Can I ask where in Maine, and were there any other pins?
By the way, if you happen to get to Old Orchard Beach, there's a Funhouse in rough shape, an Addams Family, a Simpsons (DE) and a ST:TNG at the arcade down on the pier.
As for my prediction, I'm gonna go with either Fish Tales or High...
Pin*Bot has a huge nostalgia factor for me. I'd never even heard of Centaur before the poll way back when, but now that the table is released, I love the ruleset. Love 'em both.
The IFPA Pro Tips for Pin*Bot are actually the ones from White Water. Also, when I completed the standard goals for Pin*Bot, I already had been awarded the 2.5 million points wizard goal without completing it.
I have a request. Since the setting for invert nudge is going to be persistent, would it also be possible to make the setting for shake nudge vs touch nudge persistent as well? I use shake nudging on my Nexus 7 and have to go in and change it every time I load the game.
Haha... I had written up a long, detailed write-up describing the behavior of the bug, (my internet went down right after I finished downloading the first file because of a storm) but the newer build seems to have taken care of it.
Thanks again. :cool:
Champion Pub seems likely to me, since it's the only unreleased new table that we know about at this point. Victory would work together for a theme, since both tables are about competition.
Device/OS: Nexus 7 / 4.2.2
Bug Description: Ball goes through side of table on Pin*Bot behind the drop targets.
Steps To Reproduce: Shoot the lower the the three drop targets. Shoot that exact spot again with a hard shot from the right flipper.
Frequency: Only seen once so far.
Pin*Bot. They had one in the lodge at my local park along with a couple arcade games, ping pong and a bumper pool table. They sold penny candy there, too. I had no idea how lucky I was.
Some of my favorites:
Bride of Pin*Bot: "I can speak." Pin*Bot: "Oh. no."
Monster Bash: "Look master, I'm armed and dangerous!" Or pretty much everything Igor says.
AFM: "Greetings, Earthling - HA HA HA!" (Is this supposed to be a Yoda impression?)...
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