/app/238260/aannouncement - "Hello from FarSight".
So it was a selling argument for some of us.
It was just hard to understand why something like this took so long, when looking at the ps4 it seemed like it's already there. But in reality things obviously are a bit more complicated. Mike explained and I'm happy with that. I don't have a single doub't that FS will deliver.
I still want it very badly - so I keep postin in my hope that it won't loose priority again.
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New member
Nov 7, 2013
The complaints you see here bother me because people act as if they are entitled to more. FarSight doesn't sell you the game based on possible, long in development features. At the time of purchase there's no promise other than 'Pinball, REAL TABLES, pick your platform, $2-$5 per table!'. That's what I paid for, that's what I got, and anything more is gravy. Even on the 360, I bought 10 tables before it all went nuts. But did FarSight owe me more tables? No, I only PAID for ten tables on the 360 and I did get all of them. Sure it SUCKS that I couldn't buy any more 360 tables but I was never entitled to them.

This is just simply not true. When Farsight announced that the Steam version was now available, part of their sales pitch was that they would be bringing additional features to the product. One of those specifically listed was DX11. The idea here is to not only sell based on what is available now but also on what the product will become soon. Nvidia did the same thing with their Shield. They were trying to sell additional product based on features they knew were coming but not available yet. Many companies do this. When they don't deliver these features, customers are understandably upset because they sold it partly based on potential.

Another good example in this case is portrait view. At release, Farsight did not have portrait but promised it was coming soon. I would not have bought it if they hadn't but I figured I would go ahead and purchase so I could play the game. Now I play in portrait exclusively but I promise you if portrait was not on the table, I would not have bought the Steam version and stuck to just console or iOS.

Now I agree that some of the complaints are over the top but again, I think if a company promises at launch that a major feature is coming, it is perfectly legitimate to want to know when that feature is coming - especially when it is barely even mentioned as late as 6 months after release. You can bet that if portrait wasn't here by now, I would be much more vocal about it.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I'm holding off on buying Season 2 and 3 until DX11, so yes features like this DO bring in sales. I'm going for quality over quantity.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
So I am the most vocal. I also dumped $3000 on a cabinet with the expectation that cabinets would be supported in the future. Is that going to break the bank, no. If it was I wouldn't have purchased it in the first place. The point is, it would be much better if I could use the cabinet to play TPA tables on it like they should be.
PC was supposed to support cabinet. PC got delayed because of Steam. Then after all the delays PC finally makes it. No cab support for months on end. Nothing in the pipe because of other commitments. PS4, 360 and now the new xbox.
Have I been a little over the top, sure, but it gets attention and people talking about cab again and shows that there is support for these features. Just because someone doesn't post here, doesn't mean they aren't waiting for these features. There are probably many who have never posted but just come to check on the progress, or lack of it.
I am just totally sick of waiting on this feature. I see the glass as half empty and the water evaporating rapidly. If people don't like me complaining about it, too bad. I will keep doing so from time to time until it is released, or until season 4 hits.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I wish DirectX 11 would come sooner :(

Does anyone know how much longer it will take?
Sadly, I don't even think Farsight knows. It seems to perpetually be around a month or two, until something else pops up that takes priority (PS4 release, XBO release, PS3 megapatch etc.).

I think I mentioned it earlier, but I'd love to see them say "Okay, we'll have it done by X, all other projects that might impact on this date will be on hold". That way, anything that would go ahead because it's done by a different department would still go ahead (like porting tables etc.) but this would still move forward. Imagine how many people will be advocating for TPA on PC once there's nothing more to nag FS about!

If they don't set a goal for it, it'll always be done "when it's done" and other things will continuously take priority. Having to hear unofficial word that it's been put back for whatever reason pretty much sucks.

Come on, FS. Set a date (even if it's a ways off). Work towards it. Make us happy :)


New member
Dec 26, 2013
How will the xbone impact this? PS4 is currently the only port with the enhanced lighting, and that is using OpenGL. Doesn't the xbone use some flavor of dx11? I guess what I'm getting at is won't the work needed to be done for the xbone graphics engine directly translate to the pc version?

And consequently, does that mean we're looking at a Summer (or later, post xbone launch) implementation?

And thanks to whoever unlocked this thread...


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Same here.

I'm holding off on buying any tables for the PC version until DX11. Right now they're pretty, but not pretty enough to outweigh the convenience of playing the android version (where I have all the tables).

Edit: Plus, honestly the 'pink issue' gets to me, I'm hoping DX11 will fix it but not sure how optimistic I am.


New member
Sep 27, 2013
Ok, I lurk here A LOT, but generally don't post all that often. After watching this thread over the last few months I want to get my $.02 thrown in the fountain. First, I want to say "Thanks" to Mike and the other FS folks who take part in the forums. I know that as a whole, we can come across as petulant sometimes, but I think that just about everybody here appreciates the time and effort that you have put into TPA. One of this things that I have noticed is that there always seem to be more people viewing in the PC forum than any other platform. So, on the good side, you have a lot of enthusiastic pinball zealots who are really invested in your creation. Oh, BTW, we can be pretty critical and opinionated at times as I am sure you have noticed.

One thing that I think sometimes gets lost in the discussion is that FS is a business out to make a profit. We love pinball, but FS has had its hand in games ranging from "Hotel for Dogs" to "Scarface". If they can make a profit in Pinball games, they will. If not, I imagine they would be quite happy doing something else. Speaking for myself, I want them to be successful. If they would just realize that putting <insert my personal wishlist here> as their top priority would make the game sell like hotcakes.... It hurts even more when FS announces something that is on my list and then doesn't seem to devote the cycles to get it done. So at that point you end up with people venting in the forums. Still, it is still better than no one caring enough to post.

Now Mike, about those items on MY wishlist..........


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Hmm that fact that they design a new lighting tech which was debuted in High Speed would suggest that DX11 is no where near ready to be released otherwise why would they waste resources on this new lighting tech if DX 11 was only around the corner?

Im saying late Q4 2014 at the earliest for DX11 to be implemented!
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