Table Pack #18 "Speculation"

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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
If Haunted House is pairing with T'eed Off then I wonder what they'll pair 8-Ball Deluxe with....

Also Bobby said 8-Ball was the next classic. Is this company ever honest lol.

I wanted 8-Ball but I won't complain about Haunted House. As long as its rom emulated.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Tee'd off for sure and Haunted House sounds about right. Though I'm really burned out on the monster tables I hear good things about HH.

This will leave only 6 remaining re-releases. If I remember correctly, they are the following:
Jive Time (Williams)
Sorcerer (Williams)
Ace high (Gottlieb)
Victory (Gottlieb)
Eldorado (Gottlieb)
Strikes n’ Spares (Gottlieb)

After this they will have to create both tables from scratch.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Tee'd off for sure and Haunted House sounds about right. Though I'm really burned out on the monster tables I hear good things about HH.

This will leave only 6 remaining re-releases. If I remember correctly, they are the following:
Jive Time (Williams)
Sorcerer (Williams)
Ace high (Gottlieb)
Victory (Gottlieb)
Eldorado (Gottlieb)
Strikes n’ Spares (Gottlieb)

After this they will have to create both tables from scratch.

Jive Time ain't happening, and I doubt Strikes n Spares will either.


Jul 11, 2012
why wouldnt jive time happen? Central Park happend. I cant see any pics in my newsletter, but yeah damnit T'eed off and haunted house...DEAD GIVE AWAY deeaad give away!


Tee'd off for sure and Haunted House sounds about right. Though I'm really burned out on the monster tables I hear good things about HH.

This will leave only 6 remaining re-releases. If I remember correctly, they are the following:
Jive Time (Williams)
Sorcerer (Williams)
Ace high (Gottlieb)
Victory (Gottlieb)
Eldorado (Gottlieb)
Strikes n’ Spares (Gottlieb)

After this they will have to create both tables from scratch.

There has been the rumoured "Statement" that Jive Time, Strike n' Spares, and Sorcerer aren't being redone for TPA. However, there is support for Sorcerer, and a limited amount for an emulated version of Jive Time.


Nov 9, 2012
My first two thoughts when I saw the current newsletter:

1. Tee'd Off
2. Diner (Elvira's glove/mitt)

Then I read the text.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
So no 8BD or racing themed tables this time around. TPA guys must really love doing spooky/monster themed tables, since we seem to have to many of them already. No offense to anyone, but Tee'd Off was quite obviously coming IMO due to the PSN leak.

I'm still waiting for High Speed to arrive someday. Reminds me of when I was sitting around on Wii forum boards back in the day, arguing over what the next virtual console title would be.


Jul 11, 2012
Jive Time is actually FUN IRL, its the HOF version with its flooooaaat that exaggerated the outlanes. PSN leak...what ghat picture I took last month :p We still have VICTORY coming this year!


New member
Aug 30, 2012
And yet he got REAL quiet lately.

I definitely noticed. I'm not the type to say anything but I've been watching to see if he would. He was so adamant that we were wrong about last month's hint. If I was in that position I'd just write a post of my opinion and state my reasoning that led me that opinion and leave it at that; but there were SO many posts.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
One thing I've only just realised.

The opening few notes of Haunted House sound very much like the opening notes of a certain Muse song.

Given how they completely ripped off the arcade game Top Gear for their song 'Bliss' maybe their influences run deeper >_>

The band Mr. Bungle sampled Earthshaker at the beginning of their song "My Ass is on Fire", and Cyclone on their song "Carousel". Supposedly they sampled HH in a song too, but I don't remember which one.

(weird music warning):
My Ass is on Fire
First vocal you hear is a scream with EARTHSHAKER! in the background.

Lots of Cyclone samples throughout.


Apr 21, 2013
Well, Tee'd off is a given...
But how about Party Zone as the second one. After all, the party monsters from Elvira feature on that table
Hmmm... You do make a very good point. I'd definitely like to see HH, but it seems about 50/50 to me. I mean, the background could be a red herring, and she does mention a party. On the other hand, the background might not be a red herring, and she does mention a house. And obviously, the other table is Tee'd Off.
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