Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???


Staff member
May 8, 2012
In the series of TAF podcast and interviews over in the Podcasts/Interviews forum, Bobby categorically stated that the Addam's Estate was definitely not the issue with obtaining the licence. It was the Lloyd fee setting the precedence for the other actors, which would have inflated the Kickstarter from what it was to about double.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
"The table is then tweaked in the development environment so the ball can move around like the original before going through rigorous test both with Farsight Studio’s in house pinball experts as well as a bank of pro players who ensure the finished table offers the same pitfalls and opportunities for top end pinball techniques as the original."

Yeah right! :)

Bank of "Pro Players" = Community Beta Testers.

/me updates LinkedIn with my updated Job Title.

Ha, good call. The bolded part is what I scoffed at though.


New member
Feb 6, 2013
I can confirm with ABSOLUTE certainty the Addams family pinball table will be available on Googleplay Febuary 20. How do I know?, you may ask. I was speaking to them by telephone yesterday and owners of Samsung tablets who've been eperiencing crashing issues and force closing with this app can look forward to the releasewhich willl address these issues.

You simply have to be patient like the rest of us, knowing that the long wait will definitely be worth it!!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
the horses mouth doesnt know what its ass is doing but welcome to the forum, bit exoensive to call cali no?

in time youll learn to take anything from managment and pr with a grain of salt

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
In the series of TAF podcast and interviews over in the Podcasts/Interviews forum, Bobby categorically stated that the Addam's Estate was definitely not the issue with obtaining the licence. It was the Lloyd fee setting the precedence for the other actors, which would have inflated the Kickstarter from what it was to about double.

"Most Favored" clause. For those that don't know, actors can often have this clause written into contracts stating that no one gets more money for something than they're getting. So, let's say Houston and Julia both had that in their contracts, and they were getting $10k for their likeness in TPA for this table, having Lloyd get $50k means that you're adding another $40k x 2 for both Houston and Julia for licensing. Of course it's extremely unlikely Lloyd knows anything at all about this deal; that's why actors have managers (and why so many have minimum rates for licensing).


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Meanwhile, there is a brand new VP version with night mod and pm5 physics available if someone finds it hard to wait ;)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Nothing like having the GI lights be completely blown out. I'm guessing this is a JP mod? Not a fan of the flaring either. That only happens to a camera lens, not the naked eye. Whatever happened to the VP author Scapino? He used to do some amazing night versions of tables. They played like crap, but looked fantastic!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
i hate games that are all shiney and stuff glad its mostly ohased iut now, if i wanna see the inner kight ill drop some acid


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
You also have to play it at the golden hour, while panning in slow motion.

We actually call that 'magic hour', or even 'tragic hour'. Everybody scrambling to get 2 hours of work done in the 45 minutes that are actually usable!

Golden Hour is the term we have for the 13th hour of the day. If we work one minute into that, we get paid the full hour even if the day ends 5 minutes later. At double time. Unfortunately production is all too aware of this, and since they're paying for it anyways they'll work us all the way to hour 14. Great for the paycheck, bad for your health.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
We actually call that 'magic hour', or even 'tragic hour'. Everybody scrambling to get 2 hours of work done in the 45 minutes that are actually usable!
Being cinematographically ignorant, I'm guessing that this "magic hour" is the period just before and after sunset, and that everyone is trying to stuff the romantic or otherwise evocative shooting into this period?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Being cinematographically ignorant, I'm guessing that this "magic hour" is the period just before and after sunset, and that everyone is trying to stuff the romantic or otherwise evocative shooting into this period?

Yep. The light at this time in the morning and evening makes the skin glow beautifully and makes everything look dreamy. Though I haven't seen it yet, in Jupiter Ascending there's a chase sequence that they only filmed during the 6 minutes of useable light each morning. Something about the way the sun reflected off the water in Chicago. So they spent the entire summer filming this sequence, only getting 6 minutes to do it each day. That's how crazy cinematographers can get regarding light (though in this case it was the Wachowski's insistence on it).


New member
Sep 22, 2013
We actually call that 'magic hour', or even 'tragic hour'. Everybody scrambling to get 2 hours of work done in the 45 minutes that are actually usable!

Golden Hour is the term we have for the 13th hour of the day. If we work one minute into that, we get paid the full hour even if the day ends 5 minutes later. At double time. Unfortunately production is all too aware of this, and since they're paying for it anyways they'll work us all the way to hour 14. Great for the paycheck, bad for your health.

Yes, that's what I meant, magic hour.

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