The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Outstanding. I'm glad to see that Dr. Dude and Firepower are definitely coming next. Just for clarity, what else has been confirmed? Whirlwind, Space Shuttle, Victory, Centaur, Pin*Bot, and Cactus Canyon I know, but am I missing any others that have been leaked at this point? I would like to update my old Ultimate 100 Wishlist. Of course, all of those were already on the list, but now I'm moving them to the confirmed and upcoming section. Thanks.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Eight Ball Deluxe and Fireball - I'm pretty sure they were just asking for a vote to see which got done first and that all three were coming.
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New member
Jun 13, 2012
Champion Pub
Or is that not officially confirmed?

That's one that's been guessed and hinted at by those in the know so I think it's safe to include. I still have to get some prawn dumpling noodle soup at Hong Kong Express and have a go on the real thing before it gets swapped out.

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