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  1. k88dad

    Tackling my first EM - Williams Aztec

    Ooh. Aah. Who needs fireworks, when you have extreme pinball closeups?
  2. k88dad

    Tackling my first EM - Williams Aztec

    Aztec is one of my favorite EMs. Glad to see another update.
  3. k88dad

    Bug Plunger Anomaly explanation.

    It is odd, but not my least favorite feature of TPA.
  4. k88dad

    PAPA Fathom Tutorial

    I can't fathom why it isn't already in TPA. TPA needs a big Bally infusion.
  5. k88dad

    Season 4 Most Wanted Tables

    Paragon fans unite!
  6. k88dad

    Request Tables i want to see in pinball arcade.

    Spirit of 76 was the table that reintroduced pinball to New York City in 1976. The silver ball had been banned in the Big Apple for over a quarter of a century. It's a pleasant (and ridiculously symmetrical) table. A story on the court case to overturn the ban...
  7. k88dad

    Season 4 Most Wanted Tables

    Eight Ball Deluxe, because Paragon wasn't one of the choices. :D
  8. k88dad

    OS X 10.10 Yosemite

    Did the 10.9 issues ever get fixed?
  9. k88dad

    Most difficult Wizard Goal - a poll

    I hate video modes. I think the only one I've completed is Digital Pinball, in ToM.
  10. k88dad

    Poll - All non-licensed tables left in the top ten polls

    EMs: Spirit of 76 (Gottlieb, 1975) Royal Flush (Gottlieb, 1976) Williams: don't need my help Bally: Eight Ball Deluxe (1981) Gottlieb: nada Stern/Data East: Seawitch (Stern, 1980)
  11. k88dad

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *LICENSED - GOTTLIEB/PREMIER*

    Redundant posts are a good way to get kicked & banned. 'nuff said.
  12. k88dad

    Poll - All plausible licensed tables left in the top ten polls - Unofficial

    Voted Indianapolis 500, because it won't get enough votes.
  13. k88dad

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *BALLY/MIDWAY NON-LICENSE*

    Paragon Eight Ball Deluxe Fathom I like others, but those are the mandatory tables.
  14. k88dad

    Totally UNofficial "Top 10 of What's Left" - *WILLIAMS NON-LICENSE*

    Bad Cats (1989) Blackout (1980) Cyclone (1988) Flash (1979) Grand Lizard (1986) Laser Cue (1984)

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