[REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
I honestly can't play TPA anymore without the mod..it just has that big an effect on the experience.
There decision to indefinitely put cab support on hold without the mod being avail would have ended up with me not buying any more seasons until that changed. and their game is my favorite pinball game.

I don't even have a cab..i use dual monitor and a Modified Hotrod arcade stick and custom camera and dual screen setup is something I just can't see ever coming back from.
Thank God NoEx has given us what we have so far, i hope it doesn't end anytime soon. *crosses fingers*


New member
Mar 19, 2015
Couldn't agree more. I actually built my own mini-cab *because* of NoEx's fantastic work, and there is no way I can go back to playing the vanilla version. Farsight's refusal to add a quick-and-dirty official version of NoEx's methods is mind boggling to me. Mobile may be their biggest clientbase but PC is going to be where the long term fanatics are because of the cabinet possibilities that, once experienced, are a must-have for any pinball fan.

Here's to hoping for much longevity for the Free Camera Mod... and if a reoccurring monthly donation helps that, then I'll be first in line to sign up. I'd much rather support NoEx than Farsight at this point.


New member
Jan 31, 2013
I honestly can't play TPA anymore without the mod..it just has that big an effect on the experience.
Thank God NoEx has given us what we have so far, i hope it doesn't end anytime soon. *crosses fingers*

Agreed, and i hope NoEx ceeps updating the mod.:cool:


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I am sure he will, but he can only do it when he gets time. Sometimes his real life commitments will come first. I personally keep a backup of TPA with the offline mod file which means I can always play the last 60 or so tables with a decent camera view. I hold back from updating until the mod file is updated and if one day it stops being updated then so be it.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Hey NoEx, the version of the camera mod is really close to the PA version. Camera mod v1.43 works with game version 1.45.6. Since you are probably 99% done with the app, any chance you could just sync up the version numbers at this point? Having camera mod v1.45.7 for PA v1.45.7 would avoid a lot of confusion.

Thanks for the awesome app, man. I can't wait to start playing PA again when the new version comes out.


New member
Aug 20, 2014
I used to play the game on the iPad and PS4 quite regularly...in fact, I remember asking how to use the PS4 for a cab as I wasn't interested in using a PC. Now I have my cab/pc setup, I find PS4 play and iPad play nowhere near as enjoyable as I used too and for me...its all PC now. As above, you don't even need a cab...dual monitors make all the difference too. This mod just makes so much difference. I learnt from a previous mistake and I now disconnect from the internet until I know the mod is ready. I sometimes can't play the comps...but having a working mod is more important to me. The mod is a game changer and I can't believe Farsight (well actually I can) don't see this. I donated $10 to the kickstarter (not massive amount I know)...but Id happily change that to $50 if the game could be played on official cab support...Im sure there would be others happy to increase or chip in if they haven't already, knowing it could be played on official CS.

But for now, thankfully we have NoEx. No idea how youve managed to create the mod...it's pure genius...wish I had those sort of skills...one day perhaps :)


New member
Jan 2, 2015
<snip>. I donated $10 to the kickstarter (not massive amount I know)...but Id happily change that to $50 if the game could be played on official cab support...Im sure there would be others happy to increase or chip in if they haven't already, knowing it could be played on official CS.
That could have been one of there stretch goals ;)


New member
Jan 9, 2016
I've downloaded the latest Cam Mod but when executing it say's it's not compatible with my version of windows. The current version in my cab works fine though. I'm only downloading this because of an upgrade to Pinball Arcade.
System is 64 bit Windows 7 Pro.

Can you help?



New member
Jan 8, 2013
Backglass becomes corrupted when Overlay hidden/shown twice

When I start the Camera Mod, the Overlay shows up by default in my setup. The Table's backglass looks great at that point. But if I then hide the Overlay, and then show it again more than once, the Backglass becomes corrupted. Once the first Backglass becomes corrupted, the Backglass on every other table I bring up afterwards is also corrupted. It remains that way until I exit the Cam Mod and restart it. I am using the NumPad0 key to Hide and Show the Overlay.

Here is the Addams Family backglass as it looks when I first start. It looks great:


Here is the corrupted Addams Family backglass as it looks after I Hide the Overlay and Show it again two more times. (Sometimes just one more time.):


1. I have been away from PC version of TPA and so away from the Camera Mod for awhile. In the last couple of days I have loaded everything from scratch. Hence that's why I have been having a need to Hide/Show the Overlay as I experiment/test everything.

2. I am running with NoEx's fantastic Cam Mod build v1.5, with TPA version 1.47.8 DX11. I have downloaded fresh copies of all of Robert's great 1600x1200 Backglass (with Grill) files for all of the tables, as well as fresh copies of all of Robert's awesome Camera Files.

3. I am running with two monitors, both on a GTX960 graphics card.

4. This behavior happens to me even if the Hide/Show/Hide/Show sequence is done across different tables.

5. The Hide/Show/Hide/Show NumPad0 presses don't always have to all be immediately one after the other to trigger the backglass corruption. I am seeing a cumulative effect. (I can play pinball between the Hides and the Shows and it still happens.)

Edit: I'm wondering if others are able to reproduce this issue, or if it's just me having this problem. If anyone has a chance to try, please post your results. An easy way to test it is to Show the Overlay while in Addams Family, then press the NumPad0 key 4-6 times, and then see if the backglass becomes corrupted as seen in the lower photo above. I have a 2 monitor setup, but maybe it happens with a 3 monitor setup too.
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New member
Dec 27, 2015
I just updated to the new version with "Hurricane".
But if I start TPA and choose for the first pinball "Hurricane", I always get an DMD-error "Something went wrong during DMD creation process, aborting. All other testet pinballs have the right DMD.
If I first start an other pinball and then "Hurricane", I don't get an error-message.


New member
Dec 27, 2015
If anyone has a chance to try, please post your results. An easy way to test it is to Show the Overlay while in Addams Family, then press the NumPad0 key 4-6 times, and then see if the backglass becomes corrupted as seen in the lower photo above. I have a 2 monitor setup, but maybe it happens with a 3 monitor setup too.
I also have a 2-Monitor-setup. I just test it and pressing the NumPad0 several times doesn't distort the DMD. Everything works as it should be.


New member
Jan 8, 2013
I also have a 2-Monitor-setup. I just test it and pressing the NumPad0 several times doesn't distort the DMD. Everything works as it should be.

Joey2001, thank you for running that test on your setup and providing me with the information. Based on that I did some more testing on my setup. Although the symptoms I posted still continue if the Overlay is hidden/shown more than once, at least now I've found a way to restore things without me having to completely exit the CamMod. I just found that I can get the Backglass corruption problem to go away if I Start a table and then I click the Overlay's buttons in the following order:

1) In Overlay's Backglass section, click "Hide" button
2) In Overlay's Backglass section, click "Show" button
3) In Overlay's DMD section, click "Bring to front" button

Once restored, I was restored on all tables (until the next time the backglass becomes corrupted again from hiding and showing of the Overlay).
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New member
Jan 8, 2013
I just updated to the new version with "Hurricane".
But if I start TPA and choose for the first pinball "Hurricane", I always get an DMD-error "Something went wrong during DMD creation process, aborting. All other testet pinballs have the right DMD.
If I first start an other pinball and then "Hurricane", I don't get an error-message.

Joey2001, I just tried running Hurricane as my first table, and I did not get a DMD error. I have just tested this with "StartHidden=1" and with "StartHidden=0", with same results both times. I am running with the default Back Buffer Width/Height of 1080x2200, using Robert's 1600x1200 (with grill) backglasses, and as you already know from our earlier posts together (regarding my own issue) I am running the same as you with a 2 monitor setup. It's interesting that you and I can't reproduce each other's problems. Anyone have any idea why Joey2001 might be seeing those symptoms?
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New member
Apr 8, 2014
Joey2001, I just tried running Hurricane as my first table, and I did not get a DMD error. I have just tested this with "StartHidden=1" and with "StartHidden=0", with same results both times. I am running with the default Back Buffer Width/Height of 1080x2200, using Robert's 1600x1200 (with grill) backglasses, and as you already know from our earlier posts together (regarding my own issue) I am running the same as you with a 2 monitor setup. It's interesting that you and I can't reproduce each other's problems. Anyone have any idea why Joey2001 might be seeing those symptoms?

Yes I have seen this issue... go back and re-download NoEx Free Camera mod. I re-download after each update and just replace the executable. Since doing that, I no longer see these issues with dmd.


New member
Dec 27, 2015
Yes I have seen this issue... go back and re-download NoEx Free Camera mod. I re-download after each update and just replace the executable. Since doing that, I no longer see these issues with dmd.

Good idea. I will test that, because the last time I use the automatic updater and don't download the file.

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