What tables did you play today?


New member
Apr 5, 2013
I was lucky enough to spend a few free hours in my garage today so I moved some pins around (using the tortoise method) and had a few quality games on POTC, WWF and BTTF.

POTC is fast becoming a favourite, I'd always wanted one and just got lucky when someone wanted to part-ex one, and wanted a game I was bored of. And gave me a great price. I've managed the wizard mode once but usually get stuck on those pesky East Wind lights of beating up Davy Jones, and getting a Heart SJ. Today the same, and also Kraken undefeated, but managed a respectable 120M or so.

WWF is also fairly new, but I'll be moving it on at the UK Slam (pin show in April) so I thought I'd at least try to bond with it first. Impressed. Really interesting playfield with three major shots plus two mode start holes and two playfield-edge bits (think POTC treasure or SM right side) that either give loads of video modes or lift you to the ACDC-underneath-like mini playfield with two more flippers. Great fun, I will miss it. Up there for me with the best DE games (LW3, R&B, GnR) and it even has a shaker motor :) managed to beat my high score with about 850M today but still haven't managed that one game where everything comes together. But soon, soon my pretty. Oh yeah!

Finally BTTF which was also a recent acquisition from a good friend. Since I bought it, about six people have asked to buy it off me, but I think it's mostly the nostalgia as it's really not a good pinball game to be honest. This is also going to the Slam in six weeks, and will be used in a high score side competition (charity) with the prize being a ride in a real Delorean and maybe a BTTF simulator or something. I only played it a few times so I thought I'd better learn the game at least to give me an advantage, but tbh I'm still no wiser. Anyway who cares it's great fun and plays Huey Lewis at loud volume and looks the dog's bollocks.

Then in the evening I grabbed an hour on EATPM on TPA, still trying to finish this one off.
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Was playing Black Hole, completed the ball lock bank of four targets in two shots, which pleased me inordinately. Hit a comical slew of annoyances though, like my PS4 video stream being dropped by the server, causing a pop-up window to say something to that effect and take focus from the game, so a ball drained while I was getting the window out of the way. ; ) And then I got that one where the camera is stuck in launcher mode in multiball (even with multiball camera = on : o), after which balls get stuck in the lower playfield drain and you have to use Call Attendant every time to get them out of there. Sheesh!

Haven't played CV in a long time, played one game today, got to uh Go to the Cirqus mode or whatever it is for the first time ever, tripled my all time leaderboard score (and playing on just three balls this time, too : P). Usually CV feels like pulling teeth but I guess I was kinda zoned in on it today somehow, and hey you know the enforced target shooting leading up to the that Cirqus mode thingy is actually pretty gripping.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
Whirlwind for the last couple of days. I never liked that table IRL or in TPA but I decided to give it a proper chance and now when I know the table I really like it.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I played for a few hours late last night with my main objective to bypass a few friends on my iOS Game Center leaderboard. I set a new high score on Black Hole, Goin' Nuts and Medieval Madness and went up two spots. Out of 40 Pinball Arcade friends I am ranked 27th and on the big iOS leaderboard I am ranked 2,723 out of 155,941 players. I am still very low overall but enjoy having the Game Center leaderboards to give me motivation to improve my skills.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Mystery Mansion Pinball - on my very elderly iPod nano.
I'd forgotten how much I used to like this. - It's significantly better than most of the tripe available through Google Play store when you search for 'Pinball'.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Wife and I played some Rocky and Bullwinkle at a local pizza joint.
Yep, the buttons were greasy.

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New member
May 23, 2012
White Water. Not having a clue, I hit the no way out hole and bang, vacation jackpot! I knew I had class 6 river but didn't know I had the rest of the requirements. Feels good man.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
My wife spotted it yesterday on her way through town. Must have just been routed there. It's the only pin in town that I'm aware of. Nice to have one so close and three credits for a buck too. The moose is loose.
The pizza guy is so annoyed with the sound that it was off when I came in and he asked me to turn it off when I left. I hope is doesn't make him get rid of it.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Went to the Pinball Parlour tonight and it wasn't open. Don't know why, it just wasn't. Called the place and got the answering machine. Poo!
So my friends and I ended up playing pinball at a couple of bowling alleys. Played Batman, LOTR, NBA Fastbreak, TSPP, RBION, Elvis, POTC, Spider-man, Rollercoaster Tycoon, and Monster Bash. So the evening was still pretty darn good.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I played Attack From Mars and completed one wizard goal. Then I played a game of Scared Stiff and got a second place high score on my leaderboard.


May 10, 2013
Gorgar is one of my faves, but I’ve only gotten over 1 million twice. I’m very streaky on it. I’ve been playing a couple of times a day, hoping to stuff my high score list with 1million+ games. Totally failing. Aside from one freakish 800,000 pointer, 300,000 and below is the norm. Way too much trouble with the outlanes. What gives?

Played one game of White Water (not one of my favorites) and I hit my highest score -- which I won’t even post because it’s weak -- but it was reassuring to be treated nicely and given a much longer game than usual. Switched back to Gorgar and the beatings continued.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I played WHO Dunnit last night around 10:00 pm when the update came out. I completed 4 Table Goals and got a high score of 1,161,338,330.


May 10, 2013
Picked up El Dorado for a quick play this morning. Put on a short nudging-for-tilts display in a very lousy game followed by two-thirds of another lousy game, but then -- on ball three -- I scored 3 extra balls in a row and that little note flashed across the bottom to let me know that I had ticked off a wizard goal. I don’t really keep track of those things but I allowed myself a moment to bask in that warm feeling just because.

One more Wizard goal to go, I see. Hm. Just for laughs, what could that be? Oh. Earn 3 specials, it says. Crap. Well, let’s look at the instructions, find out what that is and then take a shot while I’m hot. Okay. About the same thing as 3 extra balls. Crap.

After a dozen or so horrible attempts at it –– wherein only one measly special was bagged -- I’m back to not caring about wizard goals… although I’ll be sure to mention it here if I pull it off.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I've been been playing a little bit of everything lately trying to get my current The Pinball Arcade scores page back up after resetting my account. My Hall Of Fame Pts total is very low right now at 1,733. I set a new personal best on Attack from Mars today 5,582,874,180 which I also realize is very low but for me a big deal. I think prior to resetting my account I had around 2,800 Hall Of Fame points so I hope to play a bunch this weekend when I have some free time.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Wanted to share this and this is as good a place as any.

Playing Twilight Zone. Battle the Power. Ball hops out of the Powerfield without triggering the exit sensor (this happens occasionally on both the real table and TPA.) Flippers are dead because the game thinks the ball is still on the Powerfield. Oh no. Ball clunks into the right slingshot, then the left... and rolls all the way up into the piano. Ok that should wake the game up at least... BOOM! Huh? Power Defeated! :cool:

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