DLC Release Date


New member
Jul 26, 2012
I can't think of even a single specific instance where DLC was not released on a Tuesday, although I think updates can happen at any time. The fact that it already offers you the optional update, even though it hasn't been uploaded yet, is a good sign, right?

The Minecraft DLC skins for the 360 were released Friday morning if I remember correctly.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Why is it taking so long for Farsight to tell us what us happening?
Also consider that FarSight's been burned a couple of times predicting dates before, especially on the 360, and so they have probably become very hesitant to release any information until they're sure it's set in stone.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Management has been talking with Microsoft, a different person/group handles the actual release than the person who deals with the submissions. We'll post something as soon as we know.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
I gotta say, anything more than 1 more week (until the 31st) for the Optional Update and the 3 DLC packs that have been approved to be released would be 100% ridiculous, and 100% MS being a bunch of *****.

DJ Clae

New member
Jun 17, 2012
Gotta say it looks pretty unprofessional having the message there about the optional update yet not having it available to download yet. I'm not even talking about the DLC, but obviously people are going to be very confused by this. Sad to see the hard work going to waste so far.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Gotta say it looks pretty unprofessional having the message there about the optional update yet not having it available to download yet. I'm not even talking about the DLC, but obviously people are going to be very confused by this. Sad to see the hard work going to waste so far.

I would have set the game up to hide that message if the content wasn't available had I known it wouldn't be released with the title update. Unfortunatly Hindsight is 20/20

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Microsoft still got their thumbs in their ears then, how hard can it be to upload a single file to their distribution servers?



Active member
Apr 12, 2012
If the non-programmer types on this forum knew how complex the code is for a 3D pinball game emulating ball physics, then they would probably be less likely to complain about a simple popup message. This kind of interaction/behaviour with the X-Box markeplace is probably new territory and quite unpredictable. I am sure Mike has to think of dozens of other tasks 100 times more complictaed than a pre-popup check and to say it is unprofessional is quite frankly riduculous. As a programmer for 22 years myself I have worked with users like you DJ Clae and normally I can't answer back, but here I can.


New member
Jul 3, 2012
As a passive observer (I've been playing TPA on the Vita while waiting for the Xbox updates), this whole debacle gives me the perception that the Xbox rev of TPA is an unmitigated disaster. While I in no way mean to come off as sounding unappreciative, it almost seems as if Farsight really got in over their heads trying to hit as many platforms as possible with too many tables too quickly (two a month is an admirable goal, but seems a bit overreaching), and combined with MS' rather stringent approval process my concern is that for the Xbox 360 version at least, the damage has already been done.

I'm more than happy to wait out the Xbox rev, but I wonder how many people have already thrown in the towel? I can't help but think that this won't affect long-term sales of TPA on Live. Farsight should seriously consider farming TPA out to a precertification outfit before submitting each update to MS; it would likely iron out a lot of the issues involved with getting these approved in a timely fashion.

It just seems a bit out-of-sorts that while I own three versions of TPA, only one is really playable (Vita), one has yet to have any updates (Xbox 360), and the last is plagued with performance issues (Android). There seems to be a level of inconsistency involved with each release; I guess what I'd really like to see is Farsight slowing down a bit on the table updates until they're sure they're ready for prime-time; public perception in the internet age is something that can make or break a title, and these perceptions can be formed virtually overnight. TPA deserves to do well, because it's likely the last time we'll ever see these tables again.
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