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  1. Vyrastas

    This table STINKS

    I played a real Genie for the first time tonight... it's much slower than the TPA version. The table is almost level and the ball is extremely floaty. Very brutal machine, but I'm glad to say that I did pretty well on it because I'd practiced on TPA. I personally like the table, it can be...
  2. Vyrastas

    Pinball Arcade better than real pinball?

    Real tables are better... there's much more subtle gameplay involved in a real table vs TPA, and when you get good at it, it's much more fun to me. However, I find TPA fun as well, and think it's a great tool for learning the rules of a table. I do so much better on a real table for the first...
  3. Vyrastas

    Where Do You Play Real World Pinball Tables?

    So I was down in Santa Cruz today... most of the pins there suck (Neptune's Kingdom and Casino Arcade). A number are out of order and many others were in very poor condition, making a few unplayable (broken/stuck flippers). Very disappointing.
  4. Vyrastas

    When you aim...

    It's a mix of both for me... just depends on the shot and what I'm working with (caught ball vs incoming ball).
  5. Vyrastas

    Need help with the 4 way combo shot.

    I never tried it that way, I always used the left ramp -> right ramp combo... mainly because it's easier for me to hit those two to start. The best way I found to hit the combo hole from the upper left flipper is to hit it from the very end of the flipper - sometimes it would go in, but usually...
  6. Vyrastas

    The pinball photo thread

    Here's some old school EM machines I played recently at Musée Mécanique in San Francisco. Olympics (Gottlieb 1962) Sing Along (Gottlieb 1967) Fun Land (Gottlieb 1962) They also had Hyperball (Williams 1981), which...
  7. Vyrastas


    I love the advanced strategies these guys come up with. Makes you see the game in a different way.
  8. Vyrastas

    First Wizard of Oz

    I was recently in Seattle and saw one of these... I didn't play it though as I was busy on other tables. But it's really a nice looking machine.
  9. Vyrastas

    First impression

    This is a fun table, I like it... but is it really this fast in reality? I haven't played the real version of this one yet. The ball flies all over the place in this version. I've noticed some of the TPA tables are way faster than they should be (White Water comes to mind). I don't...
  10. Vyrastas

    Pinball Heroes heading to the Vita.

    Because it's fun? Clearly it's not "real" pinball, but it's entertaining and getting all the goals is actually quite challenging. It helps that the nudge is very responsive (actually moves the ball considerably) and doesn't tilt easily, but still, plenty of hours worth in gameplay for only $6...
  11. Vyrastas

    Bugs, Glitches, and General Issues [PS VITA]

    Maybe it's a multi-player thing... but this has never happened to me on normal single player and I've played that table quite a bit.
  12. Vyrastas

    The pinball photo thread

    A couple that I played over the weekend in Emeryville CA... Fuddrucker's, 5614 Bay St., Emeryville CA Batman: The Dark Knight - Stern 2008 Honor Bar, 1411 Powell St, Emeryville CA The Champion Pub - Bally 1998 - Was in great condition. The ball jumps all over the place in this one, due to...
  13. Vyrastas

    San Francisco Pinball Department

    I ended up going to the BAPA one since they are closer to where I live (I'm in the South Bay). I'm still a newbie exploring real pinball, so I totally suck compared to the video game version, but it's fun to watch others and learn.
  14. Vyrastas

    PAPA TV Livestreaming

    Watching this stuff is fascinating... the ball control these guys have is crazy.
  15. Vyrastas


    Gonna have to check this out next time I'm up in the north bay. I drive by the Scandia in Fairfield all the time as I go to Tahoe regularly. Didn't realize there were more of them.
  16. Vyrastas

    (Minor Nitpick) The font keeps changing!

    Yes, I know why it's there...
  17. Vyrastas

    update v 1.15 problem

    I guess it's only US that's affected, which seems odd.
  18. Vyrastas

    (Minor Nitpick) The font keeps changing!

    The UI actually bothers me much more than glitches or bugs in tables. To be completely blunt, it looks half-assed. And it doesn't translate well across devices. On my Android phone everything is smushed together and logos cover up menu items. I really wish they'd come up with a better...
  19. Vyrastas

    Should I buy a Vita?

    Yeah I think the PS4/Vita remote play will be very cool. I never had a problem getting remote play to work for PSP with games that were compatible. It was nice for playing PS1 games I had on the console. Since all PS4 games will support streaming and Vita is part of Sony's long-term...
  20. Vyrastas

    Should I buy a Vita?

    The game is still very fun despite the poor graphics quality of some of the tables. I personally like playing it on Vita more than PS3, maybe because the tables seem a little easier on Vita. The browser is okay, I don't feel it's any better than browsing on an Android phone. I only use it to...

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