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  1. Kaoru

    Fish Tales - First Impression

    I've never played the real table, but there's definitely something odd about the shots. It's like I never can never accurately hit what I'm aiming for and the ball lands in areas I never intended it to go to. It's like the ball still keeps rolling or slipping for a bit on the flipper before it...
  2. Kaoru

    Certain kinds of drains that really irritate me in TPA

    There are a couple of things in those TPA ball physics that I find impossible to wrap my mind around, and they are really maddening ones, especially since they're all drain-connected. It's like the game is taking sides in certain events, and guess what - it's never your own. This one drives...
  3. Kaoru

    Request Doctor Who by Bally. Who's With Me?

    I'd love to see this on Pinball Aracade too... but I just don't think it's likely going to happen. At least not currently. One or two years ago I might have thought it possible since "classic" is a different type of brand than the new series is (I mean, Big Finish has only the permission to do...
  4. Kaoru

    First impression

    I wasn't into it much at first... but it's been growing on me with each play. It's quite drainy I have to admit, but for some reason those drains annoy me as much as on the other tables as of late. Compared to the ones from the last five or six packs this one almost feels fair. ;) It's...
  5. Kaoru

    Bug What happened with extra balls?

    Yes, I noticed it happening too. At a score of 9 million (or whatever it was) you're supposed to earn one, I even hear the table "bang" to announce that you got it. But for some reason the game itself doesn't detect it.
  6. Kaoru

    El Dorado - first impressions / tips and stretegies?

    I kinda like this table. It's a good one to take a break with from the complex 90s games. But it's just... umm... As an EM it's perfectly fine, and with 60s artwork and bells with sound it would have a lot or charm. As a SS though it plays and feels rather dated and out of step with the time...
  7. Kaoru

    First impression

    Quoted because I have to second that. I quite like the table... but oy, is it on the tilty side. Sometimes just one nudge is enough to cut your play short.
  8. Kaoru

    Resetting a table?

    Ah hm, oh well. If that's what I gotta do then that's what I've gotta do. Where do I find the save data, though?
  9. Kaoru

    Resetting a table?

    Mr Reitmeyer? Anyone? :(
  10. Kaoru

    Resetting a table?

    Is there a way I can reset the status of a table? With that I mean deleting high scores and achieved standard and wizard goals. During the beta phase of the game there were a couple of tables (well, the later ones like Flight 2000) in which I achieved all the goals but didn't have an steam...
  11. Kaoru

    Purchases will be handled strictly within The Pinball Arcade - why?

    I'm shocked! This will damage the sales, I'm afraid... and what disappoints me most that I can't buy the game as a gift for my friends. And if it's the pro packs that caused the problem then they really need to let go of them. I mean really let go of them. They probably were a nice idea at the...
  12. Kaoru

    PS3 Tournament 9/17/13 - 9/24/13

    Mhff. Not my favourite choice of tables for this tournament, I'm afraid. Except for one or two they're either drain-o-mats or tables that I'm not into. Got to pass on this one, I think. :(
  13. Kaoru

    ATTENTION FarSight Studios! Regarding the trophy limit on PS3

    Well... Sony may have a trophy limit, but Steam has none. However... looking at the PC beta I'm not sure if they're actually even aware of that. So far every time I got a "High Five Score" or finished all standard and wizard goals an achievement would bump off. But what I did those on "Flight...
  14. Kaoru

    Pro Pinball

    Well, that's not what the description of the kickstarter always said in bold. ;) "Pro Pinball: Timeshock! remade from scratch and taken to ULTIMATE extremes for PC, Mac, iOS and Android!" So the 360- and PSN-things are all now bonuses.
  15. Kaoru

    And yet another kickstarter...

    I found it by typing "pinball" into the search field, it's the second result next to Timeshock to show up. ;) It has actually been amusing me for weeks now, and I thought I should finally share the fun. *g* Not just a demo! A free demo! You know, as opposed to a demo one has to buy.
  16. Kaoru

    STEAM account names

    Mine is Kaoruishere
  17. Kaoru

    And yet another kickstarter...

    Anyone seen this? What can I say? Good luck...? I suppose?
  18. Kaoru

    PC - Bug Performance-XBox 360 Controller issues

    Same here.
  19. Kaoru

    Bug Gorgar score display broken

  20. Kaoru

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    Just found those updates in my email folder and was wondering as well. What on earth was that all about? And did we really need to know? Especially about tensions within the team, assuming there were any?

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