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  1. Vyrastas

    PS3 NA Version 2.14 Update

    I bought all table packs separately prior to the Season 1 offering. Never bought anything other than that, nor did I participate in a tournament. No new list of custom balls for me either. It looks nice, but I still get flipper lag on 1080p, rendering it unplayable for me.
  2. Vyrastas

    update v 1.15 problem

    No new custom balls for me.
  3. Vyrastas

    Pro Value

    Thanks for posting that, I've been curious about it myself. Definitely won't buy any of those now. The table exploration option should come standard with the normal purchase of a table, like it does with Zen. Being able to see the entire playfield in detail is part of the default playing...
  4. Vyrastas

    update v 1.15 problem

    I did notice that this update fixed the problem where it wouldn't display the number of Standard/Wizard Goals you have for each table as you cycle through them on the menu (by highlighting the stars). That always bothered me. Now the stars are highlighted.
  5. Vyrastas

    update v 1.15 problem

    Yeah I guess there's different versions between regions... I'm in NA and it's 1.15. I know... sucks since this is my preferred method of playing the game. It would be awesome on Vita if they actually optimized it for the device. I'm not a huge fan of tablets/phones because the touchscreen...
  6. Vyrastas

    update v 1.15 problem

    Same here, still broken, the update didn't fix the problem on Vita. You should update the thread so it has the Bug tag in the title, at least.
  7. Vyrastas

    Bug Friend Sorting on Leaderboards is BROKEN (video demo included)

    Good to hear. Sadly it's still broken on Vita (Update 1.15, which notes it should fix it).
  8. Vyrastas

    Watch "Pinballers" by the Museum of Pinball

    This was very funny... now I know how to transport a pinball machine in a Geo Metro. Reminds me of the time when my brother had to quickly move his poker table and we simply put it on top of his small dinky car with one of the legs down through the open sunroof so we could hold onto it.
  9. Vyrastas

    Too Hard?

    Have to agree with the others... tables like this, Genie and Big Shot definitely helped me improve my nudging. Didn't do a lot of up/forward nudging until these, and once I figured those out, my scores jumped and I finally got that 1K on a single ball goal.
  10. Vyrastas

    EXTRABALL - Pinball Museum In Neuwied, Germany [photos]

    Awesome pics, those old tables are fascinating. Will they let you play whatever you want?
  11. Vyrastas

    Museum of Pinball

    Hopefully they can find the money if the Kickstarter doesn't succeed (it's not looking good, sadly)... I'd love to check this place out.
  12. Vyrastas

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Ah, so this explains it, I didn't realize there were two ways... I was wondering why they said they couldn't update DLC when I've had other PS3 games (PAIN, for example) that did plenty of updates to DLC. It's kind of a no-win situation. If they went with #2, redownloading the entire game each...
  13. Vyrastas

    Tips for hitting the Hole-In-One...

    Yeah I can get it on Vita at least once every couple of games, usually when I'm not really trying for it. Last night I had one of those games where it all clicked and got it 4 times... one of which was the Super Jackpot, thank the Gods, Old and New. It's a pain trying to hit it during...
  14. Vyrastas

    Centaur Screens

    I love the design on this table... the monochrome scheme is awesome. I keep thinking there are actual stairs on the outlanes and I love how you can sometimes bounce the ball back into the inlane through those gaps. Fast becoming one of my favorites in the game.
  15. Vyrastas

    3,000,000 Wizard Goal Too Challenging?

    Well done man, this goal is hard as crap.
  16. Vyrastas

    San Francisco Pinball Department

    Awesome. I'll be there on the 31st then, looking forward to it.
  17. Vyrastas

    Museum of Pinball

    I'm totally in on this. It's only 6 hours away from me... I'll be there.
  18. Vyrastas

    The pinball photo thread

    Those are awesome. So much better when the table is in a properly-lighted place. I want to play that Metallica table...
  19. Vyrastas

    San Francisco Pinball Department

    Sadly I can't make today's. Can you still get into the season if you miss a night or two? I could start with the 31st. Also, how long does each night last?
  20. Vyrastas

    Where Do You Play Real World Pinball Tables?

    Santa Cruz? Nice... I'll probably won't go back until the off-season, when it's not so crowded.

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