Table Pack #18 "Speculation"

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New member
Sep 13, 2012
Why Haunted House before Eight Ball Deluxe? The way I see it, Farsight are going out of their way to give us a classic Williams, a classic Bally, a classic Stern and a classic Gottlieb; the classic Williams could have been anything, the classic Bally was Centaur, the classic Stern was Flight 2000, and we wouldn't even need a poll to determine which Gottlieb table everyone wants the most after the re-releases have dried up.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
One thing I've only just realised.

The opening few notes of Haunted House sound very much like the opening notes of a certain Muse song.

They sound even more like certain other songs, of course.

No licensing woes with this one, at least.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Why Haunted House before Eight Ball Deluxe?

Because there would likely be a riot here on the boards, led by the childhood memories of the forum members, myself included. Eleven-year-old me just had a brainspasm of joy.

We'll probably need to have a "HH supporters vs detractors" topic somewhere to contain the flames.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Cool. Rock Band, Classical edition.

Love that game. It's best with four players:

* Someone on pump organ
* Someone on violoncello
* Someone on hornpipe
* A small orphan child to contract consumption in the stocking factory and waste away in a back alley

Powdered wigs optional. Mozart DLC on sale now!


Nov 9, 2012
Because there would likely be a riot here on the boards, led by the childhood memories of the forum members, myself included. Eleven-year-old me just had a brainspasm of joy.

We'll probably need to have a "HH supporters vs detractors" topic somewhere to contain the flames.

Whose childhood?

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
I have been reading all the various pinball forums where TPA tables are being mentioned. It doesn't matter if you go to the recent KickStarter forums, Steam, here, ITunes, or any other forum or discussion group....there are a ton of people begging for both Haunted House and Tee'd Off. I am not surprised at all based on how many times I have seen mention of both those tables by fans in all the forums. I personally don't care what tables TPA goes after. I have not disliked a single table yet. Most of us old timers are much less picky about such things. Pinball is pinball to us and any new table will do. I know in the end they will have at least 1/3 of my all time favorites and that is good enough for me.

It is simply impossible to please everyone, all of the time. So why bother trying? You do your own thing and do it well, and that is what TPA is doing. We should be very thankful we have so much sway on their decision making and pinball table selection. Not just that, but also with what they take of our suggestions on table performance, appearance, physics, and features we all want to see added in. Very few game companies listen so much or so well to their fan base. To me TPA is the best video game ever made and I couldn't be happier with what they have given us and the direction they are going in. It's all good to me.

However I am just the glass is half full guy. :)

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Why Haunted House before Eight Ball Deluxe? The way I see it, Farsight are going out of their way to give us a classic Williams, a classic Bally, a classic Stern and a classic Gottlieb; the classic Williams could have been anything, the classic Bally was Centaur, the classic Stern was Flight 2000, and we wouldn't even need a poll to determine which Gottlieb table everyone wants the most after the re-releases have dried up.


Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Personally, I've had enough of the solid-states for this season. So far, five out of the thirteen tables so far have been them, and while they are fun, I'm a big DMD fan... Only four tables with those have been released. Then again Addams is likely coming out in December, so there's something to look forward to.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Great news on Haunted House being in the next pack. Hopefully this means we might see TFTC or BSD in the next pack to bookend Halloween
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