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  1. Carl Spiby

    Any physics changes with latest update?

    I was playing MB last night and trying to hit the centre spinner shot to build Mosh Multiball but a lot of shots seemed to be rattling out, I was able to hit this shot with some consistency previously. I've noticed shots on other tables are more difficult now too. It would be nice to have a...
  2. Carl Spiby

    Just for Fun - PAPA Style Mini Tournament

    Firstly, this rely's solely on the honesty of people. The tables in the bank are: Space Shuttle, TOM and Gorgar. You can play them in any order, but each must be played only once, no restarts, no second attempts. This is a 3 ball contest so any extra balls earned are to be plunged away, no...
  3. Carl Spiby

    May Android BETA

    Is it due about now? Looking forward to playing multiball with the ball collision fixed.
  4. Carl Spiby

    Request My proposed changes to Tournament mode

    Under the current system it favours those of us with a lot of time to 'grind' away at the tables to obtain the best scores. My proposition is that we change it into a credit based system, you get 1 credit per day, with that credit it enables you to play through the bank of tables once. If you...
  5. Carl Spiby

    My league high-scores

    These are the highest scores I have obtained during league play on real machines. All are set to 4-ball play (5 ball in the case of EMs, 3 ball on R&B(!?)) and extra balls are off. Addams Family 43,014,880 Alien Poker 868,340 Attack From Mars 4,715,532,270 Avengers 3,405,480...
  6. Carl Spiby

    Tournament is still an endurance

    I just spent over 90 minutes on NGG and got over 600 million points, I ended up purposely draining my last 3 balls because the table was acting up and I had to start using the attendant. This is pretty ridiculous, especially in a tournament. Once again it boils down to whoever has enough spare...
  7. Carl Spiby

    BAM for Future Pinball - 3D effect with 2D equipment

    This is really amazing, it works on the principle of head tracking and changing the viewpoint on the screen to trick you into thinking it's a 3D image with depth. All you need is a couple of Wiimotes and an IR emitter. More videos here:,33
  8. Carl Spiby

    PAPA TV: Livestreaming Pinball Kickstarter

    If any of you watched the PAPA Circuit Finals live you will appreciate how worthy this kickstarter is. Definitely one to support.
  9. Carl Spiby

    Live Pinburgh 2013 Finals

    More live pinball today! Enjoy!
  10. Carl Spiby

    Greenify your tablet/phone!

    I was having issues with TPA slowdown on my phone which I always suspected was due to Facebook being a fat ass (SGS isn't that powerful compared to modern handsets), you can't just kill it because it comes back and keeps persistent services running in the background (even with notify off), the...
  11. Carl Spiby

    New BETA?

    I'm getting itchy teeth, when's the next Android BETA due?
  12. Carl Spiby

    Pinball FX2 Sale on Xbox

    This is from Facebook as I know not everyone uses it - so may miss out. I personally bought the Avengers pack and the PvZ table, not bad...
  13. Carl Spiby

    Request Change my Kickstarter Reward

    I originally chose to have STTNG and TZ on Xbox 360, as it looks like the PC version is more likely to get a release (and subsequent updates will be relatively painless), could I possibly change my reward to the PC version? Who should I contact about this?
  14. Carl Spiby

    Request Can we have another tournament?

    Hasn't been one for a while, hows about setting one up for this next week?
  15. Carl Spiby

    What happened to the Q&A with Bobby King?

    Haven't seen a thread for a while, are we still doing it?
  16. Carl Spiby

    Request Differential Patching?

    Is this something that could be easily implemented when a table update is done? It would be easier to swallow for those instances where you only have a slow Edge data connection and want to play a table online.
  17. Carl Spiby

    Dirty Pool!

    Is this possible in the TPA version? I tried it last night but the second ball also disappeared into the space ship whilst it was shaking.
  18. Carl Spiby

    Bug Ball through flipper problem is still there

    I've noticed this happen on several occasions, it happens more often than not when you have a ball travelling towards the flippers and you use another ball to try and deflect the incoming ball. The flipped ball hits the other, then warps to the underside of the flipper and drains. Is there any...
  19. Carl Spiby

    Putting pins onsite

    Looking into maybe buying a couple of 'fixxer upper' pins to learn how to repair them and getting them onsite in a couple of places, I simply don't have room to have them at home. I'm thinking of contacting a couple of local hotels/pubs to ask them if they'd be interested and asking if they...
  20. Carl Spiby

    How can I improve?

    This is really getting me down now, I want to be better but no amount of practising is helping, what's wrong with me? :mad:

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