Pinball Arcade now on Steam Greenlight!


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Essentially there are 2 tasks. Implement portrait, so you can rotate you monitor 90 degrees and play (like you would with an phone or tablet). And implement cabinet support. Both are on my list, cabinet is a little further down since getting it released for PC is a bigger priority.

Will we see 3 screen display?

Also will the portrait mode show the sidewalls, much like recent VP Fullscreen tables has started to implement, gives a better 'feeling' of depth??...

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Craig Booth

New member
Feb 28, 2012
For so many years video pinball was constrained by the now prehistoric bulky CRT televisions with their 4:3 ratio displays that weighed a ton. For years we had to put up with a scrolling displays or 3D views where the top half of the table was hardly visible. LCDs have changed the face of video pinball forever, we can now play as close to a feel cab as ever and VP users have been building cabs to make to most of LCD technology since 2009. It is now 2013 and we want the best commercial pinball product in the world to play in portrait! Pinball is made for portrait mode, like Lennon was made for McCartney, so please Farsight make it happen.

Very well put sir.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
It seems like a lifetime ago (May) that I started buying various components for my eventual Pinball Arcade cabinet build. It is a good thing I didn't pull the trigger on the monitor(s) yet. Obviously just getting the PC version released is going to be a huge milestone for Farsight but for me personally it will be but a minor footnote compared to cabinet support. I hope it doesn't take too long to implement after release.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
My next guess for Greenlight date: late February or early March, considering Valve greenlights games every 45 days.

Well this is from the latest Newsletter:

Newsletter 11 said:
PC - We are at #90 on Steam Greenlight! We need to get to the top 20 to be published. Please tell your friends, family, dentist, podiatrist, grocer etc. to vote for us using the link below! If we keep spreading the word, we will get there!

Rank 90! Seems like they are going backwards.

I suppose, someday a publisher, sponsor or powerful force will show up which has money and connections and then,
out of a sudden, tpa will be greenlit no matter what rank they are.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
While on the subject of the much desired portrait mode, the Pro Pinball developers have just said on their Facebook page that the initial release of the new Timeshock will have a portrait mode and a special optimised view for cabinets. Awesome news. We should all head over there to give them some encouragement. I need to open a Facebook account first though :(

That is really cool to hear.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
Sad to see it missed again,, is flipper really not that interesting for most? how odd.. people are just lazy today.. too much ask to sign in and click to vote for this :(


New member
May 15, 2012
Should we start emailing Valve again? I'm tired of waiting it out.

I don't think it will be a much help. They must have some reason for not accepting the game into their service that we do not know about as there seems to be quite a bit of demand for it. Until these extraneous issues are dealt with, I think that the Greenlight program is the only way that we will have any influence or gain greater awareness.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Either that, or Farsight will let their publisher take a role in this madness. I hate waiting 1 year for games like this.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Ok so he said "we're going to get rid of the dictatorial policies" by getting rid of a democratic process they ignored anyways? Did I read that right?

Yeah um , so what's the change? That they aren't even going to pretend what the customer wants matters? Am I supposed to be happy ?


Jan 28, 2013

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