Table Pack #25 Speculation

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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Isnt The Getaway regarded to be the better table over High Speed?

Both are excellent and do play differently. I find the original faster and less forgiving. The Getaway is more flashy and more of an adrenalin rush. I love both and think it best we get them in order. So this is super news IMO.

The Facebook crowd is gonna take a power dump on HS. Most of that crowd is probably more familiar with the Getaway and it has a DMD. So you know they will complain about this one.


Even the Pro DMD crowd hasn't stopped complaining due to the shortage of releases from 2000 and beyond.


New member
Jul 6, 2012


It's 100% that, too. The plates on the playfield and backglass for Getaway both say "KINGPIN".

Edit: Unless MAS4100 is a thing that gets used a lot (like someone said in Junk Yard). But I'm guessing that with the only clue being the F1 pic (obviously Checkpoint freebie) and MAS4100 being an identifier for a car... I doubt it'd be anything else.

Happy, Happy Day!!! EXCELLENT spot, Shaneus! The one single table I MOST wanted to come to The Pinball Arcade looks like it's on its way.

I would now like to officially thank Farsight, and all of the members of the Pinball Arcade Fans forum site from the senior-most moderator to the newest of newbies for their patience and understanding over, lo, these many months (indeed, well over a year) that I have been cajoling, clamoring, pleading, and exhorting anyone who will listen to bring High Speed to The Pinball Arcade. Assuming that this clue does indeed imply the coming of High Speed, I will graciously end my High Speed ravings, and wish that your favorite table comes to The Pinball Arcade soon, as well.


New member
Jul 26, 2012

I've owned this table since 1994, and I've never noticed the car's liscence plate. Geez.

I am super excited though to finally have a table on PBA that I own in real life so that I can compare the differences from playing mine. This is exciting news.
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Active member
Aug 1, 2012


It's 100% that, too. The plates on the playfield and backglass for Getaway both say "KINGPIN".

Edit: Unless MAS4100 is a thing that gets used a lot (like someone said in Junk Yard). But I'm guessing that with the only clue being the F1 pic (obviously Checkpoint freebie) and MAS4100 being an identifier for a car... I doubt it'd be anything else.

Good find,Shaneus! While I do prefer The Getaway, I have no problem with getting High Speed first. Looking forward to it!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
High Speed should come out first. It already came out first in real life and it could have its sales hurt by Getaway being released first. Hopefully Getaway will be a Season 5 table. Would nice to see a bunch of sequels come out like that, Jack-Bot, Firepower 2, Party Zone and Space Station. Probably missing a couple others.

So when do we open the Table 26 speculation thread?


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Hmmmm my search says is Junkyard as the next table, yet the news letter hint does indeed seem to suggest High Speed from the license plate picture.

But im still going to say Junkyard as my source has never been wrong before


New member
Feb 21, 2012
The thing about junkyard is it does have so many references to other games. I wonder if you can find that license plate anywhere on its playfield/back glass


New member
Jul 1, 2013

I've owned this table since 1994, and I've never noticed the car's liscence plate. Geez.

I am super excited though to finally have a table on PBA that I own in real life so that I can compare the differences from playing mine. This is exciting news.

I hope HS is the table, but it could be a pretty brutal tease when they announce the table is actually.....Data East's Checkpoint!
Feb 19, 2014
I put the clues together.

It's definitely Gillian's island and here's why.

G is the 7th letter in the alphabet ok. And 7 rymes with data easts checkpoints first ever alpha dot desplay. Now couple the fact that we know it's not roller games, based on the ancient maya texts and ancient alien gods, mixed together with crop circles and the 911 conspiracy, it's for sure 100% Gilligans island guys cause Jesse Ventura told me.


New member
Jun 30, 2013


It's 100% that, too. The plates on the playfield and backglass for Getaway both say "KINGPIN".

Edit: Unless MAS4100 is a thing that gets used a lot (like someone said in Junk Yard). But I'm guessing that with the only clue being the F1 pic (obviously Checkpoint freebie) and MAS4100 being an identifier for a car... I doubt it'd be anything else.

OMG, I think I just creamed my pants!!! :eek:

Hooray for High Speed!!! :D
Feb 19, 2014
Or it could be that Gilligan's Island had 4,100 units made... lol

That is like... The most insane coincidence ever. I just pulled Gilligans Island out of my ass to make a joke post out of....but you're right it sold exactly 4100... Imagine if I was right lol.

Yeah guys MAS refers to the MASSIVE popularity of Gilligans Island in the 60s and 4100 is what it sold! Man I'm a genius!!!!! Lol.


New member
Mar 26, 2012

I've owned this table since 1994, and I've never noticed the car's liscence plate. Geez.

I am super excited though to finally have a table on PBA that I own in real life so that I can compare the differences from playing mine. This is exciting news.[/QUOTE]
Damn, that's a nice looking playfield. Factory mylar? None on mine, stupid ball swirl :(
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