Do you think Season 3 will be better than 2?

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
He said to me "I stopped reading at Centaur". That was directed AT ME, but I didn't flag him, apparently other members did.

Why? You see how I handled that. I came back and we had a mini discussion. He handled it well , and he even PMed me an apology saying he was sorry if he came off rude.

I wasn't offended! And whoever flagged him , seriously? Why? People are allowed to speak thier mind that's why it's called a DISCUSSION BOARD.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I like him too.

Why was he banned?

Private message exchanges are monitored? That's complete bullcrap.

He actually sent me a good pm and I was about to respond until he was banned.

I don't know his history but nothing he said in this thread was remotely ban worthy. And he's a nice guy in pm .

Sorry but I have way more respect for someone who stands up for unpopular opinion, and expresses valid reasons , than some sheep who just says " I like all the tables derp!" Or members who flag comments because they don't agree with the opinions expressed in them.

I was looking forward to more discussion with hi
In the future. Wtf...

Plus he's new . Was he at least warned? Again if it was over this thread that's bullcrap he did nothing wrong.
He had five chances, which is two more than I normally give. And no, I cannot see PMs not addressed to me; there is no NSA-style "monitoring" of PMs.

I very politely explained that he was free to disagree with whatever he wanted, but I asked that he take a less confrontational attitude when posting. This request was thrown in my face, with the same confrontational attitude I warned him against. Hence, I banned him.

This is also the last time I'm going to explain my reasoning for banning someone publicly. I had hoped when I first took up the moderator mantle that the increased transparency would be appreciated, but now I see that it only opens me up to second-guessing. Oh well, now I know.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
He had five chances, which is two more than I normally give. And no, I cannot see PMs not addressed to me; there is no NSA-style "monitoring" of PMs.

I very politely explained that he was free to disagree with whatever he wanted, but I asked that he take a less confrontational attitude when posting. This request was thrown in my face, with the same confrontational attitude I warned him against. Hence, I banned him.

This is also the last time I'm going to explain my reasoning for banning someone publicly. I had hoped when I first took up the moderator mantle that the increased transparency would be appreciated, but now I see that it only opens me up to second-guessing. Oh well, now I know.

Ok well that's valid .

You honestly expected me not to second guess a decision that indirectly involved me? You should know me better than that by now :)

The problem wasn't your transparency. That was appreciated. The problem was you weren't transparent enough. I wasn't following what you were saying and it sounded to me like it was over this thread. Now I know. So thanks, and I agree with your ban.

-edited because my reading comprehension was poop and i misinterpreted the original post-
Last edited:

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Ok well that's valid .

You honestly expected me not to second guess a decision that indirectly involved me? You should know me better than that by now :)

Mod or not , I only bow to one authority. Thank you for the answer and given what you've just told me I agree with the ban .
Perhaps. But it's after a long day at work and my brain hurts. I just want to read about pinball and not have to do anything at this point.

More on-topic: I'm hoping after the DMD-heavy Season 1 and the 80s/Gottlieb-heavy Season 2 we can get more of a mix for Season 3. I'll play almost anything, but 4 Gottliebs in a row is too much.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Perhaps. But it's after a long day at work and my brain hurts. I just want to read about pinball and not have to do anything at this point.

More on-topic: I'm hoping after the DMD-heavy Season 1 and the 80s/Gottlieb-heavy Season 2 we can get more of a mix for Season 3. I'll play almost anything, but 4 Gottliebs in a row is too much.

Haunted House, 1812, Cue Ball Wizard ... oh God, please don't tell me we're in for another Premier pack in December!

P----> X_X !



Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
EM - Electro Mechanical No IC's all relay logic
SS (in this context) - Solid State pretty self explanatory, and very debatable in how the era is divided.

For more abbreviations to wrap your head around :

Welcome to the forum!

Eh, I'd say there's not much debate.

Numeric -> Alphanumeric -> DMD. Then there's Pinball 2000 and LCD screens, both of which can be considered successors to DMD.


Eh, I'd say there's not much debate.

Numeric -> Alphanumeric -> DMD. Then there's Pinball 2000 and LCD screens, both of which can be considered successors to DMD.

Some people use SS as short hand to mean everything between EM and DMD is the debatable thing though. This particular issue comes up every so often and become a good discussion when it happens.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
He said to me "I stopped reading at Centaur". That was directed AT ME, but I didn't flag him, apparently other members did.

Just for the record, I didn't either. Even though I thought his way of "disagreeing" with people was offensive, I really meant it when I said that he seems like a nice guy.


New member
May 10, 2012
Here's a few tips to anyone wondering why these things happen

First: I had nothing to do with this either(it would take a lot before I ever would rapport anyone) but from observing things like this in the past and in this thread, there are 3 little words that would go a long way when posting an opinion about tables to not upset to many people and come out of it as a considerate guy in the process.

"In my view".

Stating a fact and voicing an opinion are two very different things and if you put "in my view" at the end, there is no room for anyone to call you out, no matter how absurd your opinion sounds to others.

Another thing is being to sarcastic or using to much irony. It can spice things up and make you sound clever, but if you are not doing it right or people are not understanding it, you will come off hurting people (in my view, anyway ;))


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I really don't think you need to point out that your opinion is your own opinion, that goes without saying:


(though some people tend to take offense if you don't, so if you want to be polite, remembering doesn't hurt)

Where it goes wrong is when you patronize people for disagreeing with you on obviously subjective issues (yes, there are issues where you can do that - I will patronize you if I disagree with you on a really touchy political subject, which is also why I prefer not discussing those on online forums ;))


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
Here's a few tips to anyone wondering why these things happen

First: I had nothing to do with this either(it would take a lot before I ever would rapport anyone) but from observing things like this in the past and in this thread, there are 3 little words that would go a long way when posting an opinion about tables to not upset to many people and come out of it as a considerate guy in the process.

"In my view".

Stating a fact and voicing an opinion are two very different things and if you put "in my view" at the end, there is no room for anyone to call you out, no matter how absurd your opinion sounds to others.

Another thing is being to sarcastic or using to much irony. It can spice things up and make you sound clever, but if you are not doing it right or people are not understanding it, you will come off hurting people (in my view, anyway ;))

I couldn't agree more. And I would like to add that there is no need to be reporting anyone let the mods do their jobs.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Even though I found him to be a bit unreasonable at times, I didn't think he said anything that was worth reporting.

In the words of Vin Diesel, I never narc'd on nobody!

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
They could do a whole season of just mid 80's to early 90's tables.

High Speed, Earthshaker, Banzai Run, F-14, Cyclone, Comet, Jokerz, Fire, Black Knight 2000, Police Force, River Boat Gambler, Bad Cats, Grand Lizard, Diner, Rollergames, Police Force, Radical!, Big Guns, Road Kings

This would be amazing! Love all of the tables from this era. I remember these tables fondly in the same way that I remember video games in the early boom (Donkey Kong, Missle Command, Frogger, Elevator Action, Mr. Do!, Dig Dug, Pac Man, etc.). I love the themes and artwork and the sounds are classic. Seems like an era where devs were really trying to innovate and although the gameplay is simpler than DMD tables, it really seemed to be treading new ground at the time. More importantly, these tables showed that you don't need a licensed property to create a compelling experience.


New member
Oct 28, 2013
If anything, not having a license made them extra special and original.

Nothing says dull like Marvel superhero tables. Iron Man, Spider-Man, Avengers..and I love superheroes.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
High Speed: System 11
Earthshaker: System 11B
Banzai Run: System 11B
F-14: System 11A
Cyclone: System 11B
Jokerz: System 11B
Black Knight 2000: System 11B

I wonder what era your favourite machines are from? ;)

Early 70's. Couldn't you tell??

System 11 machines just hold a warm place in my heart. They're total comfort food. They may not even be my favorite tables compared to certain DMD machines. There is a variety of layout innovation in them though, and the rules are never too far from understandable. I think High Speed is the perfect example compared to The Getaway. Even though the layouts are very similar, and even though The Getaway has a wonderful rule set, I prefer HS for it's complex simplicity. I find the tables to be deviously hard to keep balls in play for long stretches of time on real machines. Earthshaker kicks my butt so hard, and yet I keep going back to it for more abuse. I've said before that I really like Stern's Metallica because it reminds me a lot of a System 11 game. Easy to pick up, not overly dependent on the DMD for info, good variety of shots, wonderful art.

As for Rollergames...the license is precisely why I said it's my when hell freezes over table. It's not that beloved of a table which is a shame, but I can't imagine FS being willing to swallow the license cost nor could I see it as a kickstarter worthy table.

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