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  1. O

    Alien Tables coming

    Should have fun with these. Not sure about Alien vs Predator though. Just wish they had better voice actors it means so much. Alien Isolation is maybe the table that made the best first impression. Hope it makes it to FX VR having face huggers running around you or the queen may seriously make...
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    Pro Pinball

    This view make it much more usable. But yes essentially it feels like the exact same as when I run it on a 21" trinitron CRT. In a year I will have a VR headset and run FX 2 VR and probably loose all interest in ever running pinball on a regular monitor or even cabinet. Pinball arcade I think is...
  3. O

    Pinball FX2 VR for Oculus Rift

    Really hope the CV1 is a lot better and not just slightly better. It looks absolutely killer on video though. I will make sure not to buy any more FX2 tables now hope they all are converted to VR.
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    Pro Pinball

    Maybe finally I can enjoy this but the download is painstakenly slow... I had 90 % downloaded but then played another game that crashed the computer after 3h. Now I have to wait 6 more on my 100 mbit connection...
  5. O

    The force awakens - two more star wars tables coming

    Their most beautiful tables yet. Not really spent much time digging deep in them but first impressions are great. Don´t remember the physics generally feel that good. Voice acting is the only real let down design wise but it´s the sign of the times no real theater actors get to the big screen...
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    Pro Pinball

    Managed to find barnstorm... Suggest I don´t have access to the beta... Yet another year or two waiting then I guess.
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    Pro Pinball

    Any idea how to contact them? I get access to the forum but not the member section where I am supposed to download it. I can´t post any messages it just keep telling me I am not logged in despite I am. I find no contact info anywhere have no clue how and whom to contact? Has anybody here...
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    Family Guy Pinball

    I don´t like any of the new tables... The Family guy theme don´t help that table either. I feel grumpy lol
  9. O

    Pro Pinball

    Beta late then ever I guess. Sorry for the pun.
  10. O

    Season 5 Passes up on Steam

    Is there any news on what tables will be included? I tried the demo I get massive input lag particularly on the right flipper and even though I run v-sync DX 11 mode love to bug out I don´t believe I will dare buying the pack. I will probably try and see what single tables I may want to actually...
  11. O

    "First" impressions

    The movie from 1991?
  12. O

    "First" impressions

    Feels a bit to old. I don´t understand the theme. Maybe you really must be an addams family fan to really enjoy this. Layout is okay but it just lack fun gimmicks and I don´t know why I do stuff. I love the after drain score though. It just plain odd to read it may be the best pinball ever...
  13. O

    Pro Pinball

    1,5 year delayed! for a single pinball table which he has already done before on the PC. He has enjoyed some long healthy vacations of the money I sponsored him with or he has no idea how to rebuild the table? Yes negative is just the foreword.
  14. O

    What is your favourite FX2 table/tables?

    The Football table maybe has the most flawless and logical theme/layout ever. Everything kind of make sense so easy to understand the rules without reading them. And most can be done on a real table just the goal kick I can think of that don´t quite work. Beside golden balls getting back to...
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    Who else wants to demo tables first?

    Because they found DLC work well without demo. Maybe they sell more that way?
  16. O

    Most underrated FX 2 table?

    Post goal is cool but half time you better just let the balls drain so you get to play again ;)
  17. O

    Most underrated FX 2 table?

    I really like super league football it really feels like football. But as you say I am no fan of instant drain but I could do without the multiball in half time lol. I have all of the suggestions now :) As for Rome yeah great score but so far hasn´t found any really cool shots but it seems kind...
  18. O

    Who else wants to demo tables first?

    ok strange on pc you can still demo. The only table you can´t is guardians of the galaxy as it start with multiball chaos lol
  19. O

    Safecracker Tokens?

    Get a PC. I like the top game just roll the dice and get lucky no skill involved :D. Looks to be one of the better tables of Season 4 maybe it´s the only really good one will see.
  20. O

    Most underrated table on TPA

    It´s a very hard table require more skill then I have anyway :) I can think it may be the theme that is perhaps a bit racist? It has so many great shots and great gimmicks and fun modes the theme is the only thing I can find not to like.

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