well unless these new headsets have crystal clear displays like my monitor then its not suited for pinball in my opinion. I own a DK2 , it has the whole screen door effect problem. So anything that requires displaying small parts and fine details , like things on a pinball table from a simulated...
Yup they have faked this for sure , so its not really happening because of greater accuracy in the physics but rather the ball action is being forced via code and the decided conditions to trigger this action are way to broad. I had the same experience since they implemented it, it happens way...
Now you are just Mousin' Around with me ;) hehe I have actually never seen that table before you posted this and I went to google it. It looks like an older styled table like from the 60's or 70's?
Hi SilverBalls , here are answers to your questions
1. I do my modeling in Blender,Unity is a game Development IDE, So its a framework for making any type of game. You can even script the IDE itself and extend its features. In Unity I can import the entire table with all parts separated and...
Well I cant say for sure what they do or do not do from scratch , but models use materials that use textures (sometimes) and so unless they are creating these additional textures for the models after import from FP .. they would not have them.
I fully agree that their camera config is awesome...
Thanks Gents ;)
mpad I do know about unit3d , I have it installed on my machine, its very cool that in supports pinmame. The only problem i have to unit3d is that it imports future pinball tables. Future pinball's engine is extremely dated , no material support for normal mapping , AO mapping ...
Just thought to update the first post with the latest links :
Full installer including VPinMame :
Hi Everyone
I have been building something awesome ..
So my previous pinball creation got shelved and in...
I just encountered a bug on the steam dx 11 version :
I had two balls locked already , when I plunged the woman said strike the genie for multiball but I shot the ball into the ball lock again and it just got stuck there. The table was in limbo .. camels running on the dmd , lights flashing and...
spongy flippers - floaty ball - bleh.. maybe it's because I just bought the newly released zen core pack on ps3 and had a long game on each of those tables and there after opened up this table .. very disappointing physics ( not starting a zen vs TPA physics debate ) just saying ..
shogun00 I've seen these numbers before , while Im not an experienced PS3 developer , I do build games and have some experience. I've been busy building another pinball table , my second table , using Unity Engine and did a optimized pixel lighting build to test how it will run. I did share a...
I just saw an old thread which had screen shots of adjustable lighting on PS4 .. I wish they would make this available to PS3
The PS3 has more than enough grunt to do some pixel lighting with room to spare if it is done in an optimized manner.
Noooo! don't say that! :mad:
Just this once, ok more than once, I would like a table that does not require using the nudge as the primary control mechanic and the flippers as the secondary ;) I will have to wait and see when it eventually makes it to ps3.
Please explain what a "politically correct accent" is?
What does an accent have to do with politics?
Why do you feel it is bad to use an accent to suggest/portray a persons nationality/district/state/town. These generalizations are not true for everyone yet are based on truths as well.
It's on PS3 already!! ..
..ok no it's not , Im just telling myself the things I would like to hear already ;) Since LCA and HRC have not even made it to PS3 yet im sure we wont see this table till the end of the year ;(
Nice thread title ;)
Welcome , Im pretty new around here too and I am sadly still a pinball novice even though I have played it for a long time haha ..
I dunno how you pro players do it , Im in the worst rut ever atm , I swear just two days ago I played junkyard 40 times in a row and didnt score just over a million. In fact nearly every shot i made constantly hit every peg and plastic in between the actual targets like they...
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