Official Twilight Zone News


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
WOW! Over 20k in just two days is great! :cool:

Like I said before, if it goes over $55,000, I'll triple my original pledge to work towards getting Star Trek : The Next Generation on The Pinball Arcade as well. At this pace, we have a good chance at killing two birds with one stone. :)


New member
Mar 17, 2012
No i think its CC only, or though if you have an Amazon account, you can use that card on your Amazon account to pay for this pledge!. Thats what i did and im based in the UK

So what approx members are sgned up to this fourm, 1000??, if all members donated $30 well you dont need me to tell you the math


New member
May 10, 2012
Any ideas on how we can make the WHOLE internet more aware of this Campaign? I was thinking of doing an eBay auction page, with the heading Twlight Zone Digital Funding or something?, that would surely get peoples attention who might not be even aware of TPA???

I've started sending emails to the game review/podcasting websites that have said good things about pinball arcade. If the kick starter gets some attention in the press this has the possibility to succeed both now and for future.

I'm both a farsight customer and vp guy and I'd like to show that not all of us are against putting money towards something I have had free for many years. I'm sorry that you guys got into it with each other because the vp guys are really good people that share the same niche hobby as the people here. The goal is common, preserve pinball. I think that if the vp guys knew that success of farsight wouldn't mean the demise of vpmame you would get a ton more support out of them. Honestly there are a ton of people over there with just as much if not more passion for preserving pinball because it all done for love of it. But if they fear all of that will go away if new liscence holders are going to shut them down they are gonna defend a decade of hard work. Playing nice together will only make pinball stronger.
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Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
So what approx members are sgned up to this fourm, 1000??

Right now? 375. You can see the number by accessing the main Forum page and looking at the bottom (by where it shows how many people are logged in). Those are now real member numbers, as all the spammers were removed (there were a ton of them, well over 100 at one time).


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I've started sending emails to the game review/podcasting websites that have said good things about pinball arcade. If the kick starter gets some attention in the press this has the possibility to succeed both now and for future.

I'm both a farsight customer and vp guy and I'd like to show that not all of us are against putting money towards something I have had free for many years. I'm sorry that you guys got into it with each other because the vp guys are really good people that share the same niche hobby as the people here. The goal is common, preserve pinball. I think that if the vp guys knew that success of farsight wouldn't mean the demise of vpmame you would get a ton more support out of them. Honestly there are a ton of people over there with just as much if not more passion for preserving pinball because it all done for love of it. But if they fear all of that will go away if new liscence holders are going to shut them down they are gonna defend a decade of hard work. Playing nice together will only make pinball stronger.

Draftcard, please repost your comment in THIS thread...I would really like to respond to what you had to say.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
I don't know what the law is regarding vocal performances though I'm pretty sure Farsight didn't have to get Tina Fey's permission to do MM.

Why would they? When she did the voice work for MM, nobody in the world knew who she was. Her involvement likely isn't any different than any voice artist who worked on that or any other table. As long as they have the rights to the table, they likely had the rights to her voice. She can't renegotiate a contract because she became famous years after the fact.

If it's a recorded sample, voice over, etc. from an established celebrity who had their own contract involved, then there's extra licensing involved. I can't imagine Tina Fey in 1997 (or whenever) had any kind of specialized deal doing voice work for a pinball table.
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New member
Feb 28, 2012
Tried to get the Kickstarter page on but here's what they sent back to me.... :(

Thanks for your message.

Unfortunately we don't cover computer emulations or simulations in
Pinball News.

This is a custom ball that will be selectable from within the Arcade for our backers.
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New member
Feb 28, 2012
There's now a $25 reward on Kickstarter!

"Everything above PLUS an exclusive Twilight Zone edition virtual pinball (which can be used on any of the tables in the Pinball Arcade!)"


New member
May 10, 2012
here's one site with it up.

I emailed as they have a large community following and they really like farsight's stuff. Hopefully they will mention something, they cover dlc and stuff so this will have to pop up
I know that twilight zone is Ryan's favorite pinball table, and Jeff loves all this new pinball revival.
Those 2 guys run the show over there and i am sure they

another good place to go would be,, and sites like that that have strong gaming communities
Get in contact with people and ask them to post a little news piece like the above and spread the the word.

If i walked into a place the had a real TZ pin, I'd drop 10 bucks into it without even thinking twice.
I'm sure there are other people out there on the internet
People that own one of these platforms farsight is on
People that would be willing to pay 10 bucks to play some tz pinball
Just have to show them how to do it!
The internet is how we found each other, and it's a very powerful tool where many people into obscure hobbies can find each other and spend 10 bucks.


New member
May 10, 2012
There's now a $25 reward on Kickstarter!

"Everything above PLUS an exclusive Twilight Zone edition virtual pinball (which can be used on any of the tables in the Pinball Arcade!)"

$25.00 is the sweet spot i think, i upped mine to that (you can change it if you don't know)
thanks for the info

plus i feel better doing it knowing i'm going to get something cool and exclusive in my game that don't cost any extra to show me some thanks.

To Farsight - please confirm 2/3 monitor support for your PC version and you may win over some of those VP guys. Im sure you know they are your customer base on PC, so you should let them know that they have nothing to worry about with what they are doing, In fact it should be commended. I think right now those guys feel they have a superior product and don't realize what a good product you are putting out because they dont play consoles and what they have created is something special.

The vp9 is pretty awesome and maybe you can win some of them over by looking at what they did, put out something BETTER, and then maybe give them some recognition for helping you make the most kick ass PC pinball ever. It could also lead to you getting into the hardware market for those looking to make pinball cabinets running your software.

seriously, look at what awesome stuff people that love pinball are themselves,cf.osb&fp=e98779a6a837fd4e&biw=1680&bih=921

id want the pinball arcade rocking that software


New member
Apr 18, 2012
I like the "rewards" they've posted, but one - special version with access to the table operators menu.

I'd like to see this option on all tables.

Moon Jump

New member
Apr 19, 2012
Another 1,000 dollar donation! I just put my video up of the May update and I wrote, 23,000 dollars but I just looked and now it's over 24,000 dollars. Awesome to see how much their getting in such short amount of time. I'm also glad to see their adding in more options. I'm going to go with the 50 dollar option since I want to check out the tournament that's just for people that put in 50 or more.

I just hope I won't be locked out of it because I'm on Pinball Arcade Free. I still can't post scores to Facebook, so I hope the Free version will be able to play in the tournaments too.

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