Table Pack #65 Speculation

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Jun 4, 2012



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Nov 1, 2015
If WCS94 is a butchered up release, I may not buy that table, the same reason I refuse to buy any Tv on DVD release that has a lot of music replaced (I'm looking at you CBS) I did not get Quantum Leap on DVD until Mill Creek put out their complete series of QL earlier this year as Universal's DVDs of seasons 2,3 and 4 had replaced music but Mill Creek restored the majority of the Original Music. I can tolerate small changes (TAF for example) but I won't tolerate a table that's been radically changed from the original, if WCS94 gets altered beyond recognition, I would be begging for Gottlieb's World Challenge Soccer


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
If this is a precursor of things to come, then I can't wait for Wrecking Man, The Silhouette, Johnny Memory, and Republic in Central Africa

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
I though the whole ethos of The Pinball Arcade was to digitise exact replications of real life pinball tables for future generations to enjoy!!, sure changing a table to side step licensing agreements goes against this.

To be fair if they have to remove stuff from a table that, thus taking away what makes that table special then whats the point!!!?

Do you feel Addams Family is that worse off without fester? I get what you are saying but between getting a modified Addams family and not getting it at all, guess what most want?


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
Rather get a modified WCS94 any day of the week than another Gotlieb table!


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Mar 17, 2012
The layout and rules are still good/fun. It would just lose a bit of its charm if all licensed material was just flat out removed. First I guess we should wait and see if it is WCS 94 and then see what if any changes are made. Could be as minor as Addams Family, where you don't even feel them.

Err its going to lose a lot more than a 'bit' of its charm as im guessing Tim Kitzrow's voice samples wont be in the table either

Do you feel Addams Family is that worse off without fester? I get what you are saying but between getting a modified Addams family and not getting it at all, guess what most want?

No not at all, i too would rather make that sacrifice than not have the table at all, but are we going down the road where FS will just make changes to the table and not bother Kickstarting anything anymore?
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New member
May 24, 2013
I`m with pm and Kolchak ,does it really matter !!! I can`t remember what I did yesterday let alone what a table looked like 20-50 years ago !!! oh yes I just remembered what I did yesterday , I rounded up my PS4,PS VITA and everything I don`t use . I went to EB GAMES traded them in and got aPS4 PRO with $12 left over and ordered my XBOB X for November. while I was in town I thought to myself I`m upgrading everything might go all the way and upgrade my tv, so i went to JBs and bought a Panasonic EX600A 55inch 4K HDR tv , went home hooked up my Alienware pc and my PS4 PRO. let me tell you this Gallah is as happy as a pig in mud !!!! :p:cool:


New member
May 26, 2015
It's pretty obvious we are getting WCS'94 however they've also added a hint that it's a modified version. See the guy's arm? Why the heck put a patch on that pic unless it's to hint this is a patched, therefore modified version? I also wonder if the drunk bubbles are also a hint on future table like Fathom? (that's a reach though).

Everyone need not assume the worse. I think changing a few graphics here and there isn't the end of the world as this was such a big license that I was pretty sure it was unattainable like the Simpsons or Disney-owned characters are. IF that helps us get it like the Fester change I'm all for it.

If I have an area of concern it's the DMD itself and the call-outs. If I recall I think the DMD is fairly safe outside the title screen but I haven't played WCS '94 in a while so can't really remember if there's a lot of licensed themed call-outs? For the backglass, well if they supported a pincab I'd be more concerned as the backglass is more prevalent but... they don't, so I've moved on.

This whole post is a reach. You wanna know why?


This was found literally less than a minute after doing a Google image search for "drunk clipart". They literally just took this image, pasted a soccer ball over the head, and changed the text. Mystery solved.

The point I'm trying to get to is, please don't let wild conspiracy theories with little to no evidence to back them up ruin the fact that we're getting easily the best table in well over a year.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
This whole post is a reach. You wanna know why?


This was found literally less than a minute after doing a Google image search for "drunk clipart". They literally just took this image, pasted a soccer ball over the head, and changed the text. Mystery solved.

The point I'm trying to get to is, please don't let wild conspiracy theories with little to no evidence to back them up ruin the fact that we're getting easily the best table in well over a year.

I'm amused by wild reaction as long as it isn't a tirade

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
Cool find MV, you realize though I support the mod idea right? As well ANY pov right now is speculation, no one knows except for farsight but that what this thread is for: speculation


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Apr 28, 2017
Let's wait and see how this turns out and see what alteration(s) they made. I wonder if there's a modding community for removing those alterations.


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Aug 27, 2014
Look, they got both the commentators' voices for Indy 500, right? So that's one thing to consider.

I am not an expert but know a little bit about the voice over/acting industry. The voice actor's work is usually a one and done contract. You do the voice work, you get paid and that's it. You don't get royalties or give permission (or a payout) to use your work in future licensing. Imagery and likenesses are a different thing - photochop the mascot dog all you want.


New member
May 26, 2017
Err its going to lose a lot more than a 'bit' of its charm as im guessing Tim Kitzrow's voice samples wont be in the table either

Kitzrow's samples will remain - he's on like six other games! TZ, AFM, EATPM, JY, and Red and Ted's Road Show.

Striker and the USA 94 logos shouldn't be a problem. According to the U.S. Copyright Office, they're owned by World Cup USA 1994 Inc., a non-profit subsidiary of U.S. Soccer. The demand for these logos probably isn't very high, and thus licenses are probably very cheap. (No trademark issues, because WC 94 let the trademarks lapse around 2001. And why not? The tournament was over.)

That leaves, AFAIK, the FIFA World Cup trophy itself. It's the same trophy used today. Since we're talking about FIFA, there's no telling how many palms you have to grease nowadays to get the rights to display it in a pinball game.

That's my guess, anyway.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
If that's the case, I would rather have Gottlieb's World Challenge Soccer then a brutally altered World Cup Soccer

If it's World Challenge Soccer, they would have to remove the foot from the backglass, since it's the food of Soccer star Gianluca Pagliuca-he reportedly commands a high licensing fee-guh!. A backglass with only a soccer ball is boring. Then again, so is re-doing Car Hop as Soccer.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I had a conversation recently where I was asked the theoretical question of would the forum accept a modified art version of a table or rather not have it at all. I said most would accept modified. FS has already done it with various tables, and if it is the difference between getting to play it and not, it's not a hard choice.

I hate Kickstarter for this game and am glad FS has stopped dipping into that well. Fester all that needs to be festered. My desire for NBA Fastbreak is known, and while I'd be slightly bummed if I had to play as the Los Angeles Breakers, I also wouldn't be sad about hearing Nick Van Exel making another lay up. It's the layout and rules I want.

If indeed we're getting WCS, losing the cup and maybe the mascot is a small sacrifice. I'm fairly certain voice and DMD would be nearly unaltered.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
Hey Colorado peeps there's a WCS at gunbarrel brewing (just put up 1.6bil). Excited for this to be added to TPA)


New member
May 10, 2012
I agree with all those who say go for it, regarding small alterations.

They proved that they can do that without destroying the table with Addams. But Williams also has to approved the changes and they would probably not approve something awful, anyway.

This might be our ticket into titles like Congo and The Shadow; bad movies that could use a few updates, anyway ;) but they are fantastic pins.
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