timeframe on dx11

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New member
Jun 4, 2012
hello and welcome to the forum.

each to there would but what a **** first post

if you know the rest of the season 3 tables please tell me? season 3 isnt my favourite either but im not waiting until 2015 for a new table damnit i might be cremated in a good bottle of whiskey by then, its onky to be drunk at the end of the world.

the prosuct is what it is im sorry your unhappy.



New member
May 10, 2012
I have a gut-feeling that as soon as the xbox one verison of tpa drops, the pc dx11 ver. will be right behind it.(if there is not a quarantine period between xbox and all other platforms, that is)

This all smells of cheap Microsoft rules.(love those guys ;) ) Just saying, not complaining. I can wait a bit longer. It will happen when it happens and it will be sweet with sugar on top :confused:


Mar 25, 2013
I think I should have wait until 2015 before throwing money at Farsight. I already paid for season 3, but I don't even care about upcoming tables anymore. I'm just sick of the lack of DX11, the bad textures, the ugly menu, the blurriness when PP is on, the broken friend leaderboards, broken Twilight Zone, bugs and crashes, etc. They only release a patch every 5-6 weeks, fixing a few bugs are and there only to create new ones.

This game is an early access beta, we are beta testers.

That is bit dramatic. Is it really such an unplayable mess? Your Steam profile shows you have played Pinball Arcade for 207hrs - at least I assume that's you since you made the same complaints there and using the same name. If its really such a shoddy product why would you put that amount of time in to it?

I'm guessing due to the amount of time you've played you love the game and want to make it better. But this type of vague complaining just comes across as someone throwing a hissy fit and does nothing to help improve the product. Why not post some of the bugs you are encountering to the sticky at the top so Farsight is aware of the issues you're seeing? It won't do much for speeding up the DX11 release but would be more constructive.


New member
Apr 30, 2014
That is bit dramatic. Is it really such an unplayable mess? Your Steam profile shows you have played Pinball Arcade for 207hrs - at least I assume that's you since you made the same complaints there and using the same name. If its really such a shoddy product why would you put that amount of time in to it?

I'm guessing due to the amount of time you've played you love the game and want to make it better. But this type of vague complaining just comes across as someone throwing a hissy fit and does nothing to help improve the product. Why not post some of the bugs you are encountering to the sticky at the top so Farsight is aware of the issues you're seeing? It won't do much for speeding up the DX11 release but would be more constructive.

I was willing to wait a few months, but my patience has limit. And since the last patch the game has been worst than ever: I crashed many times just by accessing leaderboard, I can't play Twilight Zone because the camera gets stuck during multiball, and I still experience that blurry mess when I turn post processing on. If it was only about DX11 delay, I wouldn't have written this post, but the sum of all problems (older and newer alike) is starting to annoy me. They want to support every imaginable platform to increase their sales, but it's starting to affect the quality of the product quite a bit.

I understand that fans love Farsight and will feel compelled to protect them and strike back at any complainers, but they aren't helping Farsight at all in doing so.


New member
Apr 30, 2014
hello and welcome to the forum.
each to there would but what a **** first post

Hum, I'm sorry if my first post hurts your feelings. The only reason I am posting here is because we get next to no support on steam community discussion board. Farsight doesn't read most of the comments left there, they are only active on a fan forum for some reason.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
no feelings hurt

but for and introduction that was very harsh, i understand what your saying but manners in a fan community is nuce your welcome to post here more often if you like, things atent pretty but chill lut


Jun 27, 2012
Then you put $100 or more and 207hrs into a game, it's hard to take your claims of the game not being worth the investment of money...


Mar 25, 2013
I understand that fans love Farsight and will feel compelled to protect them and strike back at any complainers, but they aren't helping Farsight at all in doing so.

The problem I have is with vague complaints, which seem to be the in thing these days for just about every product. To me its just pointless noise.

I can recall when I first came to this forum there was someone complaining about how buggy and broken a specific table was. I was thinking I was pretty lucky since it played fine for me. They went on about the bugs and someone asked what problems they were having. When they responded the bugs were things like a texture overlapping in to the plunger lane or a decal being reversed. Cosmetic things that had zero impact on the table working or not. But you would think the table was completely broken from reading the initial posts.

Those vague complaints are unhelpful and don't paint an accurate picture of the product. So I don't have a problem responding to those types of posts and trying to insert a bit of reality.

Typically the reality is rarely as bad as people make it out to be.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I have a gut-feeling that as soon as the xbox one verison of tpa drops, the pc dx11 ver. will be right behind it.(if there is not a quarantine period between xbox and all other platforms, that is)

This all smells of cheap Microsoft rules.(love those guys ;) ) Just saying, not complaining. I can wait a bit longer. It will happen when it happens and it will be sweet with sugar on top :confused:

I said it before, there is no exclusivity for MS & Sony, but now I can quote Mike Reitmeyer. :)

"Also want to clarify. Sony and Microsoft do NOT pay developers for exclusivity. Maybe really large developers, but not small ones. Usually it's more like "give us something exclusive or be excluded from our platform"

In the case of PS4, Sony asked that the PS4 version look next gen. So we implemented that functionality. Afterwards decided that it should be on PC as well."
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New member
Dec 26, 2013
The issue with Microsoft exclusivity is that they explicitly WERE NOT paying for it. Instead, they were extorting you into it. If you wanted to enter their ID@Xbox program, you had to agree to release on their platform first. I don't know if that extended to mobile and PC, but it certainly did for Playstation. Microsoft later relented a bit and said that if you had an existing exclusivity deal in place before ID@Xbox was announced, they would work with you on a case-by-case basis to get your game into the ID@Xbox program. They further stated that in those limited cases, they wanted feature parity when the Xbox version was released.

Regardless of MS shenanigans, the DirectX rendering tech required for the Bone should translate over to the PC nicely. Knowing Farsight it will still be months later, but getting the Bone done should give them a huge jump in implementing it on PC.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Megahurtz, I'm definitely not a fan or defender of MS, but this thread is about advanced lighting for TPA on the PC. I don't talk about exclusivity on the Xbox platform in general. My point is that "advanced lighting"
is not an exclusive content for Xbone or PS4 and MS or Sony can not determine at what time the (already released) PC version gets better lighting.
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New member
May 10, 2012
Good to know, Biff. Thanks for the clarification and quote from Mike.


Jun 27, 2012
Sorry Farsight but this game is dying for me right now.

Lack of significant progress on the PC format coupled with crazy prices = lower sales.

I've got 10-12 AAA titles in my Steam library all purchased for around £5 each. The incentive to drop £70 - £90 on the three season packs just isn't there for most people.

Hell, we're still asking about an update to the floor texture... We're still having to faff around in graphics drivers to rotate the display... DX11?


I love pinball and I love TPA, but Farsight, right now my money is going elsewhere.

And I really want to spend it on TPA for the PC.

I think that there's a real problem with the comparison to major AAA titles. The majority of major AAA titles while $50-$60 upon release rapidly decline in value and are bargain bin items within the year. People just rapidly lose interest. They often see a 'second life' once they make that second round in big sales, free with graphics cards, game of the year editions, or such, but there's still a steep decline in revenues from the moment of release. DLC is a way to bring attention back to a game as people get more interested when new content is available, it generates hype, gets in the gaming headlines, people buy the game new because their friends just got the awesome DLC and they want to play, stuff like that. There's also such things as 'Evergreen' titles, titles that manage to keep a reasonable amount of demand throughout their life. Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, other fighting games, major competitive online games often fit in this arena. There were always people looking to buy Team Fortress 2 (Before it went Free To Play) or Counter-Strike weather it was on sale or not.

TPA is an interesting creature however, it doesn't get 'DLC', it gets 'New Tables'. It's like a buffet and once a month they're adding a new item to that buffet. The game is always going to be getting some headline amongst fans, their monthly news letters aren't just 'Hey, here's some BS about our game' it's always 'NEW TABLE! :3' and that means TPA remains relevant well after it's initial release. And like a buffet, you can pick just the tables you want and only spend maybe $20. Others will drop some serious coin on getting the entire collection. I do certainly think that SOME discounts on older content are due, but at the same time I doubt the game would hugely benefit from some bargain basement $4.99 pricing for the whole thing. However, giving away Season 1 for cheap during say a Steam sale might be a good way to hook people into S1 and S2, but I don't know the finances of the licenses for the game and I won't pretend to either.

Sure, I got Tomb Raider FREE with my graphics card, along with two other games, sure it was a AAA title, sure it entertained me for about 12 hrs. ...But I've put far more hours into TPA and it keeps getting new stuff. There's a new table today even. And well, the $100 I've put into three seasons so far for what should total 51 tables at the end of Season 3, that's actually a pretty good deal per table when a real arcade machine (If I can FIND ONE) would set me back $0.50-$1.00 per play and cost even more if I wanted to own it. Infact, to even find 51 pinball tables in one location, you'd have to go to either a massive arcade location or a pinball show to even have that many options available to you.

Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
I'm worried that there is not enough money being made (or willing to be spent) to support the necessary developers required to keep the PC version up to the same standards as the latest console iterations. I'm hoping that the architecture of the Xbox One is close enough to allow for some major improvements with the PC game at some point; however, it seems that the PC updates are simply being pushed back as the consoles, iOS, and Android versions get all of the very limited resources available. The newest tables are seeing some improvements, but I'm a bit worried that we will never see anything done to fix existing problems or to make physics/graphics updates on the older PC tables. I just don't believe the current team is going to be able to catch up to the point where any worthwhile work can be done on the PC version's current tables. There is always going to be something more important to be done. Too many platforms are keeping the quality down, but I understand the necessity from a business perspective.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Ah now all that negativity get's on my nerve as well. Please stay positive and passionate about the advanced lighting / DX11 coming, but speculation about fs reasons won't help. I was initially mislead by the all the facts and informations that were spread around the new year announcements, that it was just around the corner. Mike now made it pretty clear that they are working on it and that we don't have to expect it very soon. Yippee.


Ah now all that negativity get's on my nerve as well. Please stay positive and passionate about the advanced lighting / DX11 coming, but speculation about fs reasons won't help. I was initially mislead by the all the facts and informations that were spread around the new year announcements, that it was just around the corner. Mike now made it pretty clear that they are working on it and that we don't have to expect it very soon. Yippee.
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