Official Twilight Zone News


New member
May 29, 2012
As with the TNG 'stretch reward', they really need to advertise this new 360 development higher on the page, like at the top and in bold.. At the present, the only thing the casual observer sees on either topic is that the TZ table is not available on the 360. Both of these announcements are vital in ensuring new/further pledges but they're hidden all the way at the bottom -- behind stuff you need to click on much less. I remain fairly optimistic that the KS is going to succeed, but at the moment it seems like TNG is highly unlikely, which is a shame because I get the impression this campaign would be a lot more successful if managed more effectively.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
As with the TNG 'stretch reward', they really need to advertise this new 360 development higher on the page, like at the top and in bold.. At the present, the only thing the casual observer sees on either topic is that the TZ table is not available on the 360. Both of these announcements are vital in ensuring new/further pledges but they're hidden all the way at the bottom -- behind stuff you need to click on much less. I remain fairly optimistic that the KS is going to succeed, but at the moment it seems like TNG is highly unlikely, which is a shame because I get the impression this campaign would be a lot more successful if managed more effectively.

Since this was FarSight's first Kickstarter project, I'm hoping they learn from these growing pains and set the next one up (if need be) properly and give it the support (with regular updates) that's needed to reach and possibly surpass their set goal in a timely manner.
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New member
May 29, 2012
Indeed, though my point is that there's still time -- it's not too late do something about it. More than half the campaign is still left, so hopefully they'll listen to/act upon some of what we're saying. My main concern, though, is if they wait too long, whatever they do will get buried under the E3 news next week...


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Indeed, though my point is that there's still time -- it's not too late do something about it. More than half the campaign is still left, so hopefully they'll listen to/act upon some of what we're saying. My main concern, though, is if they wait too long, whatever they do will get buried under the E3 news next week...

Yea, E3 certainly won't do them any favors next week. FarSight, it's time to post your Star Trek : The Next Generation promo video!

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Great news on the 360. Love that I'll be getting that version of the table with my pledge and hopefully that will give the total a nice bump too!


New member
Feb 25, 2012
Update 4 seems to be giving the kickstarter a healthy boost in pledges. I went to bed last night thinking that yesterday would be our first sub $1000 day.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
The kickstarter page needs more updates / stretch goals / activity in general... Take a look at how well Carmageddon is doing and way past their funding! I guess FarSight could do another kickstarter for STTNG, but it might help to have the existing pledgers up their pledges through the added incentive of a visible stretch goal!

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Kickstarter page needs to be updated reflecting the gift level for Xbox being an option now.

Seems like they can't? Update #4 says that they can't edit the pledge goals at least, which I guess makes sense because you don't want to allow people to alter pledge incentives in a negative way after people have already made their pledges. Wonder if they can update the main page though?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Seems like they can't? Update #4 says that they can't edit the pledge goals at least, which I guess makes sense because you don't want to allow people to alter pledge incentives in a negative way after people have already made their pledges. Wonder if they can update the main page though?
They can't edit current pledges but they can add pledges inbetween explaining the cock up. The carmageddon kickstarter has 24 pledge levels!. Farsight really need help with marketing, they haven't even updated their Facebook page to explain to everyone that Xbox 360 owners now get a copy too.
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David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I broke down and pledged $25.00, i really want to pledge $100.00 but being sick and not working right know is hard on the cash. Once i start feeling better and working again i will pledge, by then it will be The Addams Family. I would really pledge for Family Guy and Spiderman from Sterns S.A.M. hardware in the future can't wait for those two games to come out someday. Well talk to you all again, and who knows i might pledge more if i get some money.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I made a contribution at a level I was comfortable with and with a specific incentive in mind. Glad to see additional incentives came out that I will qualify for. However I made my pledge based on the xbox360 not being included. I will increase that pledge an additional ten dollars now that it will also be included and I would encourage others to consider this if like me you have pledged at the 100 level or higher and can afford to do so. It isn't much but I feel as though I am getting extra value that was not a factor in my original donation so I want to recognize that.


New member
May 27, 2012
I pledged today. 47.2K Hope this project succeeds! So can you get the game for the xbox 360 from being a backer for this project or not?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I pledged today. 47.2K Hope this project succeeds! So can you get the game for the xbox 360 from being a backer for this project or not?
Yes, now you can. FarSight was able to convince MS to see the light of day and allow them to offer the 360 version of the table to backers. I'm sure it cost FarSight something, but I'm glad to see it worked out all the same...and it looks like it unleashed some previously withheld pledges.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
UPDATE: FarSight has officially announced ST:TNG as the "stretch" goal for the kickstarter at $110,000!

Basically, the playfield is doubled as far as rewards go (at least with the virtual ones) if the stretch goal succeeds - $25 backers get both a TZ and a ST:TNG virtual pinball, $100 backers get both tables on all platforms with their operator menus, $500 backers can beta test for both tables, etc.

More info here:


New member
Mar 17, 2012
This seems odd to me!!.

How come ST: TNG will require the exact same amount of funding (55K) as The Twilight Zone does!? Surely each table has different license fees that need to be paid, so something doesnt seem right here. Can anyone shed any light on this??

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