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  1. Vyrastas

    The pinball photo thread

    Yeah I didn't get side shots of the ones in Pops... too dark, my flash wasn't working right and since I could only get one side of two of them (since they were jammed next to each other) I didn't bother. I want to search out ones like AC/DC and Metallica, heard those are cool tables. I'd love...
  2. Vyrastas

    San Francisco Pinball Department

    I was wondering if there was a group in the Bay Area that played pinball. I'll have to do this next season, only just got into real machines... need to practice a bit first and visit Free Gold Watch.
  3. Vyrastas

    Where Do You Play Real World Pinball Tables?

    There's plenty of tables in my area (CA Bay Area)... I've been using to find and update them. Was in San Francisco yesterday and there are a bunch there too. Yeah there are a lot there... next time I go down I'll be spending some time at the Boardwalk.
  4. Vyrastas

    The pinball photo thread

    Pop's Bar, 2800 24th St, San Francisco CA Creature From the Black Lagoon - Bally 1992 (I was surprised by how dark this table was in reality, really hard to see the features... thought the hologram wasn't working until I activated it) Star Trek: TNG - Williams 1993 Rollercoaster Tycoon -...
  5. Vyrastas

    The pinball photo thread

    Surprised no one else has posted here... I just started getting into playing actual tables. Was in San Francisco yesterday for a concert and went a few hours early to search out some tables. Here's what I found. Sorry the pictures aren't the greatest, the lighting in two of the bars was very...
  6. Vyrastas

    California Extreme

    Crap I wish I had realized this was going on... I live in San Jose just next door and have only recently gotten into checking out real pinball machines in the area. Bummed that I completely missed this! Will be bookmarking it for next year.
  7. Vyrastas

    pack trouble buying the second season of pinball arcade

    Maybe try buying it on the SEN website instead of through the Vita? I don't know what region you're in, but the link below is for US.!/en-us/games/addons/pinball-arcade-season-two-pass/cid=UP2058-PCSE00065_00-SEASONPACK000002 I just bought the...
  8. Vyrastas

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    A lot of people wait until the end to contribute, based on how the campaign is going. I did another Kickstarter recently that was clearly going to fail, but in the last 3 days or so everyone came out of the woodwork and contributed, pushing it well over goal. So we'll see, but I do hope it...
  9. Vyrastas

    Bugs, Glitches, and General Issues [PS VITA]

    I haven't heard of this one, but then I don't believe I've ever switched to another table immediately after getting the Standard Goals, I usually keep playing for a few Wizard Goals right away or quit the game entirely.
  10. Vyrastas

    Funhouse Skillshot on Vita

    Use this power and you'll eventually get it without really having to nudge. And yes, the touchscreen gives you better precision than the right stick.
  11. Vyrastas

    TZ: Too easy = fail

    Did they change something about this table? Because I'm not finding it as easy as everyone is making it out to be. I get outlane drains constantly on this one and am struggling to reach the lowest high score of 550M. I have to agree with that CV comment, it's just like that one for me (I hate...
  12. Vyrastas

    Trivially start Harley Multiball for the goal

    The only problem with doing it this way is the ball save doesn't activate at all since you aren't locking balls... so yes, it's an easy way to start it if you're going for the Super Jackpot Goal and will certainly give you practice trying to keep all 4 balls in play, but I like to try and start...
  13. Vyrastas

    Nailing the elusive Crossover Bonus (and other strategy discussions for Taxi)

    Yes, this was how I did the Crossover Bonus. I wasn't even trying for it and I got the goal, and didn't understand why... then later, I got it again and realized it was because of this. I was not having any luck trying to hit both ramps at the same time, so it was nice to get this randomly a...
  14. Vyrastas

    Scared Stiff Tactics and Strategies

    Man this table is really easy. My very first game I activated Monster Multiball and got 12 of 16 on the spider backglass. I actually had a tougher time getting that goal for saving the ball with a Spell. I simply could not get the ball to drain in that outlane. I had to keep starting...
  15. Vyrastas

    PS Vita - Bug Unable to use plunger when Ball Save activated

    I get this nearly 50% of the time on my Vita. When the Ball Save activates, the new ball goes to the plunger, but the camera doesn't move into position for a plunger shot, and I'm unable to launch the new ball. Using Call Attendant will fix it, but it's kind of annoying since you have to wait...
  16. Vyrastas

    wow, how brutal is this table? (brutally brutal)

    Yes, this table and the uncontrollable drains frustrate the crap out of me too... but I couldn't stop playing it last night. I think this has to do with how quickly you can fail. If you only "waste" a short amount of time on an attempt, it doesn't seem like a big deal to keep trying, over and...
  17. Vyrastas

    Big Shot Tactics and Strategies

    You are right, it is cashed in, I got the Special tonight on the 5th ball right after I knocked all 14 targets down - this immediately gave me the 42K bonus and that Wizard Goal, then reset the targets while I continued to play.
  18. Vyrastas

    Grayed out options, missing tables?

    Yeah that's me... I lurk here and check out the tips and such, as obviously there's a bigger community for the game here than on .org. Yeah I'm guessing that's it. I've been playing it on my PS3 recently, but it's never happened there... only on the Vita.
  19. Vyrastas

    Grayed out options, missing tables?

    I get this every other time I play the game on Vita... I'll start it up and Season 2 will be grayed out, and in Season 1 a table or two might be missing, usually Star Trek. Or sometimes Season 2 will be available, but only list the first 2 tables in that group - the latest 2 are missing. Right...
  20. Vyrastas

    Bug Friend Sorting on Leaderboards is BROKEN (video demo included)

    Glad to hear this isn't just me. All my scores are there in the normal leaderboards, but under Friends I get the "None" as well, on both PS3 and Vita versions. Not that it matters, since I'll never be first among the pinball wizards I have for friends... but still, comparing scores was why I...

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