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  1. tripleplonq

    Request IOS graphics (Reflection or Shadow under Ball)

    It would be nice to have graphics that reflect the device's capabilities. That doesn't necessarily have to break the game on less powerful devices. And mobile devices become more powerful every day. You just disable features on older, less capable devices.
  2. tripleplonq

    Zaccaria Pinball - Soccer Kings (1982) Bugs & Feedback

    I was also a little surprised when that happened the first time, but it makes sense because the ball can't leave(passively) the upper playfield otherwise.
  3. tripleplonq

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.5

    A question for Zsolt: Do the different balls (default, metal, marble) have distinctive physical properties that affect gameplay?
  4. tripleplonq

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.5

    I find night mode OK with Soccer Kings. It took me a little longer to find good settings, but experimenting with the settings is part of the fun, IMO. R 67 G 79 B 100 Inside:50 Outside:88 Lightmap 100 (And display brightness of course 100%.)
  5. tripleplonq

    Zaccaria Pinball - Soccer Kings (1982) Bugs & Feedback

    I can reproduce the plunger bug. The ball drops to the floor it seems. Even the attendant can't find it. (That's very realistic, IMO. :D )
  6. tripleplonq

    Bug Spelling error on playfield

    Are those spelling errors on the actual machine, too?
  7. tripleplonq

    Stuttery, poor framerate on Galaxy S4

    Further development and new releases aren't exclusive. An improved game engine/performance can also generate revenue.
  8. tripleplonq

    Pack 16 Screenshots

    I'm certain a scripted table can be as good as an emulated table. The problem is lazy scripting, IMHO. But perfect scripting requires a lot more work, so emulation is the better choice, economically. OTOH, emulation probably eats resources on the device that could be used on physics and graphics.
  9. tripleplonq

    Pro Pinball

    Wikipedia says: People cannot invest in Kickstarter projects to make money. They can only back projects in exchange for a tangible reward or one-of-a-kind experience, like a personal note of thanks, custom T-shirts, dinner with an author, or initial production run of a new product. So I'm...
  10. tripleplonq

    Pro Pinball

    ETA: (I think they use Kickstarter because they can't find a 'regular' investor.) Yes, that's my point. If they want my money for a high risk project that VCs and Banks reject, it would be nice of them to give back a little if the project turns out to be successful. It could also mobilize much...
  11. tripleplonq

    Pro Pinball

    It's a shame that most kickstarters don't offer a real return on investment. It's always t-shirts etc.. That's nice for humanitarian projects, but businesses should also give something back if their proposal turns out to be successful.
  12. tripleplonq

    Sooooo....let's talk "firsts"

    -First 3xMultiball- Bally Capersville 1966
  13. tripleplonq

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.5

    Funny, the screenshot reminded me of LED lighting too, but that's probably caused by the lighting settings. But what I noticed is that he lightmap color temperature doesn't change with the RGB/color settings. It's always FFF and looks bluish when the GI is set to a warmer temperature.
  14. tripleplonq

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.5

    The new table looks nice. I'm actually happy that the Clown table has been moved further up the timeline-- I don't like clowns. And thanks again, Zsolt and team, this app is really captures the atmosphere of 70s/80s pinball like no other.
  15. tripleplonq

    Initialisms rant

    Acronyms/initialisms also degrade search engine hits/visibility.
  16. tripleplonq

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.4

    -A fixed camera option would be nice, a check-box to dis/enable the 2nd camera would be sufficient, IMO. -I still like the quality and scope of the physics simulation, it's not as easy to play as games based simpler models without angular momentum, but that's what makes pinball interesting and...
  17. tripleplonq

    Zaccaria Pinball - Hot Wheels (1979) Bugs & Feedback

    Not really a bug, but an interesting behavior. (Yes, I have too much time on my hands :D)
  18. tripleplonq

    1.15 Beta

    The lighting looks very promising!

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