Something is seriously wrong with version 1.8. Shooting the Rapids also has two faulty standup targets. I hope they can fix this fast.
The elasticity gradients might be a little harder to implement(If they don't already have a elasticity map or something) and if they have to redo all the...
I think it does. Not the model itself but it seems to have a higher temporal resolution, so it is maybe more accurate.
(In version 1 the framerate was so poor the ball often passed straight through the flippers, but that version was not recommended for iPad anyway.)
On my iPad 1, I always play in Landscape with the camera a little zoomed out so that the playfield covers ca. 2/3 of the screen. This gives me a higher frame rate and smoother gameplay. I don't know if this is the same on newer devices, but it's very noticeable on the first iPad.
I just had a 20x bonus multiplier, so the time loop shot works for me, but I can confirm the other bugs.
There is also a weird sound bug when the bonus is awarded.
And the sounds for the standup targets on the mini playfield are missing too.
It works that way on 'Hot Wheels', but it's not as powerful(obviously, because 70's) as in the video above.
The other Zac tables are not as easy because of physics. The ball bounces off the post that is in the way.
I can't see how a consistent simulation can be improved by adding something...
But isn't that how it works? You can't really shoot a backhand straight from a cradled ball. You need to have some momentum of the ball working in your favor to pull off a backhand?
Here are a few more backhands during a normal game: (iPad 1+ a cheap casio(ex-7) point and shoot)
Again, sorry...
It's not as easy as on a real table, but in principle it works:
(To be honest, it took a few minutes to get it right, and sorry for the bad lighting.;))
I think they are doing exceptionally well in the physics department. With some practice backhands work quite well, and the simulation as a whole is at least physically consistent.
But I agree on the bouncyness, especially regarding the flippers.
They seem to have included a weak holding...
I found a Bug:
Some of the playfield inserts are not reset properly when the ball drains: The bonus multiplier lane for example(upper right), a three stage switch, stays lit at position 3 after a drain and resets to one after the first hit.
Bug: The upper slingshot has no mechanical sound. (1.7)
Bug: The insert-lamps associated to the robot targets(the barrels that pop up when you hit the robot bridge) are not being reset when the ball drains. The lamps stay lit but the sequence starts at zero, and the whole thing gets confusing...
I found a bug: The spinner score multiplier goes directly to x100 instead of x10 after the first completion of the drop target bank.
(in version 1.7, haven't checked 1.7.1)
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