Wife Gave Me The Green Light!


New member
May 24, 2013
I did ,watched Celtic ,then 3 matches roughly at the same time ,PSG no Neymar ,Rugby Christchurch won ,then Liverpool snoozed off 2nd half ,woke up in time for Dortmund vs Bayern ,then fell asleep !!! :p:p:cool: great evening and morning was had. :cool:

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
For some reason, the dip switches randomly started working. Not sure how or why, but now I have a bunch of things working for the first time (attract mode, free play, match mode, etc.)...I haven't touched the boards in nearly a year, so it just decided to sort of fix itself somehow heh. Still no sound, but I can't complain. I just hope it decides to stay like this.

Well, the self-repairs were only short-lived. The dip switches are no longer working again. I really liked having the extra scoring options and all the other extra stuff like attract mode, high scores being remembered, etc. and I don't want to go back, so I just ordered one of these bad boys:


Who knows, maybe it will fix the sound issue too (could also be a dip switch issue). If not, no biggie. I can always throw one of these in sometime if I'm feeling frisky:

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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Heh good luck man

Thanks man. Will be nice to have a brand-spankin new board. Only other issue I've been having is the right flippers get stuck in the up position occasionally for a few seconds. Would that be the coil or something else?


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Thanks man. Will be nice to have a brand-spankin new board. Only other issue I've been having is the right flippers get stuck in the up position occasionally for a few seconds. Would that be the coil or something else?
A burred flipper plunger rod or dirty sleeve would be common causes of this.

Inexpensive to fix.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Convicts a it of a mcgyver when it comes to onsite repair heh he's your man for strong no and gaffer tape in this case

Edit - who would have thought auto correct made me worse

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Heh, yeah I wish I could get in there and mess with the flippers. My back doesn't agree with the angles. My brother is coming for vacation next month so I'll have to put him to work. Do you guys think I should buy a flipper rebuild kit or just try to clean it up?
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Staff member
May 8, 2012
Heh, yeah I wish I could get in there and mess with the flippers. My back doesn't agree with the angles. My brother is coming for vacation next month so I'll have to put him to work. Do you guys think I should buy a flipper rebuild kit or just try to clean it up?
You won't need a full rebuild. Just get some flipper linkages (plunger and link) and some new flipper sleeves. You can always file down the backstop if it is a little mushroomed.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
You won't need a full rebuild. Just get some flipper linkages (plunger and link) and some new flipper sleeves. You can always file down the backstop if it is a little mushroomed.

Thanks Jared. I'm a novice at repair, so do you know of a good guide/tutorial or maybe even a video for flipper tune ups?

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Thanks bud. Learning to do some of this myself will save me a lot of money in the long run. Seems worth it for a little back pain, eh? heh

Looks like I have some homework to do.

I've been pretty lucky she's been running quite well mechanically-speaking (aside from the finicky roto) for about a year now (time flies), but it's time to get her flippers in ship shape in anticipation of the new board.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Well, my folks and brother were visiting cali for a couple weeks so of course I had to get things in order for some high score battles. My brother helped me finally get that new board in place. Also noticed some solenoids had leaked on the driver board (which is probably what initially fried the sound board since the leaks are right next to where it connects...not sure how the repair guy missed this before) so I ordered a new driver board (rottendogg as well) and slapped that in too. Gave her a bit of a tune up all around as well and also swapped in a new ball which made a huge difference in terms of speed. Now she really flies around and really livened the ol lady up...just in time for my mother to give me a run for my money and teach me a trick or two! Gotta give credit where it's due; she's a pinball vet and raised me well lol. I still hold the crown for overall high score, but she did whoop my ass a time or two in 2 player battles! Meanwhile my brother did pass me in overall high for a bit, but I ended up reclaiming it the day before he left, which I gotta be honest, felt great heh...but as a PC geek, he really loved tinkering around with the boards and what not and now he's talking about picking up a Black Hole he found in his neighborhood (however, it'a still uncertain if he'll be as lucky as me in terms of getting the wifey green light lol). It's cool seeing him take interest in pins though since he was never into it much before beyond some casual playing here and there. Anyways we had a great time and it was a thrill to see everyone loving on the ol Gottlieb.
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New member
May 24, 2013
looks like you had a great time with the relos !!! I`m really happy for you !!! :cool: always remember our mums are our bosses !!!:cool:

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