DLC Release Date


New member
Apr 5, 2012
If the non-programmer types on this forum knew how complex the code is for a 3D pinball game emulating ball physics, then they would probably be less likely to complain about a simple popup message. This kind of interaction/behaviour with the X-Box markeplace is probably new territory and quite unpredictable. I am sure Mike has to think of dozens of other tasks 100 times more complictaed than a pre-popup check and to say it is unprofessional is quite frankly riduculous. As a programmer for 22 years myself I have worked with users like you DJ Clae and normally I can't answer back, but here I can.

I don't think anybody here is questioning the programming abilities/skills of Farsight which are obviously highly regarded.

But the whole fiasco with the DLC being announced then being delayed, updates, optional updates (which don't appear), that whole aspect is unprofessional, whether it's the fault of Microsoft or whomever, it's not what users of Xbox Live have come to expect.

Emmanuel Papillon

New member
Apr 26, 2012
@SilverBalls: I don't think DJ Clae said it looked unprofessional to look down on Farsight, it's just that for the standard TPA user (read: not someone who'd go to the trouble of going to digitalpinballfans.com), it does look unprofessional, confusing and shoddy. Regardless of whose fault it is, it doesn't look good.

Let's hope they put the damn actual patch on their server soon.

EDIT: well, three people posted nearly the same post at the same time!
Last edited:


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I think people that come here are real hardcore pinball fans and we get frustrated at delays, however the the casual Pinball player they won't be eagerly waiting for the next table release, they won't be hitting the refresh button hourly, in fact many of them might not even have downloaded the patch yet, and by the time they do the table data will be there to download. Therefore many of these people won't even be aware of the small delay between the patch being released and the table data release day.

I have a friend who has PA on his Xbox. He is the sort of person who might play a couple of times a month. When he spots an update, he downloads the demo and if he likes it he buys it. He has no idea about the delays - there are probably several hundred of us who are, but we are the minority. After all there are only a few hundred members here covering multiple platforms and maybe a few hundred 'active' FB members.

I really don't think the delays, etc bother most people that buy PA.

After 10 years of being a Visual Pinball user and virtual cab owner for 2 years now, I am so pleased that we finally have a dynamic company producing a commercial Pinball product. A large company wouldn't never take this because it wouldn't pay for itself. FS are pretty small and they will never be able to put in the man months of testing that goes into FIFA 2012 or Need for Speed, so we just need to accept that there will be delays and small issues. I still haven't experienced any issues on my iOs device or XBox which I would consider serious. Small things like cameras not be saved, etc but nothing serious. Also Farsight respond quickly to public feedback. People asked for better lighting/reflections and it was implemented in weeks (even if not released on the XBox yet). You would never get that with a large company.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
They had some problems, sure, but it looks like things are finally getting on track. The DLC delay probably hurt them short-term, but the damage is hardly irreparable. Once they get a bunch of tables (including TZ and hopefully STTNG) out there, those who abandoned them will come back, as well as many new players.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I wonder if anything will happen today. Don't think we will get the dlc's today, but I really hope FS can give us a steady release date.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Yeah, it's the total lack of information that's getting to me. I would hope that MS has at least had some dialog with Farsight about the DLC at this point.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Yeah, it's the total lack of information that's getting to me. I would hope that MS has at least had some dialog with Farsight about the DLC at this point.
It's all done by email as far as I'm aware. So they can just pick and choose when they respond to Farsight.

DJ Clae

New member
Jun 17, 2012
@SilverBalls: I don't think DJ Clae said it looked unprofessional to look down on Farsight, it's just that for the standard TPA user (read: not someone who'd go to the trouble of going to digitalpinballfans.com), it does look unprofessional, confusing and shoddy. Regardless of whose fault it is, it doesn't look good.

Let's hope they put the damn actual patch on their server soon.

EDIT: well, three people posted nearly the same post at the same time!
I don't mean to be unappreciative or look down on Farsight at all. I just meant that it looks bad, regardless of the reason. The company has my sympathy, because as far as I can tell they are doing their best in the face of adversity.


New member
Jul 23, 2012
I for one am happy with what I have. The dot matrix display upgrade on XBLA is fantastic, and the Android update is more than enough to keep me busy until whenever it is that the DLC comes out. Thank you,, Farsight, for doing everything you can to make this the greatest pinballl game out there!

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Look at it this way: We're in a better position than we were a week ago, when we were facing the possibility of another 5 to 6 week submission cycle.

Emmanuel Papillon

New member
Apr 26, 2012
@SilverBalls: first, I think many people who bought TBA were looking forward updates. It's what they were promised, so not delivering (whatever the reason) is bad for the project. And then, you say most players don't care because they don't play the game at all by now, and therefore won't even notice the "there is an update whoops no there isn't" message - but how is that a good thing? Because of the lack of updates, those people turned away from the game and may never come back. Why would they? It's been quiet for more than three months now.

I don't think at this point it's that hard to admit the situation of this game in regard of the 360 audience is very, very bad. The people here know the reasons and will mostly keep up until everything is solved, but many others would have gone to other things and forgotten about the game when it finally unlocks.


New member
Jul 11, 2012
It's true, depending on how the new tables are announced it's possible that only the hardcore fans will even know that DLC is finally available on the 360 platform.

I've got a full list of 360 friends and I'll definitely send out a message to all when the new DLC is available. That's about the most I can do, but if y'all do the same it may help.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
When the DLC is available the tables will show up in your menu. I'm not sure if Microsoft is going to do any featuring or marketing type stuff for us, I don't deal with the business side of things.

We have been working with MS to see why the DLC hasn't been released. Other than that there is nothing new to report yet.


New member
Jul 26, 2012
As always Mike, thanks for giving us some updated news, even if it's only that MS is still dragging their collective feet.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Welcome. I know how much it sucks to have to wait for releases and information. I'm still waiting for a release date for Dawnguard for PC (Skyrim DLC).

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Yeah, us PC guys always seem to be on the back burner....

Mike, has the next DLC (pack #4) already been submitted to MS too, or will it be as soon as the first wave of DLC is released?

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Unfortunately PC games don't make as much money, so the business people always put it last.

Pack #4 will require a title update. The code for those tables wasn't done when we submitted the current title update.

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