PC - Request Higher res floor texture?

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I know it's been requested before but...Since PC doesn't have file size limitations, is there any chance we could get a higher res floor texture? I know it doesn't directly affect gameplay, but it is on screen quite a bit and it would really help to polish the game up...plus it doesn't seem like it would be that hard to switch out the texture since it's just one file, eh?



Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Can you imagine how scratched up a wood floor at a pinball arcade would be? Let's get real. A place like this really would have that "space" carpet amIrite? Or maybe just that standard gray/beige tile you see everywhere.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
I basically ask this the other month Jeff and most just laughed at my suggestion, say stuff like FS should concentrate on fixing and working on other important aspects of TPA!.

Yeah right like adding a high res floor texture would take sooo much time and resources woundnt it.............NO it would actually probably be an afternoons work for the art guy at the most if that.

So yeah i agree the current textures used for the environment are a joke on the PC when compared to the actual pin, its would take much to sort this very small issue out!


New member
Jul 22, 2013
That would be one heck of an update to change the floors from wood to carpet. Not to mention, it would be a while if FS does agree to change the flooring. But, that would be a nice touch to the gameplay. After all, most arcade rooms have carpeting.

However, the high-resolution texture would take up more video RAM in the graphics card and could interfere with the gameplay of some graphics cards. For them, it's easier just to use wood instead or carpet since wood would take much less video RAM than what the carpet would take.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Ahhh, but what if it was wood grain carpeting? Huh? Huh? Scratch your head with that one.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I want shag carpet! :)

It actually would be cool if Farsight allowed us to change the texture ourselves. It wouldn't have to be an in-game option or anything. Back when the first PSP was the bee's knees, I coded a homebrew app and I made it so the users could swap out the background of the app just by putting an image file with a specific name in a specific folder. A simple customization like that would be pretty cool.

But anyway, I'd be happy with just a higher res texture. Surely the file has to exist somewhere in their art vault since the floor is higher res on the PS4, right?


the floor really seems to be the 2 season itch.

2 seasons in the sapce carpet was ooky, gross, and utterly disgusting. and now another 2 seasons and the wood floor is low res and detracting from the game polish.

The problem with the floor is, and check this out, platform parity. Farsight has claimed several times that any changes will be made across all platforms. So if there is an updated floor texture it would be rolled out across all platforms, driving down performance on low end mobiles and PCs.

Perhaps offering a user selectable, blank, or customizable floor texture would be a future option with the new UI, but really, once the game starts I don't even notice the floor, especially the times I play in Portrait mode on PC.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
...or concrete, seeing as my wife would surely banish my pins to the garage (I know some of you guys can relate, lol).

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