Really fun table, glad they added this one to the collection. Also glad I snagged the Season 3 pass before it was removed...
It's even more distracting in real life when you look at the table from different angles, it's manageable here in TPA.
Yeah I managed 114M today, you gotta milk that...
While I don't mind the new price for the single table packs, as they are still a huge bargain, I have to agree with others that Farsight's explanation is kind of BS... just say you have to charge $5 now.
I was wondering about this too... I should be moving up to silver, I was ranked 20-something last night when I checked.
I would have preferred a 10 minute limit on the tables, personally. I also thought originally that you only had 20 minutes total ever on that table... so once you hit 20...
I'm happy to get recreations of any tables... I have a greater appreciation for EMs and pre-DMD games now because of TPA.
I like Victory, but it does get a bit tedious after you win a race. Rinse and repeat...
The theme of Class of 1812 is completely bizarre to me... is it based on anything...
What I was talking about is something like this:
This doesn't work in Zaccaria Pinball.
Granted, it's not as useful due to the design of the Zac tables, but still... it's a basic pinball move I expect to be able to do, especially when the simulation is based on a real table.
LOL I didn't think of doing it that way, but I agree with Kolchak, I shouldn't have to go to such lengths to do the shot. :)
Along those lines, is it even possible to tilt these tables? I nudge the crap out of it and it never tilts.
Sadly this doesn't seem to happen in the locations I've...
Usually to re-establish the connection when I've lost it in-game, I have to restart the game. I've tried doing it by switching to another app that connects to the network (like Trophies or the PS Store), then going back to TPA... but it didn't save my score to the leaderboards.
I agree that...
Maybe they work differently on Zac pins (I've never played one in real life), or maybe it's just me, but I cannot do backhands in this game the way you would on a real table. It always moves as if I had hit it off the bottom half of the flipper.
Agreed... I have the same feeling now that I...
I was wondering how in the world you completed the rollovers in a single ball... I too just assumed the table was brutal as hell in real life.
I wish they'd fix some of the physics in general though... backhands don't work at all and the ball seems overly bouncy at times.
Device/OS: iPad 2, iOS 7
Bug Description: Standard Goal #4 on Tee'd Off was checked off before I even played the table.
Steps To Reproduce: I played a few games of Haunted House and got Standard Goals 3-5. When I went to play Tee'd Off for the first time, its Standard Goal #4 was already...
I meant 5 minutes within the cycle, of course. :p
But my bad, I didn't realize they changed the size of the icons in iOS 7 by a few pixels. I didn't notice it wasn't there before since I had a dark background on iOS 6.
I do wish Farsight would take 5 minutes to fix their icon for TPA... they put a black square border around it, which looks like crap against a light background since the corners are automatically cropped by iOS and you only get the black border on the straight edges. Drop the black border...
Hmm, not sure what to tell you. I use my iPad 2 primarily for development so I only have a few games on there and no other content, and I frequently close apps I'm not using. Doubt that has anything to do with it, but I'm not having any problems. *shrug*
Eh, I was thinking it ended later today, not this early... I missed the 10% cut off so I'll still be in bronze. That's okay, I was #93 and I only played for a few hours. I should be able to get up to silver next time.
I just tried all those tables and no problems with them at all, everything runs smooth. Unless you're talking about a multi-ball mode or something... I didn't play them enough to get to one but I can check later. EDIT: Did multi-ball on ST:TNG and it was fine.
Anyway, I haven't had any...
Yeah you need to get a bunch of smart punches, especially for the 4th fighter. I can't beat him without using 2-3 smart punches right away, he hits you too fast.
I have a similar complaint... the ball moves waaay too fast on this table sometimes. It flies around when it gets caught up in the bumpers and slingshots and I can't react fast enough. No way would it be that fast in real life. Farsight needs to slow down a few tables, they are way too fast...
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